Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The “hongs†or Trade Houses of Hong Kong Free Essays
Hong Kong, the pearl of Asia has been the focal point of exchange and money in Asia since the mid twentieth century. In a short history of around 150 years, Hong Kong has become the wellspring of development for some close by economies. From a specific perspective, it very well may be even said that it is a trader city established and oversaw by Traditional â€Å"hongs†or exchange places of Hong Kong were the mainstay of the economy. We will compose a custom article test on The â€Å"hongs†or Trade Houses of Hong Kong or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now Jardine Matheson and Hutchison were major hongs that drove the economy and the Hong Kong Shanghi Bank were the agent of these hongs and has today developed to get one of the biggest bank on the planet. These organizations were the basic elements of the development for Hong Kong’s economy. Their job anyway has changed additional time. They are not, at this point the true heads of Hong Kong as they were in the mid 1800’s. Their job has reduced as Hong Kong developed to turn out to be increasingly universal, and the 1997 handover to the People’s Republic of China has additionally adjusted their position. Some hongs that adjusted well to the changing occasions thrived while others either The domain of Hong Kong is situated at the mouth of the Pearl River, somewhat southwest of the Guangdong Province of the PRC. Hong Kong was surrendered to the British after the Opium War in 1842. Many accept that the British hongs were behind campaigning the British government into battling the Chinese Government and the settlement of the island. Kowloon was added in 1860, and the New regions were rented for a long time in 1898. In 1984, the British and the PRC government concurred that Hong Kong overall would come back to Chinese soverienty in 1997. In any case, an arrangement of one nation two frameworks were additionally settled upon where Hong Kong would hold its status as a free port, with it’s laws staying unaltered for a long time. It’s fundamental mphasis is to protect Hong Kong’s laws and monetary opportunity, in this manner to improve the situation of Hong Kong as a financial focus. The Large British possessed hongs were initially exchange and stockroom organizations set up by the British in the beginning of Hong Kong imperialism, they have since developed in to major commerical combinations. They hold enthusiasm for freight dealing with, producing, land, and in any event, retailing. They are the motor of the Hong Kong economy. Since Britain assumed control over the port city in 1842 to use as a passage to the Chinese markets, the matter of Hong Kong had been business, and the force was eld by the hongs. The primary conventional hong was the Jardine Matheson. It was once observed to be more persuasive than the provincial government however these days it has become a minor player contrasted with Li Ka Shing’s Hutchision Whampoa. Li Ka Shing, the Chairman or â€Å"Taipan†of Hutchision Whampoa, turned into the principal Chinese to possess a conventional hong. Li’s drive and business capacity helped cultivate Hutchision into a worldwide aggregate. Hong Kong Bank developed from a little trader’s bank into one of the Jardine, Matheson Co. was established by 2 Scottish shippers, William Jardine and James Matheson in Guangdong in 1832. It was an opium merchant that were the pioneers into the China exchange. In the end James Matheson takes control from 1836. It assumed a key job in the establishing of Hong Kong and turned into the first to buy land from the pilgrim government in 1842. Jardine ventured into other exchange items other Asian nations like Japan and South East Asian nations and furthermore enters the boat/payload taking care of industry and the land business. After World War II, Jardine moved their administrative center from Shanghi back to Hong Kong and it offically opens up to the world in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1961. The 1970’s saw Jardine orming numerous endeavors and aquisitions, for example, the joint endeavor with the Robert Fleming of UK to make the Jardine Fleming Co. , a holding organization the aquires numerous outside and neighborhood firms and expands Jardine’s business. The mid-1980’s saw some mismanagments and confused aquisition particularly after the 1984 Sino-British declaration on the arrival of Hong Kong. Jardine needed to broaden all the more abroad in dread of the Chinese takeover on the grounds that their relations with the PRC was bad. It aquired the British development monster Trafalgar House and ther different retail chains in Europe o that Jardine could stress more in Europe, yet these ventures would turnout to be frustrating later on. The current taipan, or CEO is Alasdair Morrison. He has attempted to fix numerous past slip-ups and to restore the multi year old hong. Morrison has auctions off many losing organizations and has a more noteworthy accentuation on benefit. The administration has been changed to progressively aggresive and experienced supervisors, for example, Ronald J. Floto who recently filled in as Kmart Corp. also, is known for his pivot capacity. Yet, in particular, Morrsion has been attempting to improve attaches with Beijing. He understands that the China showcase as an indespenable area and has attempted repeatly to repair the distinctions made by the past Today, the Jardine Matheson bunch is a worldwide undertaking that works in more than 30 nations and utilizes around 160,000 individuals. It is separated into eight center organizations : Jardine Pacific(general exchanging), Jardine International Motors(Car vendor), Jardine Fleming, Jardine Lloyd Thompsion(Insurance), Jardine Strategic, Dairy Farm(supermarket and comfort stores), Hong Kong Land(Commerical property), and the Mandarin Oriental(luxury lodging network) . Last year’s deals were US$11. 2 billion and a working benefit of US$190 million was made. The benefits fell 34% from a year ago, and share costs have fallen practically 60% since it moved its essential posting from Hong Kong to Singapore. The primary issue with Jardine is that it needs to utilize its enormous money assets to help pieces of the pie in existing productive organizations and make aquistions in center business while assests in Asia are as yet modest from the Asian emergency. It additionally needs to pull together on Asia, since it is the place it’s principle mastery and associations are, yet the controlling family, the Keswicks with nly a 4. 9% share are hesitant to contribute intensely back to Asia and particularly China. The Keswicks have held control through cross proprietorship to assemble a money related protection against unfriendly takeovers. Li Ka Shing has attempted however neglected to take over Jardines in 1988 yet many despite everything accept that Li has not surrendered yet is fairly hanging tight for a chance. In spite of the fact that the current taipan, Morrison is attempting to get down to business Jardine once more, many are far fetched as long as the Keswicks despite everything hold the controlling offers. Jardine Matheson has had a shocking past, yet many dread that the brilliant days of the past John D. Hutchison Company was established in 1828. Being one of the primary major customary hongs in Hong Kong, it had made tremendous interests in port offices and other foundation extends in the settlement. In the 1960’s, with an end goal to revive the hong, John Douglas Clague, the last British CEO of Hutchision made gigantic interests in Hong Kong as well as It reoragnized itself to the Hutchision International and up until the mid 1970’s, many accepted that Hutchision would in fact make a rebound as a prevailing firm in the province. Be that as it may, misfortunes began to happen from 1973, and being overstretched and hort in liquidity it lost the favors from its speculators and creditors(most critically the Hong Kong Shanghi Bank). In the end the Hong Kong Bank would step in to take up 33% of Hutchision International and inside 2 years converge with a subsidary, the Whampoa Dock Company and make the Hutchision Whampoa. Hong Kong Bank was searching for an appropriate financial specialist to assume control over the pre-opium war hong and in the end they picked a rising land big shot, Li Ka Shing. There are numerous reasons that Hong Kong Bank picked Li Ka Shing, yet two reasons stand apart the most, His notoriety for being a fair nd capable representative and his contacts with the administration in Today, Hutchison Whampoa has developed into one of Hong Kong’s biggest blue chip organizations with more than 70,000 workers around the world. The Group works five center organizations : Property Development and Investment, Ports and related administrations, Retailing and assembling, Telecomminications and Media, and Hutchison Whampoa Property creates private and commerical properties available to be purchased and rent. Its portfolio incorporates some of Hong Kong’s biggest private lodging ventures and a few milestone advancements in the Mainland. The group’s aptitude in port speculation and the board stems structure its spearheading tasks in Hong Kong. Its port tasks arm, Hutchison International Port Holdings, is presently sending out its expert experience and mastery to ports in various Watsons works three of Asia’s most creative retail chains:Park’N Shop general stores, Watson’s individual consideration stores, and Fortress, selling household electrical apparatuses. The assembling division creates and disperses a wide scope of food and drinks throughput Hong Kong, the terrain and other Hutchison Telecom works a wide scope of intregrated elecommunications administrations worldwide and is one of the world’s significant suppliers of portable correspondences The Group has significant shareholding in Cheung Kong Infrastructure, which holds interests in framework and related organizations, and force plant ventures, for example, the Hong Kong Electric. It is the sole provider of power to Hong Kong Island. Imposing Oil, is one of Canada’s biggest exclusive oil and gas For the monetary year finishing off with December 31 1998, The Hutchison Whampoa Group had a net benefit after expense of HK$8. 7 billion. It was lower than HK$12. 2 billion from 1997. The Asian emergency which rought on pressures on the whole Asian district. It encountered a p
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cognitive-Enhancing Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Subjective Enhancing Drugs - Essay Example How the Drug Works Cognitive medications upgrade the psychological elements of an individual essentially. This works when a human brain’s synapse is animated causing a response. Dopamine is discharge in huge amounts by neurons making a human cerebrum be progressively dynamic in recalling data, and consideration and believing is improved by the utilization of these medications. Intellectual medications were made for assisting with restoring mental scatters. A typical case of such issue is AHDH, which is a psychological issue normal in babies. Psychological medications like Ritalin are utilized to keep the infants from harming themselves because of their condition. This medications help in controlling hyperactivity among the babies. Destructive Effects Cognitive-upgrading drugs are hurtful to the understudies and, in this manner, the utilization of these medications ought to be blocked. Fitting activities ought to be set to assist the general public with understanding the impact s of these medications by acquainting revisions with control their utilization in University grounds. The physician endorsed medications should just be utilized for their expected capacity and that is to fix mental clutters. The utilization of these medications ought to be disheartened to defend the strength of understudies and shielded from the negative impacts of potential maltreatment. In this way, a strategy limiting its utilization ought to be set up, since the medications are basic in the fix of mental illnesses, for example, the ADHD in babies. They ought not be completely prohibited, yet upgrades to be accessible, simultaneously dealing with the dangers. There numerous dangers that are related with the maltreatment of intellectual improvement sedates that understudies purchase and sell in the United States. The Ritalin and Adderall drugs are recommended for the treatment of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). They affect catecholamine frameworks by expanding subjective elements of the patients; the typical individuals who are solid, when they utilize these medications, they improve their capacity to concentrate better, just as controlling the data into a working memory, and to control the reactions in an adaptable manner. Understudy additionally use medications, for example, Modalfinil, to improve their subjective capacities since it has demonstrated the upgrade potential. Modalfinil treats weakness, which is brought about by rest apnoea (Greely, 2008). The examination has additionally indicated that there are some different impacts brought about by the medication. Modalfinil improves a few parts of the mind work tha t happens in the refreshed grown-ups who are solid, generally inhibitory control. The perils of these medications utilized by the understudies in the US influences their psychological as well as physical wellbeing. These medications will in general change the cerebrum capacity of the individuals who take them. An as of late did inquire about shows that, there are neural framework changes, which are induced by rest and nourishment. There are some mind boggling organs of the individuals which are additionally influenced by utilization of such medications. Notwithstanding, in kids, an issue about the medication is brought up in that it is identified with some unsafe consequences for children’s mind. Advantages of Cognitive-improving medications There are a few advantages that are related with the utilization of intellectual upgrading drugs, for the most part in schools and different associations. In exceptional cases, understudies and bosses should be permitted to utilize the me dications in order to accomplish pharmaceutical improvement in instances of mental issue. This empowers the understudy to contend reasonably with ordinary understudies
Hawaii’s Annexation to the US Free Essays
History is overflowing with occurrences of countries employing control over autonomous states as a way to pick up socio-political or monetary closures. On account of the US, various components floated its purpose to obtain domains during the 1890s. Preeminent of these is that asset rich nations indicated guarantee of filling a modern America. We will compose a custom article test on Hawaii’s Annexation to the US or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Then again, there was the impact of maritime specialists. They prevailing with regards to explaining the general view to American political pioneers that there are huge advantages in gaining domains and ports of vital maritime significance. Under the appearance of Manifest Destiny, which excused prevailing nations’ colonialist extension in the mid-to late 1800s, the US continued to forcefully grow and assume responsibility for countries, among them Hawaii. Hawaii’s Annexation to the US The addition of Hawaii to the United States was gone before by an arrangement of occasions that at long last prompted that urgent defining moment ever. As yet reeling from the remains and devastation of the Civil War, America had quickly marshaled endeavors to advance its inclinations and leave on an obvious colonization of nations that offered it particular points of interest. Before it dove head-on into a forceful regional extension, it kept a watchful eye both on outside domains that were perfect for its business advantages, just as on prevailing European powers that were additionally extending past their outskirts and setting up provinces. Political and business pioneers set forth that â€Å"the quick mechanical advancement of the United States required the procurement of outside regions to increase simpler access to indispensable crude materials†(Tindall and Shi, 2006, p. 59). The craving for new markets to be abused financially inevitably went to pining for countries and making an American domain, to all detriment. William H. Seward, the United States Secretary of State from 1861 to1869, accepted that â€Å"the United States previously needed to expel every single outside enthusiasm from the northern Pacific coast and access that region’s significant ports†(Tindall Shi, 2006, p. 862) in the event that it plans to effectively ove rcome Asian markets. A key imperialistic ploy embraced to in a roundabout way assume responsibility for the monetary existence of a country was to go into exchange concurrences with them. Numerous years after the marking of a companionship settlement, came the fixing of the 1875 equal exchange understanding among Hawaii and the US, â€Å"under which Hawaiian sugar would enter the United States obligation free and Hawaii guaranteed that none of its region would be rented or allowed to a third power†(Tindall Shi, 2006, p. 86 3). This accelerated the following occasions that would prompt Hawaii’s extension. Decades sooner, monetary bargains had been offered to Hawaii by Great Britain and France, yet the US had stood up for itself to maintain its inclinations in Hawaii. The last had really â€Å"signed exchange and harmony settlements with the United States, England and other remote countries, each perceiving Hawaii’s independence†(Sforza, 1996, para. 5) and this is the reason on knowing the past, it sees the messed up concurrence with the US as a treachery. Everything considered, in 1820, American preachers from Boston in 1820 remained in Hawaii and before long ended up being ground-breaking sugar grower and lawmakers who filled in as guides to the supreme government (Sforza, 1996, para. 5). Sovereign Liliuokalani tried to move power back to the government, yet the fast progression of occasions in the long run prompted political unrest â€Å"engineered fundamentally by the American grower planning to exploit the endowment for sugar developed in the United States†(Tindall ; Shi, 2006, p. 64). The detained Queen Liliuokalani had given an explanation that highlighted the job of American ambassador, John L. Stevens in the scheme to oust the Kingdom of Hawaii. In the midst of the uproar, a council illustrative of the gathering that held onto power from Hawaii’s reigning Queen Liliuokalani had appeared in the US seat of government in Washington with an arrangement calling for Hawaii’s extension to the US. President Grove r Cleveland restricted the bargain and had endeavored to reestablish the sovereign to control while looking to give pardon to the upset instigators (Tindall ; Shi, 2006, p. 864). In December 1893, he communicated, â€Å"By a demonstration of war, submitted with the interest of a political delegate of the United States and without power of Congress, the administration of a weak yet cordial and trusting individuals has been overthrown†(Sforza, 1996, para. 13). Gathering legislative issues and different issues, be that as it may, backed Cleveland out of office. As destiny and US moving would have it, Hawaii was in the long run added to the US in 1898 â€Å"at the encouraging of President William McKinley†(â€Å"Annexation of Hawaii,†n. d. , para. 3). The island state turned into a region in 1900. Statehood was conceded â€Å"until a bipartisan trade off connected Hawaii’s status to Alaska, and both became states in 1959†(â€Å"Annexation of Hawaii,†n. d. , para. 3). References Sforza, Terry (1996). Hawaii’s addition an account of betrayal.â Retrieved September 20, 2008, from Tindall, G., Shi, D. (2006). America †an account history (seventh ed.). New York: W.W. Norton Co. The most effective method to refer to Hawaii’s Annexation to the US, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Politics and Political Sciences :: Political Governmental Essays
Governmental issues and Political Sciences What is political theory? It is the investigation of the instrument that individuals utilize for their security, otherwise called an administration. When looking into the word government in the word reference the word authority is utilized more than once. To numerous individuals the sort and degree of power over them is significant. Things being what they are, which is the best sort of government? Is it the ruler or the republic? It is imperative to take a gander at the distinction among rulers and republics and how they came to fruition. Governments are generally run by a ruler or sovereign. These rulers are leaders of the administration on account of birth. Obviously, not all rulers are the equivalent, some are more remarkable than others. There are three sorts of rulers constrained, established, and a flat out. The least ground-breaking of the gathering is the constrained ruler. They typically have no political force and are only a chronicled figure. The nation is controlled by the PM. A genuine case of this is England. Sovereign Elizabeth shows up and functions. Truly she has no choices in political choices. She can not make laws of or manage any comparative issue, however is as yet a significant piece of England's custom. There can be various titles in various nations. For instance in Japan the Emperor resembles the ruler or sovereign of England. The sacred ruler has a greater number of forces than the constrained ruler, yet they are confined. The nations constitution puts the lord, sovereign, PM, and parliament underneath the law. They can make laws and strategies or veto, in any case, parliament must give their assent. A few nations that are established rulers are Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The last and most impressive rulers are outright rulers. In these nations The lord or sovereign have supreme authority over the nation. At one time all rulers used to be outright. The ruler or sovereign is the law, the Parliament can propose thoughts yet the individual has the last say. Outright powers today incorporate Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, in any case, in these nations the head authority is known as the Amir. The other type of government is a republic. In the word reference it is that said that a republic is a type of government where the force is in the residents who are permitted to choose their portrayal. Be that as it may, it is better stated, a nation without a lord or sovereign and isn't a ruler in light of the fact that not all republics are the equivalent.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Importance of Pencils
The Importance of Pencils As a college student, I dont think about pencils too much. Recently though, that has been changing a bit. You see, before one of my recent exams I discovered that I didnt have a reliable pencil in my backpack. I couldnt believe it! This was especially shocking considering that I have so many class handouts and activity sheets still hanging around in my backpack. Surely, I would have a functioning pencil lying in there somewhere. This incident made me think about why I didnt have a pencil ready for the exam. Each class I am in and the homework that accompanies it is all digital. Homework can be found on an online platform called Compass. Group project members communicate through the GroupMe app. All my other internship work is usually done over email. I guess you could say that I neglected the pencil over time. The truth is that the pencil is very important to what youll be doing in college. There are many great uses for this classic tool. Taking notes by hand using a pencil can be very helpful. Several of my friends have even picked up the art of sketching with a pencil. Its important while in college to not get too caught up in the digital world. Many of your activities will be on a computer or a smart phone. Once in a while, remember to use some of the more essential tools. Take a walk and get away from the group chat. Go visit with friends in real life. But first, remember to always pack your trusty ole pencil. Jacob Class of 2019 I’m an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.
Friday, June 26, 2020
UCLA Anderson All About the School How to Get Accepted
document.createElement('audio'); Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | SpotifyCome learn about UCLA Anderson’s full-time MBA program with Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid Alex Lawrence. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Alex Lawrence, Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid at UCLA Anderson School of Management, which just happens to be where I earned my MBA. Alex is a fellow Anderson alum, who earned his MBA in 1999. Prior to that he earned a bachelor’s and master’s in electrical engineering. After earning his MBA, he worked in management consulting for four years and then returned to UCLA Anderson as Director of the Riordan Program. In 2012 he became first the director and then the Assistant Dean for MBA Admissions. Welcome! Can you give us an overview of Anderson’s full-time MBA program? [1:50] It’s a great program in a fantastic location – Los Angeles – that offers so many opportunities. We have recruiting strengths in management consulting, finance, real estate, entertainment. Students have a flexible curriculum, and an amazing career services center. There are so many opportunities for those who attend Anderson and become part of the family. What’s new or changing at Anderson? [2:55] We’re building a new building! Marion Anderson Hall – we’re breaking ground soon and we expect it to be ready in 26 months. It will be fantastic, building on what we already have. We have a new leadership development program, which launched last year. And our social development specialization just launched. We changed the start of the school year for first year students. Now we bring first year students to campus in August (instead of September). They appreciate the chance to get used to the environment earlier – they take one course and have an orientation before fall quarter starts at the end of September. It also means that recruiting and info sessions are spread out over an extra month and a half. What is the nature of the leadership development program? [8:10] It gives students the opportunity to learn from their peers and from staff, and to build a rapport with senior leadership. They get insight on qualities they want to develop. They all take the Berkman Assessment Tool. It’s an opportunity to get feedback from a different perspective from the classroom. In the classroom, there’s not always an opportunity for them to share all their skills – but working with the coaches they can get guidance on the opportunities they’re seeking. UCLA Anderson is proud of its culture where students share success, think fearlessly and drive change. Let’s unwrap each of those core qualities. What do they mean? [11:10] Share success – when you collaborate to win, that’s when you share success. We have our students collaborate in learning teams. We want them to support each other. Second year students serve as coaches for first years. And alumni remain supportive and involved – I’ve definitely been the recipient of that support. Thinking fearlessly – our entire community is fearless in thinking about opportunities and innovations. When you look at the accomplishments of our alumni, there are countless examples of how they’re thinking of how to do business differently and respond to challenges. Driving change – this really comes from the idea that we’re pragmatic, action-oriented. We measure ourselves against results. Being part of the community as a student, alumnus, and part of the staff, I see how these qualities come out in the community. There’s something different about UCLA Anderson. Anderson has had a capstone project since before I got there. It was then called Field Study. It has by now morphed into Applied Management Research, and recently Anderson added the BCO, Business Creation Option. Can you describe these options? [17:10] Anderson was the first b-school to create this project over 50 years ago. It’s a 20-week project where our students partner with a client to solve a key strategic business challenge that the client has. The client could be a Fortune 500 company, a small business, a startup, etc. It’s a fantastic opportunity to have a chance to solve real world problems and gain experience. And it’s not localized to Southern California – there are opportunities across the US and internationally. The Business Creation Option is for more entrepreneurially-minded students. Each year 20-23 teams participate. Students get input from faculty and exposure to the VC community. We have a number of success stories. Over 50% of the BCO projects have launched! An example of a success story is Vow to Be Chic – a designer bridesmaid rental site. You mentioned Anderson’s location – how is it an advantage? [23:20] Many times people think automatically about media and entertainment, and that’s definitely a strength of being in LA, but it’s much more than that. The student experience is very rich – people are taking advantage of academic year internships in all industries. The classroom environment is exciting: we have lecturers who bring in their industry experience. And the Dean brings industry leaders to speak and meet with students. Recruiting is changing. There are more recruiters, and more opportunities, but the hiring path is more diverse and splintered than it was ten years ago. How is Anderson adapting to those changes? [30:00] The career center does over 4,000 advising sessions for our students. We have â€Å"day on the job†events coast to coast. We prep students for video interviews, and help them get their resumes ready. And we begin those relationships even before students arrive on campus. We hear from recruiters that Anderson students are as competitive as students from other top programs, and they’re also really strong team players. UCLA Anderson accepted approximately one out of every four applicants. Who gets the interview invitations? From those invited to interview, who gets accepted? How do you winnow it down? [34:40] We really want to bring in individuals who resonate with our culture – people who show evidence of working in teams and being collaborative. Our class profile is on our website. People often ask if they need to have a certain GMAT/GPA. We do admit people with lower scores, and deny some with higher scores. We ask, how will this person perform academically and contribute to the community? We’re not looking for the â€Å"lone wolf†profile. Academically, you have to be competitive – in the range – but it’s a holistic process overall. UCLA has a new essay question. Can you share the question and some advice? [38:00] We have two essays this year. We’re not trying to make it more complicated – we’re just giving the applicants more opportunity to showcase why Anderson is the right choice for them. Essay 1: Describe your short-term and long-term career goals. How can UCLA Anderson contribute to your career development? Most people pursue an MBA to advance their careers – how does UCLA Anderson fit into your career trajectory? Essay 2: Describe how you would contribute to the UCLA Anderson community. The people who are most successful have done their due diligence. We’re a very open campus – visitors can attend a class, meet professors, potentially meet an admissions officer. We travel as well for info sessions. Once you start learning what it’s like to be part of the Anderson community, think about how you would fit into it. We know not everyone can visit, but our website has a lot of information, videos, student ambassadors you can contact. Learn why they chose Anderson. Learn about speakers, conferences, etc. It’s great when you can start talking to people who’ve been there and done it – you can really visualize yourself as a member of the community. Any other changes to the application? [43:40] There’s starting to be a move to a common letter of rec. I can’t talk about the nuts and bolts of it now. But at the end of the day, schools all want to learn similar information from a letter of rec. Do you have advice for people planning ahead to apply in 2018? [45:55] It takes a while to get the standardized test score you really want – it takes some prep. So start thinking about that. If possible, visit the campus. Starting in October, you can visit our campus and visit classes. Start talking to people who’ve gone to b-school and have an MBA – people learn about b-school from people who’ve done it already. Start looking at the elements of the application itself – for multiple schools. Some schools have video essays and different interview formats. So it’s good to be aware. If they’re not sure of their career direction, should they take time to clarify that direction this year, and maybe do informational interviews, etc? [50:25] Definitely, definitely. The strongest applicants are those who have a sense of what their goals are. Having an awareness of what the career is and the skillset it demands is very important. Go a couple of layers below the surface. Finding the right fit from a school standpoint is important – you need to know if the school will help you get to your ultimate goal. What do you wish people would know about Anderson? [52:25] They don’t realize we’re not just an entertainment school. People here go into tech, finance, consulting†¦ They start their own businesses. LA is an incredibly vibrant startup/small business scene. It’s more about what you want to do. We have a worldwide alumni network and a strong brand. Being in an environment where people are not just going to be part of the status quo is exciting. Related Resources: †¢ Anderson Full-time MBA †¢ UCLA Anderson B-School Zone †¢ UCLA Anderson Essay Tips Deadlines †¢ How an MBA from Anderson Helped this Career Switcher †¢ B-School for Good: Pursuing Social Impact Through UCLA Anderson’s Fully Employed MBA †¢ UCLA Anderson Executive MBA Application Essay Tips Deadlines Related Shows: †¢ UCLA’s MS in Business Analytics: Prep for the Sexiest Job of the 21st Century †¢ What’s New at NYU Stern? A Lot! †¢ From Wall St to Wharton, While Starting Wall Street Oasis †¢ What’s Life Like as a Darden MBA and Entrepreneur? †¢ Make a Difference at Michigan Ross: An Interview with Soojin Kwon Subscribe:
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Differences Between The Developmental Policies
Donaldson examined a similar problem in Guizhou and Yunnan wherein even though poverty reduction was one of the explicit goals of developmental programs in two of China’s most remote provinces, he found that the differences between the developmental policies in Guizhou and Yunnan. Wherein one (Guizhou) saw fairly modest economic growth but greatly reduced poverty, compared to Yunnan which saw strong economic growth but stagnant rates of rural poverty i.e. economic growth did not reduce poverty. This was accomplished, Donaldson argues, based on individual official’s experiences and leadership style. Guizhou focused on micro-level opportunities to â€Å"increase farmers livelihoods by shifting rural labor (through out-of-province migration) and increasing opportunities for farmers to increase their incomes at home, in part by building modest roads linking villages to local markets and promoting local, small-scale industries, such as rural tourism and coal mining.†Donaldson’s findings are evidence to the importance of evaluating and setting the policy agenda with respect to all of the objectives outlined in food policy rather than just focusing on a single aspect, in this case poverty reduction, can hamstring the policy. Ignoring the interdependence of the objectives will ultimately cripple developmental policy as the externalities of narrow-minded policy create a negative feedback loop and thus kicks the developmental can down the road rather than dealing with the root of theShow MoreRelatedInfluenced By Marxism And Imperialism915 Words  | 4 Pagesscholars basically believe that less-developed countries will be unable to develop because the rich world uses them as the equivalent of colonies. The major contention here is that the developing countries of the Global South are hindered in their developmental efforts by their association (economic) with the industrialized countries of the Global North. Prominent scholars here include: Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy (Monopoly Capitalism, 1957/1960; Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1980), Theotonio dos SantosRead MoreThe Rural Urban Gap And The Policy Response Essay1689 Words  | 7 Pages THE RURAL-URBAN GAP AND THE POLICY RESPONSE: A STUDY OF POST-INDEPENDENCE INDIA A Study of Post-Independence India ABSTRACT The rural-urban gap in development attainment has attracted the attention of many economists. Lewis, Fei-Ranis, and Harish-Todaro models focus on the rural-urban dualism in underdeveloped economies and proceed to illustrate how the economies get transformed in the process of development. When India attained independence in 1947, it was a predominantly rural, agricultural andRead MoreThe Greatest Challenge For American Higher Education1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe greatest challenge for American higher education today is how to improve the success of developmental education students. Having a postsecondary degree is often the difference between having a career and living comfortably or holding a minimum wage job and struggling to make ends meet. Gabriel (2008), reports that nearly half of higher education students do not have the necessary skills needed in reading to perform successfully and faculty insist these students are not prepared. Community collegesRead MoreState Intervention and the Economy Essay1236 Words  | 5 PagesIt is widely believed by scholars that many of the varying levels of economic development between states are the direct result of a negative correlation between the aforementioned and the varying degrees of state intervention. In most cases it is evident that the more a state intervenes in its economy, the less the country will develop. While, at the same time, a country whose intervention exists at a minimal level will tend to have a stronger economy and a more rapid rate of development. HoweverRead MoreParenting Styles and Culture1378 Words  | 6 PagesGiven the diverse cultures that can shape parenting behavior, some basic assumptions regarding the links between parenting styles and developmental outcomes may not be universal. Much research has been conducted on the different parenting styles across cultures. There are also many myths about which parenting style is the best or the most beneficial to the social development of c hildren. Reviewing past literature on this subject matter reveals that the authoritarian parenting style produced moreRead MoreCriminology Theories and Capital Crimes1182 Words  | 5 PagesCriminology Theories and Capital Crimes: As part of the distinct aspects of criminal justice policy, the different criminology theories have significant impacts on the criminal justice system. The different theories of crime are used to explain criminal justice policy and the criminal justice system. These theories were developed by different people in attempts to explain criminal justice. In addition, criminological theories assist is shaping the societys reaction to offense in relation to preventingRead MoreA Research Study On Infant Memory Development1364 Words  | 6 PagesInfantile amnesia is the failure to recall events from babyhood and early childhood (Hayne Jack, 2010). In other words, according to Henri Henri (1898 cited in Hayne, 2004), most of the children and adults can only recollect the earliest memory between 2 and 4 years old. Early experience is a crucial element in understanding human development as psychologists stated its influences would last for long (Hayne Jack, 2010). The early experience play s an important role in brain, social, behaviouralRead MoreHistorical Context. Recently, Society Is Showing Concern1591 Words  | 7 Pagescriteria for reimbursement, which sustains DSM being the main resource for diagnosis in mental health care. DSM-IV In 1994, the DSM-IV was published and included â€Å"Pervasive Developmental Disorders that are considered â€Å"autism spectrum disorders†(ASDs). These include Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)†(Autism Research Institute, 2017, para. 2). Asperger’s Disorder (299.80 DSM-IV) criteria were as follows: The essential featuresRead MoreHistory of Autism, ASD, and AD1632 Words  | 7 Pagesof children speaking like â€Å"little adults, although in a rigid, stereotyped fashion.†Lorna Wing, English psychiatrist and physician, who introduced Asperger’s paper to North America, noted that there was no evidence that any qualitative differences existed between autism and Asperger’s disorder, but her assertion was largely ignored (Sanders, 2009). Asperger’s was distinguished from autism in the DSM-IV, but apart from the absence of communicative impairment and cognitive delay, Asperger’s disorderRead MoreClassification Of A Person Perceives Information Depends On The Delivery And Perception Of The Learner1198 Words  | 5 Pages Course Requirement for Deed 600: Advanced Studies of the Developmental Learner ATI vs CTI vs Traditional By Tameka Miller Presented to: Dr. Reubenson Wanjohi September 13, 2015 The way a person perceives information depends on the delivery and perception of the learner. The awareness of instruction makes me think about my education as a child, how my teachers would give us a workbook to work problems. Everything seemed so â€Å"one size fits all.†The teacher would read directly from a script
Monday, May 18, 2020
Knowledge As Power in The Tempest Essay - 1198 Words
This essay deals with the figure of Prospero as master of Shakespeares â€Å"The Tempest†, illustrating his power in all its expressions and explaining how it is based on knowledge. The first paragraph explains the context in which Prosperos power arises through the play and introduces his background and other main characters. In the second paragraph I discuss the relationship between Prospero and Caliban, a creature found in the island and submitted by the protagonist that attempts to civilize him. The third paragraph is about Miranda, Prosperos daughter. She grew up only with her father after the shipwreck, so he is the only example she can follow and he decides everything for her. In the forth paragraph I analyze two different levels of†¦show more content†¦The man learns the art of magic and with the help of Ariel, a spirit found imprisoned inside a log in the island, originates a tempest while a ship is crossing his sea. Prospero starts impressing the reader with his power, lets him know that he can dominate the nature effortless. It must be pointed out that actually Ariel is not helping Prospero because he feels like: he is subjugated at his service. The island had two previous inhabitants, that ended up under the Dukes control when he decided to colonize the new territory and to make himself the leader. Ariel and Caliban, as the other creature is named, are totally submitted, enslaved to the colonizer. Calibans submission deserves his own chapter. Caliban is the son of Sycorax, a witch that previously lived in the island due to her exile. The creature claims the possession of his territory sustaining to have inherited it from his mother, but Prospero does not really see things from the same point of view. The man does not put himself on the same level as Caliban, he takes for granted his superiority. He is fully convinced that it is his duty to educate that ignorant creature and to learn him his language because of his being nothing more than a savage: â€Å"[†¦] I pitied thee, / Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour / One thing or other: when thou didst not, savage, / Know thine own meaning, but wouldstShow MoreRelatedEssay about More Than Meets The Eye1643 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout history, individuals have notoriously been subject to higher powers. This form of ownership of an individual exemplifies itself in slavery, indentured servitude, and even in the governmental systems that hold reign over the general population. The ability of one person to rule over another arises from both moral and physical inequalities. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent Genevan philosopher, attempts to uncover the origin of inequality. In The Second Discourse, Rousseau systematicallyRead MoreEssay Comparing The Tempest and King Lear1338 Words  | 6 PagesComparing The Tempest and King Lear     This essay will focus on the similarities and differences of the plays The Tempest and King Lear in general, as well as looking at comparisons of Prospero and Lear in somewhat more detail. Prospero and Lear are, without a doubt, the two most compelling mature figures in Shakespeare. In a way, one is the flip side, so to speak, of the other. Each represents an aging mans relationship to family, environment, and, most importantly, himself. One mightRead MoreThe Presentation of Authority and Inferiority in The Tempest Essay examples997 Words  | 4 PagesThe Presentation of Authority and Inferiority in The Tempest Shakespeare has staged a play that explores the human hierarchy of the Elizabethan era. At the time dominance of one person over another was part of a system, which kept the society going. The social hierarchy consisted of the educated, kings, bishops, lords and noble men at the top of the hierarchy, with the working class peasants at the bottom. Everyone had a fixed status in society. However this is all physically Read MorePost Colonial Translations Of The Tempest : Colonial Society s Universal Mirror1672 Words  | 7 PagesTranslations of The Tempest: Colonial Society’s Universal Mirror Shakespeare’s The Tempest has been viewed through many different lenses, and each translation brings with it a new and differing understanding of Shakespeare’s complex original work. Two specific translations, Coetzee’s novel Disgrace and Cesaire’s play A Tempest, do an exemplary job at translating The Tempest, because both translations looked at a different aspect of the colonizer-colonized relationship. Cesaire s A Tempest translates theRead More Comparing Power in Shakespeares Tempest and Aime Cesaires A Tempest1297 Words  | 6 PagesPower in Shakespeares Tempest and Cà ©saires A Tempest     Power is defined as the possession of control, authority, or influence over others. In William Shakespeares The Tempest and Aimà © Cà ©saires A Tempest, power is a key element in the relationships that exist between characters. As Caliban and Prospero battle for dominance over the island, Miranda finds that she holds a certain power of her own as she matures from an innocent youth to a sensual, strong-headed young woman. Seen byRead More Art and Nature in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay examples1146 Words  | 5 Pageshuman race has ever produced. In the Tempest, he decides to determine which is more powerful – art or nature? He symbolizes art through civilization and nature through man and his natural place on Earth. Through the plot, Shakespeare reveals his own beliefs concerning which force is greater. The Tempest shows the respectable differences between art and nature, but eventually concedes that art is weaker and must bend it self to nature. In The Tempest, Shakespeare’s Prospero has gotten himselfRead MoreNature, Power, And Division Of A Tempest And The Tempest1175 Words  | 5 PagesNature, Power, and Division in A Tempest and The Tempest Humans have often struggled to define their relationship with nature throughout history. In the early periods of their existence, humans were ruled by the brutality of untamed nature. They utilized nature to an extent of survival, but had not yet developed a system to thrive within it. As humans advanced, both mentally and technologically, their aptitude and desire to exploit nature increased dramatically. These two polar relationships betweenRead More European Colonialism and Imperialism in Shakespeares The Tempest949 Words  | 4 PagesColonialism and Imperialism in Shakespeares The Tempest William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest reveals how ideologies of racial ‘otherness’ served to legitimize European patriarchal hegemony in Elizabethan England. In the Elizabethan/ Jacobean times of England there were many relevant ideologies relevant to this play. In examining the values and ideologies this text endorses and challenges, the society of the time (Elizabethan England), and a knowledge of how it operated serves a great purpose inRead MoreChristianity in Shakespeares Tempest Essay1268 Words  | 6 PagesPlays such as the Tempest make this fact known. The main plot and the subplots of the Tempest can be extracted directly from the Bible. Prosperos character is largely the same as the god found in  Christianity. Shakespeare wrote the Tempest with the portrayal of a  Christian god and Christian motifs in mind. Consider the following facts as evidence. Both works begin with gods who possess power in the forms of words or boo ks, and both gods use the written power to create. The power of the gods isRead MoreA Character Comparison of Macbeth and Prospero from Shakespeares Macbeth and The Tempest676 Words  | 3 PagesMacbeth and The Tempest can greatly compare to one another. From the very beginning, these two men are hard to understand and seem like your average warrior and ruler. Both of these characters are dealing with struggle of power; however, they both deal with this issue in different, interesting ways with different results. At the end of these two plays, we meet two entirely different characters than the ones that we were introduced to from the beginning. In Macbeth and The Tempest by Shakespeare,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How to Translate Modal Verbs into French
Modal verbs, also called modal auxiliaries or simply modals, are unconjugated English verbs which express the mood of a verb, such as ability, possibility, condition, and necessity. With the exception of ought, modals are followed directly by the verb they modify (without to in between). There are ten common English modal verbs: cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould French does not have modal verbs, which can make it difficult to translate them. The French equivalents of modal verbs may be a conjugable verb (e.g., pouvoir), a particular verb tense or mood, or even an adverb. Can   pouvoir, savoir (in the present tense)    I can help you.Je peux vous aider.We can see it.Nous pouvons le voir.Can you swim?Sais-tu nager ? Could (in the present)   pouvoir (in the conditional)    I could dance all night.Je pourrais danser pendant toute la nuit.Could you help me?Pourriez-vous maider ? Could (in the past)   pouvoir (in the imperfect)    He could eat a lot of candy when he was three.Il pouvait manger beaucoup de bonbons quand il avait trois ans.Last year, I could sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je pouvais dormir jusquà midi tous les jours. May/might  peut-à ªtre, pouvoir (in the conditional), se pouvoir (in the present)    She may/might arrive at noon.Elle arrivera peut-à ªtre à midi, Elle pourrait arriver à midi, Il se peut quelle arrive à midi. Must  devoir (present tense)    I must leave.Je dois partir.You must help me.Vous devez maider. Shall/will   French future tense    I shall/will help you.Je vous aiderai.He will arrive at noon.Il arrivera à midi. Should/ought to  devoir (in the conditional)    I should/ought to leave soon.Je devrais partir bientà ´t.You should/ought to help me.Vous devriez maider. would (in the present)   French conditional mood    We would like to leave.Nous voudrions partir.I would help you if I were ready.Je vous aiderais si jà ©tais prà ªt. would (in the past)   French imperfect tense    He would always read when he was alone.Il lisait toujours quand il à ©tait seul.Last year, I would sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je dormais jusquà midi tous les jours.English modals may be followed by have plus a past participle to express perfect (completed) actions. Translating this construction usually requires a French verb in a perfect tense/mood followed by an infinitive. could have   pouvoir (in the conditional perfect)    I could have helped you.Jaurais pu vous aider.We could have eaten.Nous aurions pu manger. may/might have   peut-à ªtre, se pouvoir (plus past subjunctive)    I may/might have done it.Je lai peut-à ªtre fait, Il se peut que je laie fait. must have   devoir (in the passà © composà ©)   You must have seen it.Vous avez dà » le voir.He must have eaten.Il a dà » manger. Shall/will have   French future perfect   I shall/will have eaten.Jaurai mangà ©.He will have arrived by noon.Il sera arrivà ©Ã‚ avant midi. Should have  devoir (in the conditional perfect)    You should have helped.Vous auriez dà » aider.We should have eaten.Nous aurions dà » manger. Would have   French conditional perfect    I would have helped you.Je vous aurais aidà ©.He would have eaten it.Il laurait mangà ©.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lord Atkin s Neighbor Principle - 1442 Words
As illustrated through Lord Atkin’s â€Å"Neighbour Principle†, established in the case of Donoghue v Stevenson , tort of negligence provides a remedy for those who suffer loss due to the behaviour of a person who fails to adhere to a legal duty to take reasonable care. On these grounds, it appears that Geoff and Beth may be held to have joint several liability in negligently causing Paul physical damage. Paul could bring a tortuous action against Geoff on the grounds of negligent driving, in relation to his head and collarbone injuries. As elucidated by Greer LJ in Haynes v Harwood , to have a cause of action in negligence, there must be the neglect of â€Å"some duty owed to the†claimant. Accordingly, Geoff’s legal duty of care is established through s.3 Road Traffic Act 1988, which, in imposing strict liability in cases of negligent driving, creates a duty of care. It provides that a driver is deemed to have committed a tortuous act by driving carelessly â€Å"without due care and attention†, therefore as Geoff is driving a mechanically propelled vehicle, he has a statutory duty of care towards other road users. There then arises the question as to whether Geoff’s behaviour has fallen below the â€Å"reasonable standard of care†. This is based on the premise that liability arises where the defendant causes loss or damage to another â€Å"by fault†. Paul could thus attest the first two hurdles in bringing a negligence action against Geoff, as Geoff has clearly breached his statutory duty ofShow MoreRelatedCase Study of Negligence1406 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Bright Smiles Dental Surgery) owned duty of care to plaintiff (Tony)? Rules: * The neighbour principle: In Donoghue v Stevenson1, Lord Atkin concluded that we all owe a duty of care to our â€Å"neighbors†, meaning those persons who we should have in mind when we are contemplating actions that we take as we go about our business and private lives. * Neighbour Defined: â€Å"My neighbors are persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplationRead MoreMain Legal Issues Of The Australian Charter Of Healthcare Rights1333 Words  | 6 Pagesin both legislation throughout all the States and common law. The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights is also a helpful source of guidance as it reinforces the common law position that is based upon the principle of patient autonomy. The High Court of Australia first articulated the principle or refusal of treatment in Marion’s case, stating that a legally competent person has a right â€Å"to choose what occurs with respect to his or her own person.†Under the NSW Health Patient Charter, consent inRead MoreLegal Commentary on Negligence Essay1181 Words  | 5 Pagesultimate consumer of its products. Within the context of product liability law, General Motors is liable to the ultimate consumer of the goods where it can be proven in a court of law that the manufacturer was negligent in the following legislative principles (Willes, 1998): a) The manufacturing of the said goods. b) The goods manufactured by the company have an intrinsic danger associated with them. c) The manufacturer of the said goods failed in its responsibility to warn the consumer of theRead MoreThe Tort Of Negligence Developed1923 Words  | 8 Pagessensible to know the nature of the torts committed and their growths over the years. This would not lone help in considerate the current situation in a clearer manner but can also deliver a logic of history about torts. During the early primary 1800 s the tort of negligence developed as a single type of torts owed to the fact that events in the tort of negligence were growing suggestively throughout that period. Then, the awareness of the imposition of a duty of care in negligence developed alongsideRead MoreThe Law of Tort and Business Contracts3325 Words  | 13 Pageshas to be legible and placed in a location that is visible to those visiting the premise. When suing for compensation the plaintiff proves that, a given injury was as a result of breach of care. In the case of Donogue vs Steveson, the judgment of Lord Atkin propound that the manufacturer was responsible for the duty of care, and was liable for the complications that came as a result of consuming snail remnants after taking a drink (Enright, 2002, pg 215). Court said the manufacturer was liable forRead MoreDuty of Care Essay33461 Words  | 134 Pagesbecause of the principle of Privity Y could not sue the Shop hence she had no contractual relations with the shop. However the House of Lords by majority discovered that there was a duty. And how it worked we come know form the dicta of Lord Atkin. His Lordship stated that, manufacturers has a duty because Y was neighbor by law of the manufacturer, and everyone has duty by law toward their neighbors not to harm them. Court said one must not injured or make any harm of his neighbor. Then explainedRead MoreCase Law3220 Word s  | 13 PagesExplain how the High Court decision in Perre amp; Ors v Apand Pty Ltd (1999) differed in principle from the High Court decision in Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd v The Dredge â€Å"Willemstad†(1976). Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd v The Dredge â€Å"Wilemstad†(1976) and Perre amp; Ors v Apand Pty Ltd (1999) has been important cases in the history of Tort Law. Negligence is a complex term including advertent and inadvertent acts and omissions where there has been a failure to take reasonable care to preventRead MoreHistory of Common Law9609 Words  | 39 PagesHISTORY OF COMMON LAW | STATUTORY FRAMEWORK * Great Britain (E/W/S) * United Kingdom (GB + NI) * British Islands (UK + Isle of Man + Channel Isles) ENGLISH LAW = The legal system of England and Wales (â€Å"the laws of England and Wales†from 1967). These laws mainly deal with issues of property, theft, inheritance, money†¦ The legal system of England and Wales is the basis of most legal systems in the Commonwealth and the US (except Louisiana). THREE MAJOR LEGAL SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD Read MoreCommercial Liens - a Potent Weapon Essay32374 Words  | 130 Pagesfinal word on the subject. The authors and editors have synthesized material from several sources. We have organized it into a form that should be comprehensible to the average reader. After reading this manual, you will know the fundamental principles of this strategy. This understanding, plus the Bibliography in Appendix A, will allow you to do further research on your own. Some Notes on the Sample Briefs Included with this manual is an Appendix containing sample legal briefs, based upon
Enjoy homework Free Essays
Analyses two possible reasons why Michael currently has a centralized structure. A centralized structure is a management structure where decision making is done at higher consolidated levels by those with a broader perspective. In a centralized organization, decisions made by higher management are typically communicated to lower organizational tiers who are then expected to accept and move forward in a way, which follows the higher tier managers’ decisions. We will write a custom essay sample on Enjoy homework or any similar topic only for you Order Now Michael currently has a centralized structure to keep consistency in he restaurants and maintain a brand image however the restaurant sector is very diverse which means different parts of the I-J require different approaches which would more so benefit the decentralized Structure. Michael is responsible for the organizational structure that reflects from his personality, management style and characteristics. Michael has a wider span of control due to the fact it gives him a bigger influence on what happens within the business therefore making more of the decisions and generating us access. 2) Ruth believes Enjoy! Should extend its flexible workforce strategy. To what extent do you agree with this view? A workforce strategy is the company’s overall approach to maximizing the performance of its workforce by stating clearly the goals, objectives and expectations that are made of the workforce. To what extent does Enjoy! Deed to alter their own flexible workforce strategy. Ruth wants to increase the flexibility of the current plan by employing more part time and temporary contracts that they re hoping will increase their labor turnover. A benefit from having more part time contracts would be that the costs of the business are lowered and the company doesn’t have to make a commitment to the employee. Workers are more satisfied and less likely to leave the firm and more likely to speak positively about it. Although a downside to more part time workers would mean less attachment to Enjoy! As they’re less likely to spend as much time there as a full time employee. Also, they might have less experience doing the job within the firm therefore underperforming in tasks. Ruth wants to focus her costs on the quality of the recruitment agency by using the Hospitality Recruitment Agency who can recognize a gifted candidate when they see one. Enjoy! Always have the opportunity to employ omen full time if they think highly of their performance. How to cite Enjoy homework, Papers
A cultural revolution during the sixties Essay Example For Students
A cultural revolution during the sixties Essay They formed new religious cultures in society, offered people a means to participate in a counter-culture which was never to be fully completed. They did not to any extent replace the existing religious institutions in society, and so could not be described as revolutionary movements. The most they may have achieved is to have contributed to the trend of people turning away from the traditional church based beliefs, an ongoing tendency throughout the past 70 years. The sixties also saw innovations in art, with bold new artists who conflicted with traditional expectations and values. Cultural art might be defined as the traditional standards of that which dates back to Greek and Roman traditions, of representation, and decorative styles. Rothko contravened these traditions through work such as the Seagram Murals by audacious use of colour, to create abstract paintings with malicious intentions to disturb and unsettle the observer. Rothko was not the first painter to experiment with emotion and mood in paintings. Van Goghs The All Night Cafi , Arles aimed to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of reds and greens. The idea that tone could be conveyed by other manners than simply the objects pictured was an ongoing idea explored by artists from around the beginning of the nineteenth century. Sylvester identifies Rothkos work alongside this tradition of reconciliation of Apollo and Dionysus forms of art, part of a long tradition in artistic styles. Warhol was one of a number of so called pop artists disliked by Rothko, who also created pioneering works during the sixties. He used a new medium of silkscreen which did contain images, although presented in an unusual fashion. The images were particularly evocative of current events, using carefully treated photographic images. In some ways it is less counter-cultural than Rothkos work, as it does retain many techniques which have been used for the past centuries. It is evocative of the sixties, and used innovative methods, but these methods have led to questions as to whether it can be classified as art at all. The period since the sixties has often been characterized as post-modern some critics claiming that nonconformist art is no longer relevant to present art culture. It does seem that perception and treatment of artistic works did change. The changes within art were largely to do with monetary reasons. Rothko experienced conflict between monetary value and artistic value, whereas as the pop art culture of artists such as Warhol allowed art to be available to mass consumerism. Art in the sixties is demonstrative of counter culture activities of the time, and underwent big changes in its treatment, still very much evident today. However as in other areas, there was not a revolution, in that the old methods were not totally abandoned or disregarded, but the sixties were very important to artistic development. The sixties were a turbulent period, of mixed values and cultures. This may have been due to a number of factors, such as the increase in standards of living, the distress of the Vietnam War and exposure to different cultures. Many aspects of the sixties have remained to date, but Roszaks counter-culture that would see systems of logic and objectivity overthrown by emotional abilities never occurred. Much of the Cultural Revolution was a myth, society evolves constantly, and although the sixties saw a high degree of cataclysm, the basic tenets of cultural society have remained unchanged. Bibliography Open University 2004, A103 An Introduction to the Humanities, Block 6, The Open University, Milton Keynes. Open University 2004, A103 An Introduction to the Humanities, Resource Book 4, The Open University, Milton Keynes. http://www. aaas. org/aboutaaas/ http://www-gap. dcs. st-and. ac. uk/~history/Mathematicians/Einstein. html http://www. greenpeace. org/international_en/extra/? item_id=4265forward_source_anchor=Our%20Missionforward_destination_anchor=%2finternational%2faboutus%2f.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
College Education Comparison Between America And Vietnam free essay sample
Nowadays, in a modern world, college education takes an important part for people who want good living. The United States has many top colleges and universities in the world, so a lot of international students get here. Among all international students in the U. S. , the number of Vietnamese international students is ranked ninth. As an immigrant student, experience two semesters in a Vietnamese university and two years in Northern Virginia Community College, I comprehend that there are many similarities and differences between college education in America and Vietnam in many regions, especially in education systems, technology and schooling goals. The college systems of America and Vietnam have many points in common. For example, students usually take four years in universities to gain a BA degree. We will write a custom essay sample on College Education Comparison Between America And Vietnam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the first two years, students will take some general classes, this helps students accumulate basic knowledge and skills before taking major subjects. They also can earn Associate of Art certificate in communicate colleges to transfer to four years universities to get a BA degree. Moreover, students will have to take some compulsory classes which are required for the majors they follow. Beside the similar points between American and Vietnamese education, free changing major in colleges of the U. S. is one of various differences. In America, students can declare their new majors at any time and many times as they wish, while Vietnamese students are unable to do even a single time or it would be certainly complicating. In additional, American students can study many majors at a same time, usually they take a main major and a minor major. It is really convenience in the U. S. colleges to earn a minor major degree, since students do not have to take the subjects which are already in the main major’s programs of study. So, many students in America graduate with more than one degree and that give them unhindered opportunities. When comparing the education systems between America and Vietnam, technology cannot be unmentionable. Nowadays, college education in Vietnam has been developed a lot, using supporting devices, tools and machine for teaching and learning, many equipment are as convenient as those in America; still only big universities are equipped and have to use un-Vietnamese books. Therefore, the needed time in class in Vietnamese colleges is longer than American ones, since instructors usually read or write on black board the lectures or for their students to take note, and that makes students have less time to study and research by themselves. On the contrary, in the U. S. , colleges give full facilities to teachers and students to enhance education quality, shorten the in class time, and then students have plenty of time to do their researches and studies. Furthermore, American students can take the Extended Learning Institute courses which contain hybrid courses, online course and telecourses, while the Vietnamese colleges are unable to carry out. The ELI courses give students flexible schedules which are important for students who are working and studying, so they can manage to earn more income for their living, tuitions or entertainment, etc. Additionally, the purposes of education in America and Vietnam are very disctint. Vietnamese colleges improve national moral which helps students understand social circumstances , environment, and lifestyle of the people; helps students understand the history of the country, love their homeland, the customs value of the country. On the other hand, Ameriacan colleges develop democratic and scientific spirit supports students organize working in groups that developes independent spirit through community and collective consciousness, supports students be able to recognize the values cultural of mankind. In my opinion, colleges in Vietnam train students to become talented people while American colleges make students become responsible citizens. Before I moved to the U. S. , I expected that I would study in a college which have enough equipment and quality teachers. However, for two years, I have experienced the best education that I ever imagined. The professors whose classes that I took were very nice, skilled and helpful. In America, education quality and responsibility of instructors are highly dignitied by giving students the survey sheets after each courses to have feedback from students, the students will rate the quality of the courses, intructors and give their ideas how to improve the courses’ quality. Now I understand why the education in America is in the top of the world. In conclusion, through the comparison between college education in the U. S. and Vietnam, we see there are vast differences and similaries in three facts: education systems, technology and goals of schooling. However, the distinction is still enormous, which means Vietnamese people and international students must acquire achiements from the United States and struggle with all abilities to develop the country.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Sample Essay For Financial Aid - How to Get the Right Essay
Sample Essay For Financial Aid - How to Get the Right EssayAre you really searching for a sample essay for financial aid? No doubt, it is very frustrating for all those applicants who had applied but got rejected in front of their peers because of the fact that they have not done a thorough search for the correct sample essays. It is indeed true that it can be very overwhelming and confusing when you come across a huge list of these essays that seem to just fit any particular profile. However, if you will take note of a few key points, you will be able to get the right type of essays.First of all, you should select the sample essays from those that can be easily categorized. This is very important as you may end up with a huge list of essays but there is no way to be sure that the ones that you have chosen are actually worth your time. You need to think about it carefully before you can make any kind of decision. By selecting only those samples that are of those types that are suitab le for the requirements that you are looking for, you will find yourself much more confident when you go out to the post office to submit your application. This way, you will know that the essay is worth all the effort you put into it.Also, it is important to make sure that you do not apply for too many sample essays as you will not want to waste too much time on those as well. If you get one or two essays sent to you, try and pick those that can be applied for within the framework of your choice.Lastly, it is important to remember that you must send the sample essays through the mail so that you do not have to pay too much for sending the essay. Remember that in today's day and age, you would have to make sure that the samples are what you need, not some other things you might get as well.Keep in mind that by taking time to look for the right samples, you would be able to get the right kind of essays. You need to make sure that the selection of the samples that you have selected is based on the particular requirements that you have.In fact, there are a lot of people who are still asking about how you can apply for sample essays. Well, there are several websites available today that can help you apply for these essays.You can find a few online essay applications that allow you to fill out a number of essay samples and then upload them to the website where you are applying. You will find all the required essays on these sites that would answer all your questions regarding the subject. These essays usually have a very clear objective, which is what the admissions committees are looking for in the essay.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Explain the Determinants of Personality Essay Example
Explain the Determinants of Personality Paper Ans. Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognised in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be either completely or substantially influenced by who your parents were; that is, by their biological, physiological, and inherent psychological makeup. The contribution of heredity to personality development is vividly clear for developing external appearance, behaviour, social stimuli, self inner awareness, organising traits, etc. Brain: Brain has a great impact on personality. The psychologists are unable to prove empirically the contribution of human brain in influencing personality. Father and children generally adopt the same type of brain stimulation. The differences are caused by environment. Electrical stimulation of brain (ESB) and split brain psychology (SBP)are the outcome of genetic transmision. The are helpful in moulding employees behaviour. ESB is used for motivating employees towards better performances. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the Determinants of Personality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the Determinants of Personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the Determinants of Personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Managers are trained to use SBP for mobilising employees for proper behaviour. Physical Features: Perhaps the most outstanding factor that contributes to personality is the physical stature of an individual. An individuals external appearance is proved to be having a tremendous effect on personality. For example, the fact that a person is short or tall, fat or thin, handsome or ugly, black or whitish will undoubtedly influence the persons effect on others and in turn will affect the self-concept. A persons physical characteristics may be related to his approach to the social environment, to the expectancies of others, and to their reactions, to him. These in turn may have impact on personality development. Environment Cultural Factors: The accepted norms of social behaviour are known as culture. Culture was traditionally considered as the major determinant of an individuals personality. The way in which people behave with others and the driving force of such functions are considered significant components of culture. The ideology of the culture is imitated by the following generations. The personality attributes of independence, aggression, competition and cooperation are the outcomes of cultural interaction. Religion: Religion plays a significant role in shaping ones personality. Hindus have different personalities from those of Sikhs and Muslims. Children in Hindu societies learn from the very beginning about hard work and god-fearing attitudes. Christians are open, independent, and cooperative. Family: Children learn from their parents, sisters and brothers. amily is the first factor affecting personality development, after hereditary characteristics are endowed. Rich people have different personalities from those of poor. Children nurtured under a warm, loving environment are positive and active as compared to children neglected by their parents. Parental Influences: The positive and negative personalities of children are dependent on their parents characteristics and mutual behaviour. Childr en develop negative personalities if their parents dont have good relationship. Proper parental guidance to children makes them active and efficient. Situation Situation further influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality. A individuals personality, while generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations. Different demands in different situations call forth different aspects of ones personality. It has been observed that many arrogant and indisciplined employees become humble and disciplined in a particular situation. Those having a criminal background may become powerful and strong administrators, dominant politicians, etc.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Traditonal music of a country is important essays
Traditonal music of a country is important essays Music is a special art which is made up of various rthymes and tunes arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to. It gives us strength and pleasure, and relieves our stress and sadness. So for everyone, music is an essential thing to live happily throughout their lives. There are manny different types of music in the world today. Each one is useful and necessary from various points of view. Among them, in my opinion, the traditional music of a country is more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays. Traditional music is necessary for a country and the people who live in that country. It's also a part which reflects the culture of a country. And every country has their own traditional music which is one of the differences among countries. For example, in our country, Myanmar, our traditional music is important and essential for our traditional festivals and ceremonies such as weddings, notable govermental ceremonies, novitiation ceremonies, etc. Myanmar " Hsai-Waing ", drum beats, Myanmar harp sound, sounds of " Oh-zi Dobat " and traditional songs, which are created using these instruments and sounds, are popular among Myanmars. In some govermental ceremonies, huge drums called " Sidawgyi " are used to show how much Myanmar traditional music is good to listen to and that it can be maintained till nowadays from the earlier centuries such as the age of Anawrahtra and Bayin-Naung. International music is also famous among youths for its dynamic rthymes and the words which attract youths' mind. It can also be divided into different types such as pop, rock, jazz, country and so on. Although international music is wide-spread among people and become popular for its themes, rhythms and tunes, it's not stable and it always gets changing. For instance, rock was very popular in the internationalmusic flow five years ago. However, at the moment, hip-hop's already taken th...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Writing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writing assignment - Essay Example based on this statement, is in itself a complete thought delivered through that which is purely musical by being comprised of an animating principle or â€Å"rhythm†within an entire system of tones were adjustments in melody, harmony, and rhythmic patterns diversely vary throughout a composer’s material. Essentially, this implies that absolute music serves more than the purpose of having special circumstances drawn to recollection or of obtaining brief yet poignant residence in feelings for music, as perceived in the wholeness of power and beauty that fills it, satisfies such perception completely in full measure. â€Å"Der Ring des Nibelungen†by Richard Wagner is one such wonderful instance that attests to the objective of an idea or concept completely expressed via music in absolute form. As the cycle of Wagner’s four epic dramas is designed according to Norse sagas, the creation may then be proposed to have attained to the level of â€Å"auditory imagination†that is separate from the mere sense of pleased hearing. On this ground, one may argue as well that there exists a ‘musical language’ that not only speaks to feelings but even bears the capacity to communicate a story despite the absence of words or related elements of direct speech. To further support this argument, Hanslick exemplifies by considering parallels between pure music and â€Å"arabesque†– a branch of ornamentation in the visual arts by which he persuades to understanding how music, like the art that reflects after the â€Å"sounding shapes†or the â€Å"self-const ructing tones†, can naturally occur in continuous self-formation and thus generate into a language of its
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Logistics Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Logistics Management - Essay Example (Stevens as cited in Fortes 2009, p. 2) Supply chain is the process of converting raw materials into the designed product; it involves steps which start from planning up to the delivery of the product to the customer. Early constructs for supply chain revolving around management strategy involved strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, and information sharing (Li et al. as cited in Sanchez-Rodriguez 2006, p. 6). Strategic supplier partnership is a business-to-business transaction between suppliers and manufacturers. Customer relationship is a business-customer transaction where emphasis is meeting the customer needs and answering their complaints. Customer relationship management is a part of logistics management. Information sharing involves strategic information between firms and their suppliers. Emphasis is on information regarding green logistics. (Sanchez-Rodriguez 2006, p. 6) The not-for-profit organisation Council of Logistics Management define logistics management as ‘the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements’ (Simchi-Levi, Chen, and Bramel 2005, p. 1). Logistics is a process that goes from designing and production of a product to processing, storing, selling, and delivering it to the end user or customer. Logistics emanated from the Greek word logistikos and the Latin logisticus, which refers to the science of computing and calculating. In ancient times, it was more connected to logistics for armies, including supplies of food and materials. Logistics was used way back in the 17th century by the French army. During the Second World War, it was used to refer to the movement of supplies, men and equipment to many places especially across the border. Today, logistics is used in business to refer to the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effect of Metabolic Disorders on Rumen pH
Effect of Metabolic Disorders on Rumen pH The effect of metabolic disorders on rumen pH and production performance of Holstein dairy cows Ondrej HanuÃ… ¡ovskà ½1, Daniel Bà ro1, Milan Ã… imko1, Branislav Gà ¡lik1, Miroslav Jurà ¡Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ek1, Michal Rolinec1 Abstract The main goal of this research was to evaluate the health condition of dairy cows in relationship with milk production and milk composition using continuous monitoring boluses in cooperation with University Experimental farm in Oponice. Totally, 7 Holstein cows had implemented bolus for monitoring rumen pH and temperature every 15 minutes with accuracy  ± 0.1 pH and  °C. Milk production test-day records by Breeding Services of Slovakia, s. e. 5 times per each cow with bolus during 27 weeks of lactation were realised. Dairy cows were divided into three groups (NORMAL, SARA, KETOSIS) according to average daily pH. After that test-day records with the selected group were paired. In the NORMAL group in comparison with the SARA group statistically significant higher pH by 9.81% (p
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Qualitative Data Essay
VOCABULARY – I consider vocabulary as the easiest because with the use of context clues, I can easily understand the meaning of the word. – 7 respondents have the same reason. – I consider vocabulary as the easiest because you only have to be familiar with words. – 2 respondents have the same reason. – I consider vocabulary as the easiest because I’m a wide reader at a young age. – 2 respondents have the same reason SENTENCE/SYNTAX – I consider Sentence/Syntax as the easiest because you just have to familiarize grammatical rules. – 2 respondents have the same reason GETTING THE MAIN IDEA – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the easiest because by understanding the passage, you can get the whole idea. – 9 respondents have the same reason – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the easiest because there are no rules on understanding the passage – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the easiest because it is mainly asking what the text is all about. – 2 respondents have the same reason – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the easiest because it is mostly found at the beginning of the paragraph. COMPREHENSION – I consider Comprehension as the easiest because by simply reading. I can comprehend what the paragraph is all about. DIFFICULT: VOCABULARY – I consider vocabulary as the hardest because I have limited words stocks. – 4 respondents have the same reason. – I consider vocabulary as the hardest because I still need to consult the dictionary to know the meaning of the. – 2 respondents have the same reason. – I consider vocabulary as the hardest because I have a poor memory to retain word meanings. – I consider vocabulary as the hardest because I’m not a wide reader. SENTENCE/SYNTAX – I consider Sentence/Syntax as the hardest because it’s hard to analyze sentence structures and grammatical rules. – 2 respondents have the same reason GETTING THE MAIN IDEA – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the hardest because it’s hard to deal with the writing styles of the author and confused if I have to dwell with my own understanding. – 2 respondents have the same reason – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the hardest because words are confusing. – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the hardest because it is requires comprehension and focus. – 2 respondents have the same reason – I consider Getting the Main Idea as the hardest you have to identify the specific details of the story. COMPREHENSION – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because there are articles that are difficult to understand. – 3 respondents have the same reason – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because you have to check the deeper meaning of the text. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because you have to consider everything (sentence structure, grammatical rules, vocabulary etc.) to get the meaning. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because it’s difficult to retain everything I’ve read. – 2 respondents have the same reason – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because of the unfamiliar words. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because it requires prior knowledge. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because of the author’s ambiguous ideas. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because it needs fast digestion of the contexts. 3. What possible intervention could have been done to help you develop your reading skills at the point of your education? The following are recommended reading interventions: to become a wide reader – 19 respondents have the same suggestion study more vocabulary words – 6 respondents have the same suggestion involve in more reading activities – 12 respondents have the same suggestion watch more films – 2 respondents have the same suggestion teachers should stimulate motivation – 3 respondents have the same suggestion teachers should conduct more tutorial – 3 respondents have the same suggestion teachers should unlock difficulties before starting the lesson proper practice reflective reading COMPREHENSION – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because I’m having a hard time to understand texts heard. – 2 respondents have the same reason – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because I consider myself as a visual learner. – I consider Comprehension as the hardest because I easily lose focus 3. What possible intervention could have been done to help you develop your listening skills at the point of your education? The following are recommended reading interventions: get acquainted with correct pronunciation through practice – 3 respondents have the same suggestion learn different kinds of accents watch more films 3R’s- Read, Read or Read stay focused and listen keenly – 6 respondents have the same suggestion engage in more listening activities– 14 respondents have the same suggestion tele-conferencing with someone who has a different accent educators should encourage developing listening skills
Friday, January 10, 2020
Comparison Between Wind and Other Poem
Compare how Wind and one other poem present weakness and strength. The weaknesses and strengths in ‘Wind’ are attempts to portray the diversity of nature and the ongoing sense that nature has by using the present tense. Hughes switches from hard sounds, ‘bang and vanish with a flap’ and ‘black back gull bent like an iron bar’ representing the hard assonance and from this referring back to the harsh storm.However the use of colour in descriptions could symbolize both a negative and a positive, for example, ‘orange sky’ representing the warm colours of summer, also ‘green goblet’ could seem to be related to jealousy however could also be referred to as bright and a symbolic image of summer and the bright colours, linking to the ‘orange sky’. The diversity in ‘below the green corrie’ in terms of portraying weakness and strengths are highlighted through the man and his relationship with nature, it shows the weakness of the writer in terms of competing with nature.In my opinion I believe that not only the writer portrays himself to be the weaker opposition but also can portray the ‘bandit’ like and the ‘swashbuckling’ mountains to eventually be seen as the weaker opponent to another side of nature. For example, ‘a sunshaft had pierced the clouds and their leader’ could represent the light controlling the intimidating mountains and almost converting it to something more hopeful and positive.This could be the sun, the main character in nature, controlling them without choice, this takes away the sense of fear and the negativity of the ‘bandits’ and creates a positive image. Both ‘Wind’ and ‘Below the Green Corrie’ clearly share the same structure in terms of the negative openings to each poem. They both clearly and dynamically highlight the dangerousness of the situations automatically. MacCaig begins with a negative image of ‘the mountains gathered round me like bandits’ which really presents the fearful situation. In contrast to this ‘Wind’ also presents this.Hughes immediately beings with a metaphor, ‘This house has been far out at sea all night’ comparing the house to a boat, ‘at sea’ (isolated), this really emphasises the danger. They both begin presenting their negative images, those that seem to place both in a vulnerable position. ’ The mountains gathered round me’ show the vulnerability of the character, contrasting that ‘this house has been far out at sea’ also shows this, the use of ‘at sea’ creates an image of isolation, placing the so called house in a vulnerable position also.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Comparison Between Protective Antibody Response And Guinea...
Comparison of protective Antibody response in guinea pigs immunized with Wild type (Wt) BoHV-1 and ÃŽâ€gE BoHV-1 mutant virus vaccine L.R.ANANTHAKRISHNA1*, MOHINI SAINI2, PRAVEEN K GUPTA3 and RIZWANA TABASSUM4 1Asst.Professor, 2, 3 Principal Scientist, 3Research Associate 1Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry; Karnataka Veterinary, Animal Fisheries Sciences University; Veterinary College, Vinobanagar, Shimoga- 577 204, India, 2Division of Biochemistry, 3 4Division of Veterinary Biotechnology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India *1Email: contact: 9535205024 ABSTRACT Vaccination has been one of the most important interventions in disease prevention, control and eradication. The impact of vaccination largely depends on type of immune response and the extent of protective antibodies that would neutralize the infectious pathogen in subsequent exposure. BoHV-1 causes several clinical conditions in cattle including rhinotracheitis, vaginitis, balanoposthitis, abortion, conjunctivitis, and enteritis which impact a severe economic loss to dairy industry. When the ÃŽâ€gE BoHV-1 mutant virus was intended to be used as vaccine one of the major immunological parameters such as virus neutralizing antibodies to protect animals against infected virus and/or immunized virus. To determine the suitability of a vaccine, in this study we performed in vitro test method to compare the level of
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