Friday, October 18, 2019

Motivation at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Motivation at work - Essay Example Thus the organization is able to increase the amount of profits it makes since it increases its level of customer satisfaction and retention (Pinder, 2008). From the article, it is a clear fact that motivation plays a significant role in fulfilling the promise for personal improvement as well as that of the organization. It is shown in the way that the employees at the WestLake Computing Corporation (WCC) are provided with diversity training programs that help them to know how to work within a workforce that is highly diverse. Usually the small problems that are identified within an organization serve as a greater revelation of the main issues that are affecting the overall performance of the organization. One of this is motivation, which although may appear to be a minor issue is a very relevant component towards the success of the organization. It thus reveals that there is a lot of motivation that still needs to be offered below the surface hence an indication of the high capability contained in each individual to perform extraordinarily. For instance, the employees in this organization are given the details, case applications or exa mples and regulation to provide employment regulations with which they raise their capabilities in dealing with different situations within an environment with multiple cultures (Pinder, 2008). The article provides a lot of insight regarding the need for motivation at the workplace in relation to the total organizational performance. It is also encouraging in the sense that it is written on a positive perspective and not with the intention to offer criticisms. In relation to the case, it helps to speed up most important issues within the organization that include the expansion of sales to international levels. According to the author, it is the organizational behavior class that helps individuals to point out towards some of the solutions

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