Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Movie Billy Wilkerson - 1995 Words
The drive to be included leads men to and the subsequent affect of not being included has a lasting ripple effect, that spans through time. The affects can be felt. The allure of hollywood attracts all sorts of people that are desperate to be included. Not just actors, not just studio heads, agents or writers, sometimes hollywood attracts gangsters, and politicians. People will go to great lengths to be close to the stars of Hollywood. It drives some people insane. That drive for fame and power leaves a lasting impression on the landscape and on lives for decades. William ‘Billy’ Wilkerson is one such person. His desire to be somebody was so great that his efforts shaped the physical landscape, the social landscape, and the political landscape far beyond his lifetime. Yet his ambitions and accomplishments added up to failures and bitterness, that left his quest for inclusion into the inner circle of the Hollywood elite, little more than a footnote in the history books. Billy is all but forgotten. Billy, was born in Nashville Tennessee in 1890. As a young adult he studied the priest hood, and then medicine at college in Philadelphia. Before he could finish his formal education his father died. Leaving his family in debt. Billy left college and to support his family began to manage speak-easies in New York City. He also spent sometime working at a newspaper and running a movie theater. When Billy moved his family to Hollywood in 1930 he would make good use of his shortShow MoreRelatedOn The Evening Of December 26, 1946, It Seemed That Benjamin1163 Words  | 5 Pagesbar-lounge beside rows of slot machines. People had to struggle through the crowd in the casino. Durante and Cugat put on a show that drew cheers from the wall-to-wall audience. News columnists gushingly compared the interior to Walt Disney and MGM movie sets. Lots of $100-chip action crossed the gaming tables. â€Å"You never saw so many black chip gamblers in your life,†Siegel’s lawyer, Lou We iner, later remarked. postcards_17But Siegel’s luck declined steadily over the course of the Flamingo’s subsequent
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Literature Review On Surgical Robots - 3367 Words
Literature Review on Surgical Robots By Baker Salama School of sicence technology Middlesex university, Hendon, London Abstract Medical Robotics is a wide filed that focuses on developing electronic and mechanical devices for clinical use. The main goal of this field is to enable new medical ways and techniques by providing assistence to the doctors during surgiers and also provid new capabilites to people who are desabled. Medical robotics is a new and a young filed. The very first recorded medical procedure happened in 1985 for a brain biospy. It has a unique and incrediable improving the precision and capabilites of physicians when performing surgical operation. And since then it is believed that the field will grow continusly as modern and improved technology become available. This review delivers a comperhensive overview about medical robotics field and its applications. It begins with an introducion about robotics, followed brefily by a historical review of their use in the medical field. Also clinical applications in several different medical specialties are discussed. This review will discuss also tec hnology challenges and areas for future reaserch. Introducion In the last decade, robotics have emerged into many fields, medical field is one of them. The word †robot†gives many different thoughts and images to human beings. Some may think of a human-robot look alike, others of an industrial arm or device. In the filed of medical robotics, theShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of The Vessel Sealer Builds On The Co2 Environment730 Words  | 3 Pageshaving robotic surgery as opposed to laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is performed on the abdomen or pelvis. The promotional materials, researchers report online in the Journal for Healthcare Quality, overestimate the benefits of surgical robots, largely ignore the risks and are strongly influenced by the product’s manufacturer. The public regards a hospital’s official website as an authoritative source of medical information in the voice of a physician,†says Marty Makary, M.D., M.PRead MoreThe Surgical Management Of Gynaecological Disorders1223 Words  | 5 PagesThe surgical management of gynaecological disorders has progressed dramatically with the introduction of minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. The recent application of robotic technology for minimally invasive surgery is an additional refinement that has been widely adopted in the United States and elsewhere. Although this is not supported by evidence-based studies on cost, clinical outcomes and patient safety, the ergonomic design of the console minimizes operator fatigue and muscle strainRead MoreRobotic Prostatectomy For Localised Prostate Cancer : An Overview For The Non Specialist1730 Words  | 7 PagesRobotic Prostatectomy for Localised Prostate Cancer: An overview for the non-specialist Introduction In 2001, the first case series of robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomies (RALPs) using the da Vinci operating system were reported. Since then its use has grown exponentially, much more so in the US than the UK. Some argue that aggressive marketing by manufacturers, operating preference by surgeons, and high demand from patients have all led the the rapid adaptation of RALP without theRead MorePresent Day Robotic Surgery and Beyond8509 Words  | 35 PagesRobotic surgery has been on the rise since its approval in 1997, spreading to hospitals and surgical centers all over the United States and seen Internationally. This increase in technology in the medical field could be either a remarkable change or the medical industries worst â€Å"Terminator†nightmares. This type of surgery has been revolutionary to the surgical field, by creating machines that are capable of more procedures and higher precision than the machine before. Using information found inRead More Robotic Surgery Essay example14445 Words  | 58 PagesApril 15, 2012 Table of Contents Abstract – Page 3 Introduction– page 4 Description of Robotic Surgery page 5 Applications of Robotic Surgery – page 4 – 7 History of Robotic Surgery - – page 8 Robotic Surgery –- page 9 Advantages of Robot-Assisted Surgery – page 9, 10 Disadvantages of Robotic Surgery – page 11, 12 Political Influences – page 13 - 16 Legal Influences – page 16 – 20 Economic Questions/ Considerations – page 20 - 27 Psychological Considerations (T. Blake) – pageRead MoreRobotic Assisted Surgery16730 Words  | 67 Pagesnew technology that is taking the surgical field by storm. The use of robots to aid surgeons in performing surgeries has changed the surgical field. Robotic systems entirely changed the traditional style of surgical operations. Robotic surgery is holding significant promise in the medical field because robotic surgery is a new revolution in surgery and is one of the most talked about subjects in surgery. The extent of robotic surgery is still evolving today. Reviews of articles and websites about roboticRead MoreSensing And Manipulation Through Touch2835 Words  | 12 Pageschallenging problems in the streams of mechanical design, actuators and real time system. This paper presents a description of study on haptic virtual environments, haptic interfaces, haptic working procedure and different applications like touch-based surgical simulation which is not only made to improve realism of virtual environments, but also to provide important information through the sense of touch. Keywords: I. INTRODUCTION The word Haptic is derived from the Greek word â€Å"haptesthai†. HapticRead MoreMinimally Invasive Surgery And Everything It Entails2136 Words  | 9 Pageselectric signal display of the organ being operated on. This is because with minimally invasive surgery, the cuts are smaller and in order to be sure the surgical procedure is going as planned, there needs to be an electric display of the heart that the surgeon can look at and know how the surgery is progressing. Minimally invasive surgery is a safer surgical procedure, when compared to open surgery; less blood is lost and fewer complications arise when performing the former. Table ofRead MorePresident Bush s Speech For His Vision Of New Space Exploration2069 Words  | 9 Pagesthe debate was given on January 14, 2004, it has produced viable concerns from those who support and oppose the initiative. Arguments for and against it have appeared in all types of media, and more importantly in the minds of Americans. This Literature Review will discuss many of these beliefs in order to achieve a well-rounded, objective analysis of the issue. But before any opinions are put forth, it is always important to talk about the relative facts. Why put forth a new vision? Over pastRead MoreRobotics7086 Words  | 29 PagesRobotics: Utopia or Dystopia Robotics: Utopia or Dystopia? Table of Contents: Serial No. | Particular | Page No. | 01. | Introduction | 04 | 02. | Definition of a Robot | 04 | 03. | History of Robotics | 05 - 10 | 04. | The implications of robotics for jobs in manufacturing | 10-12 | 05. | The implications of robotics for jobs in the service sector: | 12 -13 | 06. | Robotics and future jobs, utopia or Dystopia | 13-15
Monday, December 9, 2019
Working With Diversity and Conflict-Free-Samples for Students
Question: The tools (Johari window, MBTI, TA and DISC) should be used and reflect how they have helped you to reflect on your own attitudes and behaviours in terms of conflict and communication(the writer can reflect their attitudes and behaviour in terms of conflict). Answer: Introduction Considering the fact that conflict in the workplace is an unavoidable part of work experience, they can be highly reduced by self-assessment (Leon-Perezet et al. 2015). Having self-awareness is crucial since when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we can easily assess our strengths as well as weaknesses. This understanding of our own selves helps us to deal with conflicts that we face in our workplaces. Some of the highly beneficial self-assessment tools include the Johari Window model, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) model, the Transactional Analysis (TA) and the DISC tool. In this essay, I will reflect upon how the above-mentioned tools have helped me to manage a critical conflict that happened in my workplace The conflict Being the manager of the XYZ Company, situated in Sydney, Australia, I have experienced several crucial conflicts in my workplace. As a manager, I always believe that conflict can be healthy if solved with efficiency. It helps in the development of better understanding among the employees as well as the superiors. However, if not solved in an appropriate way, conflict can take a major shape and result in immense loss of revenue of the organization. That year, our Company had got the opportunity to sign a major project that can enhance our revenue to a great level. However, the deadline of the project was too short and hence the manager decided to let the project go Being a person of overachieving mentally, I insisted my superior to sign the contract of the project assuring that I would be able to manage the situation. My intention was to pursue and motivate the employees to work overtime and thus get the work done within the stipulated time. Unfortunately, the plan made by me did not seem to work the way I wanted to. While more than 70 percent of the employees were not ready to work overtime, 26 percent of the employees asked for incentive for working after the official time was over. Only 4 percent of the employees seemed to have no issues with the plan. As a result of this, the productivity required for the completion of the project on time was not achieved. Being highly tensed, I started pressuring the employees to work overtime. While the majority of the employees kept silence, one of the employees protested. Our conversation eventually took the form of an argument. During the argument, the employee had started using abusive words against me. Being highly short tempered, I terminated the employee under Zero Tolerance Act and for ill-behaving with his superior. This situation ignited the conflict and the employees of the organization called for a strike in favour of the terminated employee. How Johari window, MBTI, TA and DISC helped me to manage the conflict In order to deal with the above-discussed situation, I underwent the four abovementioned self-assessment test. With the help of DISC, Analysis tool helped me to understand my leadership style. From the DiSC Analysis test (Saxena 2015), I understood that I belong to the Di category. The term Di stands for Dominant and influential. This tool helped me assess my strength as well as a weakness as a leader. While I have the capacity to influence and motivate my employees to a great level, being a dominant leader, I imposed the pressure of my own decision on the employees which had lead to the above-mentioned conflict. The DiSC Analysis model also helped me to predict the behaviour of my employees and this, in turn, enabled me to establish effective interaction with each one of them. The Johari window model helped me to handle criticism. I understood that criticism is one of the best ways to understand ones own personality and what ones peers think about him (Burian et al. 2014). With the help of Johari Tool, I understood what my peers, as well as my subordinates, think about me. This, in turn, helped me to understand their psychology and issues they have with me. I also gained the knowledge of how to deal with criticism and use it for the benefit of my own as well as for the organization. From the Johari window model, I find out that according to employees I am a highly enthusiastic leader but at the same time I am highly dominating and often end up pressuring my employees. In order to eradicate my negative image form the mind of the employees, I started communicating with the employees and genuinely tried to understand their issues. During my communication with them, I understood that how hard and tiring it is for them to work for provide extra effort after performing for a prolonged period of time. The MBTI model helped me to develop a solution to eradicate the above-mentioned conflict. Considering the fact I belonged to the TF dichotomy, I prefer thinking focused decision (Weick 2015). The four factors I considered while taking the decision included: What was the conflict about? Principles and opinions of the two group involved in the conflict Analysis of the difference in opinions Taking a firm decision During my analysis, I understood that my decision of making the employee work even after their shift time is over is not only unethical but illegal as well. The Employees has the legal right to sue me legally. Fortunately, they have not taken the step since they respect my commitment and loyalty towards the organization and my ability to motivate them. Along with the MBTI model, the TA model also helped me to manage the conflict. I had implemented the Ego States theory during the decision-making process (Radwan 2014). This theory helped me to understand that being the manager of XYZ Company, during the conversation with the employee, it was my duty to communicate with him modestly. This, in turn, would have helped me to understand his issue as a result of which he was showing aggressive behaviour. After analyzing my role as well as the psychology of my employees behind the conflict, I decided to implement the following steps. Firstly, since our organization has already signed a contract with the company and needs to complete the project within the stipulated time, I organized a meeting where the current liability of the company and the huge loss of revenue that the company would face if corporation from the employees is not obtained will be stated. Secondly, considering the fact that this immoral as well as illegal to pressurize th e employees for working more than their office hours, I decided to implement an incentive plan. Extra money was provided to the employees who worked for an additional period of time after their working hours were over. Finally, we appointed he terminate employee again in our organization only after he provided a written commitment that he would follow the code of conduct in the workplace in future. Identification of the tool that helped me the most The four tools mentioned in the above discussion helped me to manage the conflict in different ways. While the disc tool helped me to evaluate my leadership style, the Johari window model assisted me to understand my own personality and what my peers and employees think about it. With the help of both of these tools, I understood my strength as well as weaknesses. The MBTI tool helped me to assess the situation and show me the way so that the situation can be handled most effectively. Finally, with the help of TA tool, I was able to take an effective decision and managed the conflict successfully. Areas of Concern The only concern I had while using and implementing the four above mentioned tools to manage the conflict was that none of the tools is multifunctional. I noticed that none of the tools possesses the capability of solving the issue on. Hence I had to use all the four tools to manage the above-mentioned situation. Self assessment It is the core concern for me to see each aspect of conflict management and finding out why it stays critical to be a successful leader during the operational conflict. I have adapted some helpful lessons from various experiences as a manager and how I can enhance my administration capacity in this type of situation. I tenaciously work to settle on sound and convenient choices while enabling others to adopt some features from me. I observed my workforce very closely and pay special attention to identify the core causes of these conflicts while keeping them efficient by understanding their problems and obstacles. I have to build up a structure as per my observation and identification of situational choice, guaranteeing each undertaking decision is comprehended, regulated, and achieved by me and my subordinates while it would not have any dominant approach towards them. I routinely look for better approaches to assemble the workforce without any dominating approach while utilizing and motivating them as per their capabilities. I want to be an exceptionally devoted individual where I need to build up more leading capacities for making an ideal decision in any kind of conflicts. At the same time, I have the capacity to keep me motivated in any chaotic situation. I want to prepare effective motivational push for me and for my subordinates to achieve the objectives with collective dedication. Reference List Burian, P.E., Francis, R., Burian, P.S. and Pieffer, M.A., 2014. Leadership Systems Model: An Integration Of People, Process, And Behaviors In A Dynamic And Evolving Environment.International Journal of Management Information Systems (Online),18(4), p.261. Leon-Perez, J.M., Medina, F.J., Arenas, A. and Munduate, L., 2015. The relationship between interpersonal conflict and workplace bullying.Journal of Managerial Psychology,30(3), pp.250-263. Radwan, N., 2014. An adaptive learning management system based on learners learning style.International Arab Journal of e-Technology,3(4), p.7. Saxena, P., 2015. JOHARI WINDOW: An Effective Model for Improving Interpersonal Communication and Managerial Effectiveness.SIT Journal of Management,5(2), pp.134-146. Weick, K.E., 2015. The social psychology of organizing.M@ n@ gement,18(2), p.18
Sunday, December 1, 2019
System of education in kz free essay sample
Synonyms accretion, accrual, addendum, addition,augmentation, boost, expansion, ga in, increment, more, plus,proliferation, raise, rise, step-up, supplement, uptick Fall 1 he act of going down from an upright position suddenly and involuntarily Synonyms slip, spill, stumble, tumble fluctuate verb to pass from one form, state, or level to another Synonyms fluctuate, mutate, shift, snap, vary drop 1 the quantity of fluid that falls naturally in one rounded mass Synonyms bead, blob, driblet, drip, droplet, glob, globule Halve : to divide (something) into two equal parts : to divide (something) into halves : to reduce (something) to one half of the original amount or size increase : to become larger or greater in size, amount, number, etc. to make (something) larger or greater in size, amount, number, etc. Synonyms accelerate, add (to), aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost,build up, compound, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, level off intransitive verb Definition of LEVEL OFF : to approach or reach a steady rate, volume, or amount : stabilize peak an elevation of land higher than a hill Synonyms alp, hump, mount, peak rocket verb to proceed or move quickly Synonyms barrel, belt, blast, blaze, blow, bolt, bomb [slang], bowl, breeze, bundle, bustle, buzz, cannonball,careen, career, chase, course, c ack (on), dash, drive,
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