Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write a Research Essay in Management with Ease
How to Write a Research Essay in Management with Ease In contrast to the common belief that management is the kind of a skill that is required only by leaders, every person needs it. Various management concepts such as coordinating, organizing, and planning are a must for those willing to work for a large company or organization. Thus, it is important for all employees to forearm themselves with strong management skills no matter what position they aim to take. In theory, management skills might seem easy to gain and while college students tend to make the same mistake all the time – they believe that they can use academic journals and books in order to master various concepts involved in the field. Nonetheless, as a skill, management is being developed outside the classroom and usually requires various practices needed to comprehend its importance. Achievement of the main targets and goals, goal setting and interpersonal relations all together depend on management. Therefore, it is a significant element when one is trying to ach ieve success either in professional or academic environment. Basic Tips on Management Research Essay Writing Research essay writing in management is a key test that college professors use in order to evaluate their students’ knowledge. However, in contrast to the other essays and exams, management research essays seek to find out whether college students are familiar with the concepts of the field and have practical skills gained during the course. Research essays in management seek more than just how much you can recall, and call for critical thinking. These assignments seek to test how much information you can execute or apply when dealing with various management issues. At the same time, management research essays are used to understand your application skills and your ability to execute what you learned during the course in theory. A research essay in management can be hard to handle if you’re used to simple questions and book-like straightforward answers. Research Essay in Management: Basic Structure All essays should be well structured to guide both – you and your readers. Research essays in management use the traditional essay format, which means that they include the introduction with a thesis statement, the body with the supporting arguments, and at the end, the conclusion that reiterates your argument or research question. Structuring a research essay is not a difficult task. However, if your paper lacks proper structure, it hence looks incomplete and the chances are that you may get poor grade for your work. So, how does a good research essay outline looks like? All research essays consist of three parts: the introduction; the body paragraphs; the conclusion. The Introduction: this paragraph goes first in your essay; starts with a general statement about the chosen topic; gives background information for your reader; concludes with the thesis statement (the last sentence of the introductory section). The Thesis: the thesis statement is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph; includes one sentence only; is a strong statement that the writer can prove; is the answer to the essay’s research question; is the controlling idea of your management research and is a â€Å"road map†to the research essay; is specific and states one significant idea about the subject. The Body: this is the section where you present the evidence to prove the thesis; the body includes the information that supports/proves the thesis; your supporting information can be evaluation, analysis, persuasion, argument, and/or comparison/contrast; the body of the research essay is well organized with every paragraph containing the topic sentence, the supporting and concluding sentences, as well as the transition to the next paragraph; make sure to cite all support for your thesis, whether paraphrased or quoted. The Conclusion place the conclusion into the last paragraph of the research essay and sum up how your project proved the thesis; restate your thesis statement/research question; leave your target readers with a something to think about; do not provide any new information in this paragraph. Choose a Win-Win Research Topic Sometimes, freedom is not something that you can easily handle, especially when the question is about writing a research essay in management. Even though you may complain about the topics that your professor assigned, selecting your own topic to write an essay about is must more difficult. Without the right recommendations, you can end up choosing a topic that you’ll fail to research and explain even in 50 pages, or one that can be explained in one paragraph only. Here are some helpful guidance on how to pick an interesting management topic for the research essay in a particular sub-field of management. Human Resource Management HR management is known as the process of managing people in companies and organizations. Human resource management (HRM) involves recruiting and retention of people, performance management, and so on. The topics in the area may include the following: Challenges and New Directions in Reinventing Human Resources Management; Strategies to Eliminate Sexual Harassment among the Employees; Challenges in Human Resource Management in Developing Countries Fitting Personality or Professional Qualities: What Is More Important? Matrix Management Matrix Management is an organizational structure where you’re required to report to more than one leader or supervisor. More broadly, it is about the management of cross-business and cross-functional groups that don’t maintain strict vertical business units. To write about Matrix Management, consider the following topics: Management of New Technologies for Global Competitiveness; Analyses, Foundations and Theories of Organizational Behavior; The Nature and Consequences of the Multidivisional Structure; Quantitative Models’ Challenges for Project Planning, Scheduling and Control. Green Management The field is aimed at developing and improving the personnel responsible for environmental communication and activities. The topics that you may do your research on include: Management of Air-Borne Diseases in Indian Villages; The Green Wall: Environmental Leadership, Strategy and Change Management in Business; An Investigation of Hotel Performance in Sustainable Green Environment; How to Reach the Balance between Urbanization, Environmental Sustainability and Changed Lifestyles? Research essay writing also includes many other topics in the sub-fields. Globalization, new technologies, and the range of the associated ethical implications provide many of the issues, such as the management of nonprofit, sports, arts, healthcare, and so on that you can discuss in your research essay. Narrow Down Your Topic Depending on the topic that you choose to work on in the field of management, you may already have something specific to research, or you may simply be required to write about a general subject or theme. If your professor doesn’t specify your topic and you have time to brainstorm, try to choose a subject that is not only interesting to you, but also specific. If you choose a specific issue to debate, you will have plenty of material to work with. Beware of choosing the topics that are too broad. If you do so, you might end up having an essay that has no particular point. To avoid such situations, make sure to narrow down the topic that is on your mind. Are you going to write about hiring the HR managements? Good choice, but the topic is too vague. Consider writing about the fact that hiring talented employees remains the number one concern of CEOs or about discrimination and harassment in HR field in the third world countries. If you’re writing the research-based essay in management, you might look for some inspiration from major sources on the topic – Questia, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company and many others. Transform Your Research While a research essay in management is heavily based on the in-depth research, the premise of the paper is not to just restate what the others have already discovered. The number one goal of writing this kind of academic paper is to transform the research in order to make it your own, showing to your college professor and everyone else that you perfectly grasped management theories and issues and thus, learned to apply them when working with a real-world problem or issue. To transform your management research, make sure to create a list of questions at the beginning. Then, you will have to refer back to them when you’ll be creating your outline. Finding the right answers to the questions from the list will serve as the solid base for the primary points that you’ll make in the body. Add your personal experience with the field of management to transform your research into a compelling academic project. Cite Your Sources Properly If you are going to use information or ideas of some other writers (you definitely are!), you will face the necessity to credit each source of information. This is true when you need to directly quote another source or sum up someone else’s ideas or words. The way you’re going to do that will depend on the citation style your professor would like to see in your research essay. Usually, students are required to write the authors’ names, the titles, the publication date and the information location. Before you cite, make sure to find out what citation style you have to use. There is a range of various citation styles that may be used in the field of management. Approach your college professors to ask them to provide you with the style to use. The most popular academic styles that students deal with include American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA) and Chicago styles. Before you use any of the guides we gave above, check the rules if citing in one of the online guides. As a rule, college students are required to give full citations at the end of the research essay. Typically, the citation lists are called the ‘Reference List’ or ‘Bibliography’. When it comes to the body of the research essay, you have to use there the in-text citation in order to let your target readers know that the information that you just used isn’t your own. The in-text citation will let your readers know where the full citation is, i.e. â₠¬â€œ at the end of your research essay. On the whole, you don’t have to cite the things that are well known for people around. For instance, you definitely don’t have to explain what management or HR is, as well as you don’t have to cite a source if you say something like, â€Å"Management can be defined as the range of the tasks and activities that are usually undertaken in order to archive a goal or an objective by the assortment of continuous activities†. The Last Thing When you look for the tips for the research essay writing in management, two things tend to be always there. These are revision and proofreading. Once you are through with the research essay in management, it’s important to give it to your family members or friends who can help you to find all the mistakes and misconceptions within the text. Who knows, maybe they will be good enough to find even some mistakes in your research findings? Research essay revision is important because it helps you to submit the paper that is free from the most obvious mistakes and factual. Moreover, it is important to proofread your essay in order to avoid grammatical mistakes. Even the best writers on earth make mistakes when they write their masterpieces. Without a doubt, there will be one or two sentence structure, punctuation or grammar mistakes in your research essay. Submitting such an imperfect assignment will definitely lead to the bad grades. Therefore, it is necessary to proofread the pap er before you submit it, and make certain that it has no trivial or obvious mistakes.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Benefits of Paper Recycling
The Benefits of Paper Recycling Paper recycling has been around for a long time. Actually, when you think about it, paper has been a recycled product from the very beginning. For the first 1,800 years or so that paper existed, it was always made from discarded materials. What Are the Most Significant Benefits of Paper Recycling? Recycling paper conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space free for other types of trash that cant be recycled. Recycling one ton of paper can save 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space and 4,000 kilowatts of energy - enough to power the average U.S. home for six months - and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE). Who Invented Paper? A Chinese official named Tsai Lun was the first person to make what we would consider paper. In 105 AD, at Lei-Yang, China, Tsai Lun stirred together a combination of rags, used fishing nets, hemp and grass to make the first real paper the world had ever seen. Before Tsai Lun invented paper, people wrote on papyrus, a natural reed used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to create the paper-like material from which paper derives its name. Those first sheets of paper Tsai Lun made were pretty rough, but over the next few centuries, as papermaking spread throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the process improved and so did the quality of the paper produced. When Did Paper Recycling Begin? Papermaking and producing paper from recycled materials came to the United States simultaneously in 1690. William Rittenhouse learned to make paper in Germany and founded Americas first paper mill on Monoshone Creek near Germantown, which is now Philadelphia. Rittenhouse made his paper from discarded rags of cotton and linen. It wasnt until the 1800s that people in the United States started making paper from trees and wood fiber. On April 28, 1800, an English papermaker named Matthias Koops was granted the first patent for paper recycling - English patent no. 2392, titled Extracting Ink from Paper and Converting such Paper into Pulp. In his patent application, Koops described his process as, An invention made by me of extracting printing and writing ink from printed and written paper, and converting the paper from which the ink is extracted into pulp, and making thereof paper fit for writing, printing, and other purposes. In 1801, Koops opened a mill in England that was the first in the world to produce paper from material other than cotton and linen rags - specifically from recycled paper. Two years later, the Koops mill declared bankruptcy and closed, but Koops patented paper-recycling process was later used by paper mills all over the world. Municipal paper recycling started in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1874, as part of the nations first curbside recycling program. And in 1896, the first recycling center opened in New York City. From those early efforts, paper recycling has continued to grow until, today, more paper is recycled (if measured by weight) than all of the glass, plastic, and aluminum combined. How Much Paper Is Recycled Every Year? In 2014, 65.4 percent of the paper used in the United States was recovered for recycling, for a total of 51 million tons. Thats a 90 percent increase in the recovery rate since 1990, according to the American Forest Paper Association. Approximately 80 percent of U.S. paper mills use some recovered paper fiber to produce new paper and paperboard products. How Many Times Can the Same Paper Be Recycled? Paper recycling does have limits. Every time paper is recycled, the fiber becomes shorter, weaker and more brittle. In general, paper can be recycled up to seven times before it must be discarded. Edited by Frederic Beaudry
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ghandi, The Man not the Myth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ghandi, The Man not the Myth - Essay Example Gandhi’s approach to life is to build, not break. He knew that prosperity in the real sense of the term will not happen unless the people are sound and industrious, and basic conditions are created for them to become this way. With the profound knowledge that he possessed about cultural traditions and the state of the economy, he was in a position to guide the destiny of the people. The country he was associated with had their economy and cultural traditions exploited and devastated with a calculated plan by the colonial rulers. He desired that every segment of the population of the country needs to be self-sufficient and should not look forward for foreign aid. He desired and worked for the Indian people to make them self-sufficient and lead the life maintaining the essential dignity. Truth was the underlying message in his way of life. Non-violence to him meant strength without destruction, with no chance for weakness or fear for challenging injustice. In the dark coalmine o f politics, he was the sparkling gem. He had powerful issues to fight with, like racism, violence, religious fanaticism, and colonialism. Since truth was at the root of all his battles, he had no confusion about his goals, for he knew his destination. To him, how he did, what he did, and the honest means employed were more important than the violent tactics normally adopted by the politicians. "Truth remained at the root of his integrated approach to life, and by non-violence he meant vitality without destruction, with no opportunity for weakness or fear for challenging injustice." Religion enveloped every action in his life In 1944 Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth,†. He spoke of Gandhi as an angel, that only occurs once on earth. That was the time when Gandhi was at the peak of spiritual advancement and the Indian Freedom struggle had entered the conclusive phase. Most of the people then and eve n today understand the superficial Gandhi, a tall lean figure with a walking stick and robe. They were enthusiastic about following him, without understanding the basic principles for which he stood for. In turn he mixed freely with the people, irrespective of their class or official status and at the same time he maintained the essential dignity needed in a true leader. He possessed personal assets like purity in personal lifestyles, good dietary practices (he was a strict vegetarian), celibacy, and a life devoid of violence (ahimsa) His dietary practices were often ridiculed and termed as impractical for a hardworking and busy individual. However, Gandhi knew the scientific justification for his pursuits in this area, which he considered as an important aspect for his spiritual advancement. Gandhi’s food discipline is part of this theory. His mother took advice from a Jain priest and the 5 five great vows of Jainism are: nonviolence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy, and non p ossession (Holmes, p.6). Those taking junk and non-vegetarian foods are prone to anger, restlessness and unsteady behavior, get upset over frivolous issues and have jealous dispositions. Gandhi terms his life as an experiment with truth, and he tendered convincing proofs for all his actions. Gandhi does not expect everyone to follow his principles blindly and as the man with the divine orientation he knows that each individual is born with a level of progression. There is a place in which he has to commence the one’s own journey of life from the given set of circumstances. When the individuals are honest about their intentions and have an unselfish approach, all problems, personal, societal, national and international, can be solved. Apparently, this may seem hard to obtain, but this is the only alternative to challenge the issues confronting humankind. Treading the spiritual path is a gradual process and the episodes presented by Gandhi chronologically in the book need to be understood in this context. As one progresses spiritually, many a past beliefs turn myths. Meaning, such an individual has transcended the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Explain how to determine the credibility of sources of information Essay
Explain how to determine the credibility of sources of information including institutions, organizations, agencies, periodicals, and other resources - Essay Example As it has been observed, the real strength of a student’s writing rests in large part on the quality of research informing his or her argument (Engle, 17). It is thus important to recognize the types of resources used for instance peer and non peer reviewed articles. Peer reviewed articles refer to those articles read by subject experts before being published in a journal (Engle, 22). These articles need to pass through the review process as a way of ensuring that the published articles exhibit the highest quality in their fields. On the other hand, non peer reviewed articles are those articles that have not been revised by an expert or passed through the review process (Engle, 24). There are a few differences that exist between peer reviewed articles and non peer reviewed articles for instance, while peer reviewed articles are closely checked to ensure they are correct unlike non peer reviewed articles. Additionally, peer reviewed articles are given more authority as compared to non peer reviewed articles. Peer reviewed articles hold under scrutiny of one’s peers, who are considered experts in similar fields. Non peer reviewed articles allows for any type of information to get out into the media, especially onto the internet, without bei ng scrutinized (Engle, 27). Considering the fact that a lot of non peer reviewed information passes through to the media, especially periodicals and magazines, it is important to determine the credibility of sources of information. There are various ways in which one can determine the credibility of sources for instance checking the domain name or the home page. A person can also look for who the author of the particular article is, and ensure whether or not they can find out about that individual or organization (Engle, 29). It is also important to determine the type of site one is considering, for instance; if
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay When put together, it means sick of love. Once Montague and Lady Montague leave, Benvolio has to try and discover what is affecting him. Just in the first few lines of Benvolios and Romeos conversation, love, once again appears, not as sexual innuendos, but this time in a much more serious perspective. Benvolio asks, What sadness lengthens Romeos hours? and Romeo replies, Not having that which having makes them short, which is rather ironic as Romeo wants love and therefore his life is short. We previously identify this through the prologue. Elizabethans had an aristocratic view on love and so they thought it would always be bad as Benvolio indicates, so gentle in his view. As soon as Benvolio speaks of love, Romeo attempts to confuse the issue, but when he uncovers the essential truth, he emphasizes each word as if the facts were almost unbelievable and quite without justification. At line 169, Romeo honestly unveils the truth, heres much to do with hate, but more with love. This may not be extremely important in engaging the audience because they may already believe that his unrequited love is Juliet. But this is not the case, thus it will be a shock to the audience when they discover who it really is. His thoughts are of the clash between love and hate, which then places brutal and outrageous images in his head. This is also shown by the words he uses, Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms, Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still waking sleep, that is not what it is! Which also represents the confusion of his feelings and the contrast between them. This is an example of an oxymoron and the contradictions in life. It is applied in order to express the perplexity of Romeos emotions. It is also apparent that Romeo recognizes that Rosaline is a Capulet, the enemy, which is why his words of love and hate are intertwined, O brawling love, O loving hate. Once more, Romeo attempts to leave but Benvolio follows him and brings up the subject of love yet again. The word love catches Romeos attention; only this time, he counters Benvolios question by mocking his seriousness. In this section, there is a distinction between Rosaline and Juliets attitude to love. Rosaline, hath forsworn to love, indicating her love will not open out for anyone at this moment, and as he continues, and in that vow, do I live dead, that live to tell it now, reinforces the idea of Romeo finding love and life, and when he does, it will result in death. Romeo is caught up in false or artificial love. When real love comes, it will come as Juliet and will be a great impact in his life. The way he feels about Rosaline is much different to his feelings towards Juliet. As I have previously mentioned, we start scene II with Capulet and Paris, and his wish to marry Juliet as soon as possible. The information that we are told at the end of scene I, and the beginning of scene II, is surprising to the reader as we were lead to believe that it is Romeo and Juliet getting together, but it is apparent they are not and create a sense of curiosity. Capulet is presented as a kind hearted man and has faith in his daughter, earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she; She is the hopeful day of my earth. But this quote too, has dramatic irony, because Juliet dies in the end and therefore will have nothing to live for. Capulet then leaves after his lecture, leaving Peter, his servant with a piece of paper. Romeo and Benvolio enter and meet Peter, who is at fault, as he cannot read the list of whom he is meant to invite for the party. Romeo is persistent and patient with Peter. As he reads the list aloud to Peter, a name mentioned caught his attention; Rosaline. By now, he is even more tolerant with Peter because he realises that this is his chance to discover more about Rosaline. To return the favour, Peter prayed, come and crush a cup of wine, and then left. Of course, Romeo would take advantage of this due to his adoration of Rosaline. Benvolio also encourages him, go thither, and with attained eye, compare her face with some that I shall show. This is another example of dramatic irony as Romeo takes Benvolios advice and ironically, he does find another woman who happens to be Juliet. Presently however, Romeo questions, one fairer than my love? believing that there is no one else for him, but there is. Rosaline starts to fade out at the end of scene II. By introducing the nurse before Juliet in scene III, Shakespeare at one stroke made the drama domestic, bawdy, and affectionate in tone. As she speaks in turn to Lady Capulet and Juliet, the nurses speech is more dynamic and rhythmically varied than any so far in the play. Shakespeare was also able to introduce his heroin almost silently, so that in her first scene, Juliet speaks only seven lines. Attention is of course, focused on her, and her response is crucial for the development of the scene; yet she remains dutiful in speech and therefore mysterious and unknown. As lady Capulet did not ask any questions, the Nurse felt it was necessary to speak. Her long speech about the death of her daughter may indicate the events that could happen to Juliet. The bawdy lines 43-45: Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit; Wilt thou not, Jule? And, by my holidam, The pretty wretch left crying and said, Ay Provide a climax for the speech, making the nurse helpless with laughter and provoking three repetitions, two against the express wish of Lady Capulet. Probably the nurse should make an attempt to be silent or serious and then give in to her own instincts. Juliets involvement is effective as she may either be embarrassed by her Nurses bawdiness or may know that more is likely to follow and offend her mother. It is in this scene where Juliet speaks her thoughts of marriage and believes it is, an honour I dream not of, for she is still young and has no plans to marry. This is considered as dramatic irony for she has no desire to marry Paris but when she meets Romeo, she falls in love and marries him almost straight away. Then Lady Capulet asks, can you like Paris love? and Juliet answers, Ill look to like, if looking liking move. But no more deep will I endart my eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly, Reinforcing that she will meet him but Lady Capulet will have to wait before Juliet gives her verdict. The audience at this point will anticipate the judgment of young Juliet. Finally, there is one last major theme in the play, fate and tragedy. When mentioning the word tragedy, you automatically think death or a disaster outcome, which will make you want to know more about the event or situation. Shakespeare gives a hint of tragedy in the prologue, A pair of star-crossed lovers take their strife, and so connects with the thoughts of the audience. Star-crossed lovers are referred to as death. Their love brings both of them to an end and is thus, their destiny to die. The prologue gives a summary to what we expect to happen, but Shakespeare carefully made this to embody the divine intervention of Romeo and Juliet. In the Elizabethan times, the audience were lead to believe that fate always causes tragedy. As we know, we begin in a fight scene. Romeo is in fact not there, which may symbolise that Romeo is not part of the feud or that he is involved greatly. The quarrelling of fools is turned to civil mutiny as the prologue warned. Although Benvolio seeks to keep the peace, he is soon fighting as Tybalt threatens him with death. The Capulets and the Montagues are built on hate where as Romeo and Juliet is built on love and subsequently, inevitability is introduced. The prophetic words of Prince Escalus, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace, is ironic because we know that Romeo and Juliet, from each household, dies as a consequent to the feud that has been going on for many years. It is an insight for those who dont know, of what will tragically happen. Romeos unrequited love leads his life, but when another lady returns his love, his life comes to an end. The ironic in this is visible as we read Romeo and Benvolios conversation. Romeos fate as he believes, is to be with Juliet no matter what. So his determination to spend eternity with Juliet is his destiny to die. Romeo claims he is a victim of bad luck, in saying that he is Fortunes fool The mechanism of fate works in all of the events surrounding the lovers, including the feud between their families. This event is not mere coincidence, but manifestations of fate that help bring about the unavoidable outcome of the young lovers deaths. Fate in the play is influenced by the social situations and the personalities of each character. In scene II, Capulet recalls that he has nothing to live for but for his daughter, but because he is at war with whom Juliet loves, she dies as a consequence of this. It is bad luck to him and for both Romeo and Juliet. Peters obvious flaw of not being able to read is Romeos chance to meet Rosaline, but this is his fate to first meet Juliet. Meeting Peter was a fateful coincidence. Benvolio himself said to look for other women and this is what happened when he went to Capulets party. Benvolio urges Romeo to go to the party for the women, but Lady Capulet urges Juliet to go to meet Paris, giving the audience the benefit of the doubt. The audience at this point is now aware of how Juliet and Romeo meet. In scene III, the Nurse comments, An I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish, implies that she will see Juliets marriage with Paris, but not only does she miss it, but Juliets husband to be is a different man. The nurses speech is significant and refers to the death of her own child. The audience by now is much more interested as they now know more about the events. Overall, we can see that Shakespeare has created an atmosphere, which engages the audience right from the beginning. He uses imagery, emotive words, dramatic irony and various other techniques to do so. In the beginning, the prologue tells us what we are to expect, and as we near the end of scene III, our expectations are answered, but we are curious of how the events happen. Shakespeare has successfully completed his task to seize our mind.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE SMOKING POLICY ON CAMPUS INTRODUCTION Purpose This proposal is to improve the campus environment. Non- smokers does not like the smell of nicotine so it is their right to have a smoke-free environment where they pay tons of thousands of dollars in tuition every year, every semester in many cases. It is designed to encourage better health for everybody. Scope This report covers up policies on our campus. It also compares the policy with policies from other colleges and schools. There are few ways we can deal with this growing issue and improve atmosphere around us. BACKGROUND General Information Every year, there are hundreds of new students admitted to our campus. We are given the student handbook at beginning of the year, which includes school policies. Majority of students do not read the book or just read it for once. We have to start encouraging students to read the policies about smoking and tobacco usage on and around the university properties. Most of the students do not smoke but the other half population that does come from experience in smoking. They start smoking from high school. Research For this issue, I decided to talk to some of the smokers, non-smokers, faculty, and nurses. Most of them had the same opinion on smoking on campus. I also used internet to find policies on our campus and other colleges around us. Some of them had very strict policies on smoking and usage of tobacco around their campuses. When I looked at the smoking policy on our campus, I found that it has not been updated since 2006. It is a long time to overlook an issue of this level. Findings/ Issues Through my research, I came over with few ways we can make our campus green. I also came across the issue of cig... ...ial parking spots just for smokers away from the campus buildings. They can smoke there whenever they without jeopardizing other people’s health. Like proposed before, we can establish â€Å"Smoking Huts†one far end of the parking lot. 7. We can recommend students using the electronic cigarettes instead of traditional smokes. 8. Like many major universities across the nation, we can ban smoking altogether on the campus. This proposal is least likely to pass but as a non-smoker, that is the best way to make our campus environment fresh and clean. CONCLUSION Speaking as a non-smoker, this issue is very serious for us. We definitely have to respect smokers’ choice to smoke but they have to respect ours as well. Not many people like the smell or burning nicotine. These proposals certainly can help clean our community and provide better environment for future generations.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Importance of art in society Essay
People seem to gravitate towards images ,giving them a meaning from their own personal lives. That they themselve are able to relate back to their : concept of what life is, memories of their yester-year and their dreams to be. Understanding what’s going on when a face begins to squish ,to make room for wrinkles ,a slight pout in the lips gives the viewer, the impression the, image ,of a face, within the picture is getting upset. Children are able to grasp the concepts, the elderly seem to understand,psychologically disabled comprehend what is happening within a picture because they give it their own personal meaning,correct only to them being thats its their interpretation. pictures can cause people to feel so emotionally intense they decide they should take up arms. in world war ii visual art,propaganda art, was used as a war tool to provoke emotions leading everyday men to go out and buy bonds ,pious germans to commit acts like genocide against the jews, housewifes to pursu e work in factory jobs: â€Å"One of the main reasons why World War II had a huge impact on the world was from propaganda because it promoted a great deal of industry and economic stability. When one thinks of how many people participated in the war, they probably only think of how many soldiers fought in the war and how many casualties there were. Due to the art of propaganda, most of the citizens from each country during World War II were acting participants because it lit a fire in everyone’s stomachs to help their country’s cause in whatever way possible†¦.†(World War II..) images impact us the power within pictures is an immense one, causing two races before in conflict with each other , to agrees to seat aside their differences and work together This poster of two young men working on an engine promotes the citizens of America to work harder so the army has more materials, implying that even normal citizens can take part in the war even if they are not fighting (World War II..) A maiden whose ferociously mad at her bridesmaid for leaving the wedding on the day of or, the look of bright blue skies ,light brown beaches ,a towel on top of the sand with a man laying down , celebrating his vacation , people tend to understand the feelings with in these pictures because they ,themselves, have had similar feelings.Visual art is a message that is able to promote feelings of glee and good memories to the viewer but, at that time are able bring back feelings of extreme hatred and aggression. Visual arts can aid in the relieving of stress, to whomever may need it.Being a victim of bullying,going home to a empty house of no one to open up to and, share the pain with.Theres paper and pencil,visual art . So the bullied child tells his pain to the paper everything he feels :â€Å"how he wishes he would stop being tormented because it making him feel like his worthless†,†how hes thinking of missing a step when he goes down the stairs because it will make his pain go away†.this is a relief for him being able to vent it out,taking away the pain on his mind.He letting the negative thoughts go away ,and becoming fun thoughts again. the pain within him grows smaller with each mark he leaves on the paper, as he finishes up his drawing.Visual images gives the drawer the chance to vent and not let them emotions build up Feeling can about about an issue can be express like â€Å"how the viewer feels about something†it all comes out in the picture , as lines are drawn,nonverbal giving his/or her feelings representations. the way a student draws his math teacher with frightening demonic fangs and a menacing look , the picture read the teacher is a horrible monster. The same math teacher that didn’t like him , that would continuously send him to the disciplinary office to be disciplined. Or the problems of everyday life that have yet to have an answer ,too. Visual images help in finding that solution to those problems by being a voice to be heard by the public.During the the 1600 around the world knew nothing about the atrocities of slavery,how slaves imprisoned were being treated by their slave masters’. then came a visual material to bring about a solution to the problem , called â€Å"uncle toms cabin†. This very visual book full of emotional images gave a view into the slave fields around that era, the 1600s. The millions of slaves who spent their lives on their masters cotton field picking and sorting cotton, the challenges the would face for being enslaved were being given a voice to public ,for help.Slaves had no choice and were forced into strenuous labor full days of bone-break cotton picking, from early in the morning till late at night. the way they were need to be brought to the public eye,to be stopped, and this is what visual aids were able to accomplish and more: †helped to lay the ground work for the civil war â€Å" (The Civil War in A., pg 18) according to Will Kaufman.the slaves were ripped apart from the one they loved ,wiped with such brutality to the point of death for trying to escape into a god-given life of freedom,molested by their slave masters for being conveniently there, when he felt the mood was right.All of these things came before the world to be judged and decide if slavery was a justice practice .This was a grand issue hidden in the fabric of american culture brought before the world to judge. Through the use of images to bring issues that need to be heard a solution to ,shows how visual images are important and how powerful they can be in life. Visual images play a huge impact in the world that we see in our everyday,from the billboard ads on local subways trains passing by, campaign art to vote for this this elected official, or the doodle made in class. they have the power to portray meaning through the use of color, shape, hues, space, and line to convey a message, to the viewer. visual art is a gift that can give: the mute words to be said ,the artistic an outlet to create and the brand ,needing to be promoted, a way to the viewer.among all these things visual art is important to everyday life because its a fun activity , an outlet to express feelings,and its a nonverbal way of getting the point across. (The Civil War in A., pg 18) according to Will Kaufman.the slaves were ripped apart from the one they loved ,wiped with such brutality to the point of death for trying to escape into a god-given life of freedom,molested by their slave masters for being conveniently there, when he felt the mood was right.All of these things came before the world to be judged and decide if slavery was a justice practice .This was a grand issue hidden in the fabric of american culture brought before the world to judge. Through the use of images to bring issues that need to be heard a solution to ,shows how visual images are important and how powerful they can be in life. Visual images play a huge impact in the world that we see in our everyday,from the billboard ads on local subways trains passing by, campaign art to vote for this this elected official, or the doodle made in class. they have the power to portray meaning through the use of color, shape, hues, space, and line to convey a message, to the viewer. visual art is a gift that can give: the mute words to be said ,the artistic an outlet to create and the brand ,needing to be promoted, a way to the viewer.among all these things visual art is important to everyday life because its a fun activity , an outlet to express feelings,and its a nonverbal way of getting the point across. (The Civil War in A., pg 18) according to Will Kaufman.the slaves were ripped apart from the one they loved ,wiped with such brutality to the point of death for trying to escape into a god-given life of freedom,molested by their slave masters for being conveniently there, when he felt the mood was right.All of these things came before the world to be judged and decide if slavery was a justice practice .This was a grand issue hidden in the fabric of american culture brought before the world to judge. Through the use of images to bring issues that need to be heard a solution to ,shows how visual images are important and how powerful they can be in life. Visual images play a huge impact in the world that we see in our everyday,from the billboard ads on local subways trains passing by, campaign art to vote for this this elected official, or the doodle made in class. they have the power to portray meaning through the use of color, shape, hues, space, and line to convey a message, to the viewer. visual art is a gift that can give: the mute words to be said ,the artistic an outlet to create and the brand ,needing to be promoted, a way to the viewer.among all these things visual art is important to everyday life because its a fun activity , an outlet to express feelings,and its a nonverbal way of getting the point across.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Home to one of the world's most densely populated and poorest regions in the world, South Asia is made up of 8 nations including the islands of Maldives and Sri Lanka located at the southern tip of the region. The region is also one of the most heterogenous in terms of language, races and religion such as Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. Inevitably, this very diversity has caused much threat to the social fabric, security and harmony of the nations both domestically, intra-nationally and internationally. This is not to say that all conflicts are ethnic-based; there are other prominent conflicts arising from territorial disputes, particularly the on-going Kashmir imbroglio. The South Asian region alone has seen many historical moments with regards to nationalism in the past decades. This essay will be looking into the struggles of Awami League, a Bengali nationalist opposition party, for the liberation of Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) from Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan). Before anything, it is imperative to make clear what nationalism means.Defining the term ‘nationalism'Nationalism has never had a concrete definition owing to its broad concept which differs from one sociopolitical climate to another. Scholars, however, have attempted to define this ambiguous term for pragmatic purposes. Anthony Smith defines nationalism as â€Å"an ideological movement for the attainment and maintenance of autonomy, unity and identity on behalf of a population some of whose members deem themselves to constitute an actual or potential â€Å"nation††(Smith). It is essentially a manifestation of ideological goals they hope to achieve through united efforts. It is embedded in the behavior and thoughts of individuals, who then spread this ideology in the form of politics. At the end of the day, they hope to achieve statehood. On this basis, it is agreeable that nationalist movements aim to actualize their political goals. Pakistan's nationalist movement was manifested in the demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims in 1947. Bangladesh's nationalist movement is, similarly, rooted in the demand for a separate homeland. Being subordinates vis-à -vis the West Pakistan since 1947, they demand a homeland to protect and preserve their interests. An autonomous homeland in which they would be free from the Hindu Muslim domination that is the West Pakistan and the unjust discrimination. Urdu or Bengali? It is worth understanding that the breaking up of British India in 1947 into two separate nations of Pakistan and India was due to the belief that Muslims and Hindus have very distinct and stark differences in culture, language, practices and belief in which it was impossible to ever achieve a commonality (Moore). Propagated by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the emergence of Pakistan was meant to be a Muslim nationhood, where the nation was to be built in the name of Islam, also known as Islamic nationalism. It is against this political backdrop that shaped the Bengali's fight for independence. The quest for the liberation of East Pakistan started a year after Pakistan's independence. In February 1948, Muslim League led by then Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan proposed that Urdu was to be Pakistan's only national language, against the will of Bengali majority. Imperative a language is in building a national identity, quite inevitably, this spawned disgruntlement and acrimony within the Bengalis as they felt neglected in the decision-making process. The government's stand to make Urdu the national language was just as Hindi was made India's national language. On the other hand, the Bengalis stand was because Bengali is the language spoken by majority (54%) as compared to Urdu (7%) in Pakistan (Mussarat Jabeen). The declaration of Urdu as a national language led to protests in Dhaka in 1952 and eventually the birth of the language movement (Lewis) advocating for recognition of Bengali as a national language. This inter-wing linguistic war lingered and turned to become a very controversial issue and strained relationships between the two wings. Little did they know, it was merely the start of what was to be the most extensive and profound effects to be recorded in the history of Indian sub-continent. Other forces at work There was a conflation of many other aspects that led to the disintegration of Pakistan. Since Pakistan's independence, East Pakistan had been internally exploited and discriminated by their Western counterparts socioeconomically and politically. These disparities between the East and the West placed the East at a disadvantage,z leading to the growth of nationalistic movements. Economically-wise, West Pakistan was mainly an agricultural economy while East Pakistan was the largest producer of raw jute and exporter of raw cotton. It goes without saying that the bulk of foreign exchange came from East Pakistan (Sengupta). However, it was used for the imports of consumer goods in West Pakistan. Subsequently, trade deficit of West Pakistan was regularly financed by that of East who managed to sustain a trade surplus (Gull). This was the case for total government expenditure as well. Between 1950 and 1970, total government expenditure was $30.95 billion. West Pakistan took a huge share of $21.49 billion while East Pakistan, despite having more than 55% of the country's population, only got about 30% share of the total expenses (Ayaz). In addition, Bengalis had a meagre share in government services and military (Ahmar) and in the Pakistan International Airport, there were only 280 East Pakistanis employee compared to 7000 from the West Pakistan (Oldenburg). Such economic and political inequality fueled a sense of injustice which fed the growing dissatisfaction with the central West government and hence the demand for East Pakistan to be an independent state. What aggravated the Bengali's sentiments towards an independent state was the apathetic response of the Pakistani government during the November 1970 cyclone. Cyclone Bhola, one of the most catastrophic natural disaster, claimed about 500,000 lives and left thousand others starving. With all the international aid and assistance flowing into the east wing from the US and other parts of the world, the central Pakistani government did nothing more than allocating a single helicopter to fly over the area, assessed the situation and declared the day it as â€Å"major calamity area†. It is even further exacerbated that this response took more than a week later. The callous response of the government led to high levels of anti-West Pakistan feeling (Najam). This is but a manifestation of the lack of pathos and the altruistic character of the central government towards the victims of the disasters. In fact, in a press conference after the disaster, Sheikh Mujibur declared that â€Å"East Pakistan must achieve self-rule by ballot if possible, and by bullet, if necessary†(Ludden). After being evidently treated as second-class citizens and not being given help from their very own national counterparts, they felt a greater need to attain autonomy. In East Pakistan's demand for greater autonomy and equal power-sharing, the emergence of Bangladesh may have been avoided if East Pakistan acted according to the 1970 general elections results. Awami League's party won a landslide victory by successfully capturing all but 2 seats in the east-wing. This meant that Mujibur would become the Prime Minister, and thus be able to preserve and protect the interests of Bengalis (Oldenburg). However, the West Pakistan administration were unwilling to accept, cueing a constitutional crisis that led to the 1971 civil war (The Guardian). The victory of Awami League meant that the new constitution was to embody the party's Six-Point program . First articulated in February 1966, the doctrine was vested in a common goal – that East Pakistan should be given as equal an autonomy to govern their province and protect their interests (Oldenburg). That they would be treated and seen as equal in the eyes of their fellow compatriots in the other wing. The doctrine is important in highlighting the justification of East Pakistan's separate state. Their liberation is strongly vested in the idea of being able to possess and exercise power and preserve and practice their Bengali identity and culture. Let us not forget that leading up to the birth of Bangladesh, West Pakistan launched Operation Searchlight attack on the Eastern wing in 1971 to get rid of the Hindus whom they believed have influenced the nascent of Bengali Opposition (Oldenburg). While there was an uncertainty of exact numbers, certainly thousands died, thousands of women were raped, and a mass refugee was triggered (D'Costa). This mass genocide was the last straw that eventually led to Bangladesh's emergence. A breath of fresh air The cauldron of emotions and sociopolitical and economic instability led to the growth of Bengali nationalistic movement. The lack of acknowledgement of the Bengalis fostered a culture of hatred surrounding the central government. East Pakistan's separate homeland is compelling in terms demanding political power and control over economic resources and putting an end to the invidious discrimination and â€Å"colonial exploitation†by the West wing. Insurmountable and onerous the obstacles were, Bangladesh finally breathed fresh air when West Pakistan conceded. Nationalism What is the importance of patriotism in the lives of Today's youth? Yahoo answer Patriotism is a love for one's country and a desire to make her better. It is contrasted with simple nationalism (or jingoism) in that nationalism and jingoism represent a blind loyalty to one's country even when it wrong (an example would be the people of Nazi Germany). Patriotism, on the other hand, recognizes when its nation is wrong and fights to correct the wrong even as it supports that nation. Patriotism is important in the lives of youth today for several reasons.One is because the youth of today will inherit the nation tomorrow. If youth do not become involved in making our nation better, they may not receive a nation worth inheriting. Second, the nation built by today's youth will be the nation they pass along to their own children. If young people today wish their children to have an America of freedom, the young people of today must protect and defend that freedom by supporting ou r country's greatness and working to make her ever better. Third, the youth of today owe a debt to those of the past who sacrificed, worked hard, and even died to build us a free nation.To keep faith with those who have gone before and upon whose toil and sacrifice the nation was built, youth need to show patriotism. Are We The Youth Not Patriotic? – Think Again (An Appeal) I do not like to generalize, but most Indians who are 40 plus consider today’s youth as ‘not patriotic’. Patriotism per-se means love for the nation, and we youth have no dearth of it. As youngsters, born in independent India, we haven’t had the opportunity to see how our people toiled for a century to attain freedom. Most of us have not witnessed the four wars that were fought by our Armed forces in 1947, 1962, 1965 and 1971.Thus, we may not feel our eyes watering we hear Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon’, the song that immortalized the sacrifice of Indian soldiers on icy Himalayan peaks in 1962 and which brought tears to the eyes of Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru. Our interest in reading documents about great freedom fighters and freedom struggle, if any, is also academic, as our generation fails to really connect to that era. That, however, does not mean that we are not mindful of the hard work of our countrymen, because of whom, we’re living a dream life in a vibrant and growing India, which has created a niche for itself in the world.It’s just that we do not identify with the spirit of freedom the way our elders may, because our relations with that era are not even second hand but third hand. Merely because of this disconnect we should not be classified as less patriotic. It only makes us patriotic in our own special way: the youth’s way. Had the youth lacked devotion for the nation, where would the Navy, Army and Air Force have got their new recruits from? Those who join the forces are ready to give thei r life and that too without asking for anything more than a remuneration to keep their family alive.Mind you, this remuneration is exactly same as the country pays to its Babus and Bureaucrats. While the whole country works only eight hours for that pay and gets paid overtime for every extra hour, it is they who work tirelessly 24 X 7, in adverse conditions and not even talk of overtime, so that their countrymen can have a good night’s sleep, day after day. Without the youth, the defense would have been crippled with only oldies and vacancies plaguing the Armed forces. Since this sorrow situation hasn’t materialized, one can safely conclude that the belief that today’s youth is ‘not patriotic’ is nothing but a perception.What would have happened of Indian culture, values, tradition and way of life had it not been due to joint effort of our parents and us youngsters. Our parents brought us up in a cultured environment where traditions and moderni sm go hand in hand. We the youth have retailed and nurtured the Culture and Values of  being Indian, while borrowing  certain things from foreign land which is attributed to our curiosity. Dressing in western attire, talking in English, and having Mcdonalised our diet doesn’t eat away our indiannesss.Macdonald or not, when it comes to idli-dosa, chicken tanduri or dal-bati we are most enthusiastic. You must understand that Mcdonalisation is part of being hep in the crowd. Even while we may be living in a foreign land, working on foreign shores and earning in foreign currency, our traditions are practiced with same fervor, if not more. In whatever foreign land we maybe in, our earnings are sent back to India, to help our families and also help the Indian economy grow with this added Forex capital. Youth isn’t selfish, though it may be portrayed so.We may be more ‘me driven’ but we also invert the ‘m’ often enough to become ‘we drive n’. On some planes we’re a force that is hard to beat. Had we not been a collective bunch, Jessica Lal, Matoo and such other cases including the quota debate would not have become a mini uprising. On some other, we can outwardly look selfish and overtly driven by success, though it isn’t so in reality. We would prefer to be indianised in competition, treating others as peers, but the globalization of Indian economy forces us to be excessively competitive; if I may say, competitiveness is forced on us.Rather than critcising us, one should sympathise with us because we are the victims of circumstances. We youth don’t claim to be saints. We do go wayward on certain counts, but the older generation has always been there to steer us away from them. Without the elders we youth would be like a ‘rudderless’ boat, just swaying in turbulent waters. What makes us killers of a sort is the fact that we’re brought up the right way, as balanced indiv iduals. Add to it the fact that no matter how low we may fall; our families would always support us and help us rise, which is typically an Indian phenomenon.The security of Indian ‘family’ system gives us the courage to move ahead and realize our individual dreams and our dreams for Indiabecause we fully well understand that we have a fall back option – our family. The youth also has modern ways of celebrating Indian achievements. We take pride in cheering for India in every sports event with tricolour painted on our faces. We feel exhilaration in watching Aamir Khan in Rang De, and we feel the shivers while watching Ajay Devgan in Bhagat Singh. We feel overwhelmed when any Indian does genius feats.Our pulse races when we hear the National Anthem. We’re filled with energy when the song ‘suno gaur se duniya walon-buri nazar na hum pe dalo-chahe jitna zor lagalo-sabse aagey hongey Hindustani†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢is played. We keenly track our indust ry and stock markets. We do this and so much more. We are patriotic, just that our ways of expressing it are different (read modern, perhaps even whacky). We try to do things differently, we try to innovate, and we try to show our love in our own ways. We wish to ask, what more we can do to prove our patriotism?Do we scream our lungs out, or do we go out chanting patriotic songs in ‘Prabhat Pheries’ (morning marches), tell us what we can do to get out of our stereotype portrayal of being ‘not patriotic’? We’ve conquered the air, water and land, but we’re yet to conquer every elderly Indian’s heart. We don’t want to be known as a bunch of selfish people, who’re money-minded and just looking for some fun, but as individuals who’re dedicated to the nation with the same affection that the generations before us were.Our methods and ways to make India the shining star (that it was in the past) may be different, but we share the same cherished goal and the vision for modern India with our elders. We know we’re making progress, but sincere efforts always pay off and the speed of progress shall become a typhoon in times to come. In the end ‘Hum Honge Kamyab’ (we shall succeed) in this race to balanced progress, and young Indians are here to make India a winner as much our elders did in their times.And India shall be a winner, if you, our elders, put faith in us, support us in this endeavor and appreciate the efforts that are being done with due understanding that we converge for India. The situation isn’t as bleak; there is plenty of light seen at end of this tunnel to progress. On behalf of young India, I’d like to end this appeal with a quote- A man's feet must be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. George Santayana Please support us and guide us as we survey the world, while our hearts beat for India, our blood is In dian and every drop of our sweat is shed to do something for India. 91 words essay on Patriotism in India for school and college students by Kunal Free sample essay on Patriotism in India for school and college students . Patriotism lends a great dimension to a man’s personality and it exalts him to rare heights of nobility. A patriot is not a person confined within the narrow limits of his family and his intimate circle of friends. Patriotism enlightens us about our paramount duties to our nation, our motherland, as dear and sacred as our own mother. India has a proud heritage of the noblest patriots, who sacrificed all their belongings and even gave up their lives, for the cause of their motherland.The freedom struggle of India which was a golden chapter in the history of the country saw the whole nation revolting against the insolent British, who brutally suppressed the patriotic spirit of the Indians, who were chased like dogs and lath charged when they raised their voices of protest. Our political struggle headed by the unique leader of leaders, Mahatma Gandhi, an embodiment of compassion and tolerance, was a saga of victory for the Indians, who shed blood for a great cause, and the trail of their blood left indelible marks on the sands of time of their sacrificial spirit, which cannot be adequately described in words.This is an age when patriotism is at its lowest, when people’s narrow-mindedness, sectarianism and religious intolerance have raised their ugly heads. Man has fallen prey to the vicious influences so pervasive in society which is witness to the worst acts of desperados? It is said that Gandhi and his circle of friends were exemplary patriots. Nelson Mandela, the great South African leader, who tirelessly fought for his African brethren, opposing the racist whites, is next only to Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi was the inspiration to Nelson Mandela, who suffered imprisonment for many years.When he was frail and even when his mora l strength was eroded by the oppressive tactics of the whites he protested. His patience ultimately rewarded him with victory. The South African Government consisting of the most autocratic whites, who were highly prejudiced against the colored Africans, at last realized that it was no longer possible to keep the poor, meek Africans under their thumbs. Nelson Mandela was acknowledged as a doughty champion of the lowliest and the last. He was made President of South Africa. Mr. Abdul Kalian, the President of India, is one of the greatest patriots.He is called the ‘Missiles Man’ as he was instrumental in launching many missiles into space. As a scientist and patriot, he stands supreme, and when he makes speeches he speaks of developing India as a great nation. A film on Abdul Kalama titled â€Å"From Rameswaram to the Rashtrapati Haven†has been produced. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery in the US, Nelson Mandela and other s of their ilk should rule our minds and influence us so that we too will follow in their footsteps and serve the nation.It may be said that the patriots’ lives are a reminder to us of the everlasting truth that the whole nation is our land and that we should leave no stone unturned to protect it from acts of gross injustice of the self-centered, the crooked, the violent and the engineers of terrorism. Patriotism is a spiritual quality which ennobles man. In a patriot’s vision the image of his motherland assumes divinity and we can imagine how strong his spirit of patriotism was. Our relationship starts with our mother, father, sister, brother, aunt and uncle and goes on widening.We love one another in our small circle of family. We should love everyone in the vast family of our nation. If we begin to feel that our nation, our motherland, is one large family, we the people of the nation, will grow as one well-knit family. In this situation we feel we are related to one another as brothers and sisters. Unity is our strength. United we stand, divided we fall. From our childhood we should develop the spirit of loving one and all. There are none high or low. All living creatures, whether insect, bird, animal or human being, has a right to live.This is the greatest message; this is the most precious lesson. Patriot is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citizen. He is called a true patriot who loves his country and is ready to sacrifice his all for her cause, and wholeheartedly works for the welfare of his motherland. The land, on which one is born and brought up and lives, is naturally dear to him than any other land. This love for his birthplace grows into patriotism. If his motherland is attacked by the enemies, he does not hesitate to fight for the protection of freedom of his native land.He can do any thing to glorify his country. He feels proud of his country. This patriotic feeling can be found in many great heroes in history. I n India, we know many patriots who suffered inhuman distress at the hands of the foreign rulers, because they loved their country, and wanted to make her free from the shackles of the foreign rule. They were imprisoned, publicly flogged and had undergone inhuman torture for their undying patriotism. Still they did not step down, even at the cost of their life. They carried on their struggle for freedom for many years.This is true patriotism. A true patriot will go to the war with a smiling face to sacrifice his life, if needed. He will serve the poor and the distressed people of his country out of compassion that arises from patriotism. He will devote himself to the work of development of his own people. He does not bother about his personal interests or gains, when he goes forward with his spirit of patriotism. A true patriot is worshipped by his countrymen. They shed tears when he dies, as if, he was one of their nearest relations. Nationalism What is the importance of patriotism in the lives of Today's youth? Yahoo answer Patriotism is a love for one's country and a desire to make her better. It is contrasted with simple nationalism (or jingoism) in that nationalism and jingoism represent a blind loyalty to one's country even when it wrong (an example would be the people of Nazi Germany). Patriotism, on the other hand, recognizes when its nation is wrong and fights to correct the wrong even as it supports that nation. Patriotism is important in the lives of youth today for several reasons.One is because the youth of today will inherit the nation tomorrow. If youth do not become involved in making our nation better, they may not receive a nation worth inheriting. Second, the nation built by today's youth will be the nation they pass along to their own children. If young people today wish their children to have an America of freedom, the young people of today must protect and defend that freedom by supporting ou r country's greatness and working to make her ever better. Third, the youth of today owe a debt to those of the past who sacrificed, worked hard, and even died to build us a free nation.To keep faith with those who have gone before and upon whose toil and sacrifice the nation was built, youth need to show patriotism. Are We The Youth Not Patriotic? – Think Again (An Appeal) I do not like to generalize, but most Indians who are 40 plus consider today’s youth as ‘not patriotic’. Patriotism per-se means love for the nation, and we youth have no dearth of it. As youngsters, born in independent India, we haven’t had the opportunity to see how our people toiled for a century to attain freedom. Most of us have not witnessed the four wars that were fought by our Armed forces in 1947, 1962, 1965 and 1971.Thus, we may not feel our eyes watering we hear Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Aye Mere Watan Ke Logon’, the song that immortalized the sacrifice of Indian soldiers on icy Himalayan peaks in 1962 and which brought tears to the eyes of Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru. Our interest in reading documents about great freedom fighters and freedom struggle, if any, is also academic, as our generation fails to really connect to that era. That, however, does not mean that we are not mindful of the hard work of our countrymen, because of whom, we’re living a dream life in a vibrant and growing India, which has created a niche for itself in the world.It’s just that we do not identify with the spirit of freedom the way our elders may, because our relations with that era are not even second hand but third hand. Merely because of this disconnect we should not be classified as less patriotic. It only makes us patriotic in our own special way: the youth’s way. Had the youth lacked devotion for the nation, where would the Navy, Army and Air Force have got their new recruits from? Those who join the forces are ready to give thei r life and that too without asking for anything more than a remuneration to keep their family alive.Mind you, this remuneration is exactly same as the country pays to its Babus and Bureaucrats. While the whole country works only eight hours for that pay and gets paid overtime for every extra hour, it is they who work tirelessly 24 X 7, in adverse conditions and not even talk of overtime, so that their countrymen can have a good night’s sleep, day after day. Without the youth, the defense would have been crippled with only oldies and vacancies plaguing the Armed forces. Since this sorrow situation hasn’t materialized, one can safely conclude that the belief that today’s youth is ‘not patriotic’ is nothing but a perception.What would have happened of Indian culture, values, tradition and way of life had it not been due to joint effort of our parents and us youngsters. Our parents brought us up in a cultured environment where traditions and moderni sm go hand in hand. We the youth have retailed and nurtured the Culture and Values of  being Indian, while borrowing  certain things from foreign land which is attributed to our curiosity. Dressing in western attire, talking in English, and having Mcdonalised our diet doesn’t eat away our indiannesss.Macdonald or not, when it comes to idli-dosa, chicken tanduri or dal-bati we are most enthusiastic. You must understand that Mcdonalisation is part of being hep in the crowd. Even while we may be living in a foreign land, working on foreign shores and earning in foreign currency, our traditions are practiced with same fervor, if not more. In whatever foreign land we maybe in, our earnings are sent back to India, to help our families and also help the Indian economy grow with this added Forex capital. Youth isn’t selfish, though it may be portrayed so.We may be more ‘me driven’ but we also invert the ‘m’ often enough to become ‘we drive n’. On some planes we’re a force that is hard to beat. Had we not been a collective bunch, Jessica Lal, Matoo and such other cases including the quota debate would not have become a mini uprising. On some other, we can outwardly look selfish and overtly driven by success, though it isn’t so in reality. We would prefer to be indianised in competition, treating others as peers, but the globalization of Indian economy forces us to be excessively competitive; if I may say, competitiveness is forced on us.Rather than critcising us, one should sympathise with us because we are the victims of circumstances. We youth don’t claim to be saints. We do go wayward on certain counts, but the older generation has always been there to steer us away from them. Without the elders we youth would be like a ‘rudderless’ boat, just swaying in turbulent waters. What makes us killers of a sort is the fact that we’re brought up the right way, as balanced indiv iduals. Add to it the fact that no matter how low we may fall; our families would always support us and help us rise, which is typically an Indian phenomenon.The security of Indian ‘family’ system gives us the courage to move ahead and realize our individual dreams and our dreams for Indiabecause we fully well understand that we have a fall back option – our family. The youth also has modern ways of celebrating Indian achievements. We take pride in cheering for India in every sports event with tricolour painted on our faces. We feel exhilaration in watching Aamir Khan in Rang De, and we feel the shivers while watching Ajay Devgan in Bhagat Singh. We feel overwhelmed when any Indian does genius feats.Our pulse races when we hear the National Anthem. We’re filled with energy when the song ‘suno gaur se duniya walon-buri nazar na hum pe dalo-chahe jitna zor lagalo-sabse aagey hongey Hindustani†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢is played. We keenly track our indust ry and stock markets. We do this and so much more. We are patriotic, just that our ways of expressing it are different (read modern, perhaps even whacky). We try to do things differently, we try to innovate, and we try to show our love in our own ways. We wish to ask, what more we can do to prove our patriotism?Do we scream our lungs out, or do we go out chanting patriotic songs in ‘Prabhat Pheries’ (morning marches), tell us what we can do to get out of our stereotype portrayal of being ‘not patriotic’? We’ve conquered the air, water and land, but we’re yet to conquer every elderly Indian’s heart. We don’t want to be known as a bunch of selfish people, who’re money-minded and just looking for some fun, but as individuals who’re dedicated to the nation with the same affection that the generations before us were.Our methods and ways to make India the shining star (that it was in the past) may be different, but we share the same cherished goal and the vision for modern India with our elders. We know we’re making progress, but sincere efforts always pay off and the speed of progress shall become a typhoon in times to come. In the end ‘Hum Honge Kamyab’ (we shall succeed) in this race to balanced progress, and young Indians are here to make India a winner as much our elders did in their times.And India shall be a winner, if you, our elders, put faith in us, support us in this endeavor and appreciate the efforts that are being done with due understanding that we converge for India. The situation isn’t as bleak; there is plenty of light seen at end of this tunnel to progress. On behalf of young India, I’d like to end this appeal with a quote- A man's feet must be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. George Santayana Please support us and guide us as we survey the world, while our hearts beat for India, our blood is In dian and every drop of our sweat is shed to do something for India. 91 words essay on Patriotism in India for school and college students by Kunal Free sample essay on Patriotism in India for school and college students . Patriotism lends a great dimension to a man’s personality and it exalts him to rare heights of nobility. A patriot is not a person confined within the narrow limits of his family and his intimate circle of friends. Patriotism enlightens us about our paramount duties to our nation, our motherland, as dear and sacred as our own mother. India has a proud heritage of the noblest patriots, who sacrificed all their belongings and even gave up their lives, for the cause of their motherland.The freedom struggle of India which was a golden chapter in the history of the country saw the whole nation revolting against the insolent British, who brutally suppressed the patriotic spirit of the Indians, who were chased like dogs and lath charged when they raised their voices of protest. Our political struggle headed by the unique leader of leaders, Mahatma Gandhi, an embodiment of compassion and tolerance, was a saga of victory for the Indians, who shed blood for a great cause, and the trail of their blood left indelible marks on the sands of time of their sacrificial spirit, which cannot be adequately described in words.This is an age when patriotism is at its lowest, when people’s narrow-mindedness, sectarianism and religious intolerance have raised their ugly heads. Man has fallen prey to the vicious influences so pervasive in society which is witness to the worst acts of desperados? It is said that Gandhi and his circle of friends were exemplary patriots. Nelson Mandela, the great South African leader, who tirelessly fought for his African brethren, opposing the racist whites, is next only to Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi was the inspiration to Nelson Mandela, who suffered imprisonment for many years.When he was frail and even when his mora l strength was eroded by the oppressive tactics of the whites he protested. His patience ultimately rewarded him with victory. The South African Government consisting of the most autocratic whites, who were highly prejudiced against the colored Africans, at last realized that it was no longer possible to keep the poor, meek Africans under their thumbs. Nelson Mandela was acknowledged as a doughty champion of the lowliest and the last. He was made President of South Africa. Mr. Abdul Kalian, the President of India, is one of the greatest patriots.He is called the ‘Missiles Man’ as he was instrumental in launching many missiles into space. As a scientist and patriot, he stands supreme, and when he makes speeches he speaks of developing India as a great nation. A film on Abdul Kalama titled â€Å"From Rameswaram to the Rashtrapati Haven†has been produced. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery in the US, Nelson Mandela and other s of their ilk should rule our minds and influence us so that we too will follow in their footsteps and serve the nation.It may be said that the patriots’ lives are a reminder to us of the everlasting truth that the whole nation is our land and that we should leave no stone unturned to protect it from acts of gross injustice of the self-centered, the crooked, the violent and the engineers of terrorism. Patriotism is a spiritual quality which ennobles man. In a patriot’s vision the image of his motherland assumes divinity and we can imagine how strong his spirit of patriotism was. Our relationship starts with our mother, father, sister, brother, aunt and uncle and goes on widening.We love one another in our small circle of family. We should love everyone in the vast family of our nation. If we begin to feel that our nation, our motherland, is one large family, we the people of the nation, will grow as one well-knit family. In this situation we feel we are related to one another as brothers and sisters. Unity is our strength. United we stand, divided we fall. From our childhood we should develop the spirit of loving one and all. There are none high or low. All living creatures, whether insect, bird, animal or human being, has a right to live.This is the greatest message; this is the most precious lesson. Patriot is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citizen. He is called a true patriot who loves his country and is ready to sacrifice his all for her cause, and wholeheartedly works for the welfare of his motherland. The land, on which one is born and brought up and lives, is naturally dear to him than any other land. This love for his birthplace grows into patriotism. If his motherland is attacked by the enemies, he does not hesitate to fight for the protection of freedom of his native land.He can do any thing to glorify his country. He feels proud of his country. This patriotic feeling can be found in many great heroes in history. I n India, we know many patriots who suffered inhuman distress at the hands of the foreign rulers, because they loved their country, and wanted to make her free from the shackles of the foreign rule. They were imprisoned, publicly flogged and had undergone inhuman torture for their undying patriotism. Still they did not step down, even at the cost of their life. They carried on their struggle for freedom for many years.This is true patriotism. A true patriot will go to the war with a smiling face to sacrifice his life, if needed. He will serve the poor and the distressed people of his country out of compassion that arises from patriotism. He will devote himself to the work of development of his own people. He does not bother about his personal interests or gains, when he goes forward with his spirit of patriotism. A true patriot is worshipped by his countrymen. They shed tears when he dies, as if, he was one of their nearest relations.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Wetware Wetware Wetware By Maeve Maddox Computer-age coinages don’t usually strike me as â€Å"creepy,†but this one does. Formed on the model of software and hardware, wetware begins to soar into prominence on the Ngram Viewer in 1979. Both the OED and Merriam-Webster provide definitions of this new term. OED wetware noun: Chemical materials organized so as to perform arithmetic or logical operations; brain substance, as having this ability. M-W wetware noun: The human brain or a human being considered especially with respect to human logical and computational capabilities. Apparently the invention and continuing development of artificial intelligence (AI) has created the need for a retronym for human. In I, Robot, written between 1940 and 1950, Asimov referred to the brain of a robot as a â€Å"positronic brain.†In the dystopia of Terminator (1984), an intelligent computer is called â€Å"Neural Net CPU.†In the 2015 film Ex Machina, a substance made of a gel that causes artificial neural connections to form is called wetware. Here are examples of the usage of wetware I found on the Web: [Marleen Stikker] was director of multimedia art festival Zomerfestijn Amsterdam in 1990 and 1991 and organiser of the Wetware Conference (on hardware, software and physical interaction). Integrated IT Wetware/Software Solutions [headline on site of company offering digital services] Many, many teams just abandon this impossible wetware task and use each solution in isolation. [This is a consultant’s website. In the context, wetware seems to mean the aspect of online selling that involves human beings called â€Å"web customers†and â€Å"mobile customers†who are part of the â€Å"wetware task.†] The term wetware in its turn is spawning new meanings for the adjective wet. Dean Koontz uses (and defines) the expression wet intelligence in the following exchange between characters who are examining an alien creature: Linked up, maybe these hundreds of millions of nanocomputers functioned as this creatures brain or at least as the largest part of its brain, assuming there was also some wet intelligence in it. Wet intelligence? Biological brain matter. At first I thought that the term wet signature had a similar meaning, but several readers have informed me that the wetness of this term refers to ink and not to gray matter. For example: DocuSign is capable of keeping the entire transaction in the cloud. There are, however, rare occasions when a wet signature is necessary. Related post: What’s a Retronym? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesWhat is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?50 Tips on How to Write Good
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Head Words
Head Words Head Words Head Words By Maeve Maddox English has several words that derive from caput, the Latin word for head. Here are just a few. The words cap, caparison, cape, and capuchin all trace their origin to a garment that was worn over the head. 1. cap Originally, the word referred to a hood. Unlike a hat, a cap does not have a brim. When a cap does not refer to something worn on a person’s head, it can mean something applied to the top of something. Bottles have caps, as do chimneys. 2. caparison A fancy covering for a horse is called a caparison. Medieval knights rode caparisoned horses in jousting tournaments. What’s the connection with head? The word comes from Medieval Latin caparo, which was a type of cape worn by old women; part of the cape covered the head. 3. cape Although now we think of a cape as fastening at the neck and hanging down around the shoulders, older capes included a part that covered the head, hence the name. 4. capuchin A Capuchin is a friar of the order of St. Francis. Capuchins got the name from the fact that they wore a cape called a capuchin; it included a hood. Capuchin monkeys are so-called because of black hair at the back of their heads; someone thought the patch of hair looks like a hood or cowl. 5. chaperon The Latin word caparo that gave us caparison also gives us our word chaperon. Originally the chaperon was a cap or hood worn by noblemen, but later it became a garment for women. I suppose that when the fashion was dropped by younger women, the older ones continued to wear them. In time chaperon came to mean an elderly woman who accompanies a young unmarried lady in public to protect her reputation. In current usage, a chaperon is any responsible person, man or woman, young or old, who accompanies younger people in a supervisory capacity. 6. per capita A legal term relating to inheritance, per capita is used generally to mean â€Å"on an individual basis†: The per capital GDP is a measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country. 7. capital and Capitol As a noun, capital can mean â€Å"the head of a pillar or column,†or â€Å"the chief town in a region.†The first Capitol was the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. In general usage, the word could mean any citadel on the top of a hill. In American usage, â€Å"the Capitol†is the building occupied by the United States Congress in Washington D.C. Similar buildings occupied by state legislatures in the various states are also called Capitols. The state Capitol (building) is located in the state capital (city). As an adjective, capital means â€Å"very important.†In Roman law, â€Å"capital punishment†could be death, but it could also be exile and the loss of property and citizenship, things that made life worth living for a Roman. In current usage, a â€Å"capital offense†is a crime punishable by death. â€Å"Capital punishment†is â€Å"death by execution.†8. capitate, decapitate, capitulate, chapter An adjective, capitate means â€Å"having a head.†In botany and zoology an organ or the long narrow part of an organ is said to be capitate if it has a distinct head-like knob at one end. Decapitate is a verb meaning to separate the head from the body. Chapter comes from the Latin word capitulum, â€Å"little head.†A chapter is the main division of a book. Capitulate looks as if it would have something to do with the Latin source of the word for capture, but it too is from caput. Agreements, including terms for a town’s surrender, were written out under headings. 9. capo, captain, chief, chef The leader of a branch of the Mafia is a capo, Italian for head. The Italian word comes from good old caput. A captain is the head of whatever group is being led. Both chief and chef also descend from caput; both words translate literally as head. In heraldry, the chief is the top of the shield. Among people, the chief occupies the head position. Chief entered English from French in the 14th century with the meaning head, as in leader; its cognate chef followed in the 19th century with the meaning, â€Å"head cook.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?What to Do When Words Appear Twice in a RowWhat the Heck are "Peeps"?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Employee Recruitment Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Employee Recruitment Proposal - Assignment Example Considering the elaborate nature of activities of the company, this proposal seeks to request for hiring of more employees in order to boost efficiency and hence productivity of the company. The Need for Additional Employees There have been many complaints from employees about being assigned too many tasks. The employees are overworked and have a feeling that the company should employ more personnel to ease the current work burden. Employees have grown weary of putting too much effort on overtime. Besides, when critically evaluates the amount of money the company spends in paying dues for overtime performance, it is undisputable that the ultimate solution would be hiring additional staff, which will even help the company to cut down its operation costs. Hiring more employees is undoubtedly the best solution the problems facing the company. Hiring more workers would lower the present work burden on employees and increase their efficiency (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). By having a reasonabl e number of employees in the company, the output per work will greatly increase. The inefficiencies realized in the organization are as a result of strain by employees to get work done (Kleynhans, 2006). Because they are covering even for activities, which are supposed to be handled by other personnel who unfortunately have not been recruited, the workers have been complaining of stretching their efforts beyond reasonable limits to help attain organizational objectives. Coupled with the emphasize of meeting deadlines, it is quite challenging to achieve high standards in task performance when there is still a state of imbalance between the workforce of Beautiful & Handsome and its demanding tasks. From the company’s statistics, the average number of hours worked by employees in the past two financial periods is far much lower when compared with the first quarter of this fiscal year. For example, in the first six months of 2010/2011 financial period, the average hours worked by employees (200) was eight hours a day. This was the year when the company realized high production levels and hence high profits. When this is compared to the first six months of the trading period 2011/2012, the average working hours of employees is thirteen hours a day. This can indicate how strained the employees are and how they are overburdened with work. From the past performance records of the company, this is indeed the cause of high levels of inefficiency and low productivity in the company. Hiring new workers is crucial for the success of the organization. Besides easing off work burden from old employees, it will ensure inflow of new talents and skills into the company. Recruiting new employees will open avenues for hiring highly qualified personnel, who are crucial for the success of the organization. Hiring of new workers with adequate experience may reduced training costs and brings in innovative culture in the company thus providing a source of competitive advantage over rivals in the market. Employee Recruitment Budget The company should establish a recruitment program that contains budget estimates of money that is likely to be used in the recruitment process. The recruitment budget for twenty employees, it would cost around $ 2000 to $ 5500 per employee, factoring in all the expenses that are likely to
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