Monday, September 30, 2019
A Letter to Seamus Heaney Commenting on His Poetry Essay
Coimisià ºn na Scrà ºduithe Stà ¡it State Examinations Commission LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2005 English – Higher Level – Paper 2 Total Marks: 200 Wednesday, 8 June – Afternoon, 1.30 – 4.50 Candidates must attempt the following:†¢ ONE question from SECTION I – The Single Text †¢ ONE question from SECTION II – The Comparative Study †¢ ONE question on the Unseen Poem from SECTION III – Poetry †¢ ONE question on Prescribed Poetry from SECTION III – Poetry N.B. Candidates must answer on Shakespearean Drama. They may do so in SECTION I, The Single Text (Hamlet, As You Like It) or in SECTION II, The Comparative Study (Hamlet, As You Like It) INDEX OF SINGLE TEXTS Wuthering Heights Silas Marner Amongst Women Hamlet As You Like It − Page 2 − Page 2 − Page 2 − Page 3 − Page 3 Page 1 of 8 SECTION I THE SINGLE TEXT (60 marks) Candidates must answer one question from this section (A – E). A WUTHERING HEIGHTS – Emily Brontà « (i) â€Å"Heathcliff deserves the sympathy of the reader of Wuthering Heights.†Write a response to this statement, supporting your views by reference to the text. OR (ii) â€Å"The novel Wuthering Heights portrays a clash between two worlds represented by Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.†Discuss this view of the novel, supporting your answer by reference to the text. B SILAS MARNER – George Eliot (i) â€Å"The story of Silas Marner has the magic of a fairy-tale, which leaves the reader feeling good about people.†Write a response to this view of the novel, supporting your answer by reference to the text. OR (ii) â€Å"Godfrey Cass is not perfect, but, in the eyes of the reader, he is always a better man than his brother, Dunsey.†Write your response to this statement, supporting it by reference to the text. C AMONGST WOMEN – John McGahern (i) â€Å"Michael Moran undoubtedly loves his sons, but his love contributes little to their happiness.†Discuss this view of the relationship between Michael Moran and his sons. Support your answer by reference to the text. OR (ii) â€Å"Unlike the men, the women in Amongst Women support each other very well.†Discuss this statement confining your attention to the female characters in the novel. Support your answer by reference to the text. Page 2 of 8 D HAMLET – William Shakespeare (i) In your opinion, what is the appeal of the play, Hamlet, for a twenty-first century audience? Support the points you make by reference to the text. OR (ii) â€Å"We admire Hamlet as much for his weaknesses as for his strengths.†Write a response to this view of the character of Hamlet, supporting your points by reference to the text. E AS YOU LIKE IT – William Shakespeare (i) â€Å"Rosalind’s attitudes and qualities make her a very attractive character.†Do you agree with the above view? Support your answer by reference to the play. OR (ii) â€Å"The play, As You Like It, presents many opportunities for dramatic performance.†Write your response to the above statement, supporting it by reference to the play. Page 3 of 8 SECTION II THE COMPARATIVE STUDY (70 marks) Candidates must answer one question from either A – The General Vision and Viewpoint or B – Literary Genre. In your answer you may not use the text you have answered on in SECTION I – The Single Text. N.B. The questions use the word text to refer to all the different kinds of texts available for study on this course, i.e. novel, play, short story, autobiography, biography, travel writing, and film. The questions use the word author to refer to novelists, playwrights, writers in all genres, and film-directors. A 1. THE GENERAL VISION AND VIEWPOINT â€Å"Each text we read presents us with an outlook on life that may be bright or dark, or a combination of brightness and darkness.†In the light of the above statement, compare the general vision and viewpoint in at least two texts you have studied in your comparative course. (70) OR 2. (a) With reference to one of the texts you have studied in your comparative course, write a note on the general vision and viewpoint in the text and on how it is communicated to the reader. (30) Compare the general vision and viewpoint in two other texts on your comparative course. Support the comparisons you make by reference to the texts. (40) (b) Page 4 of 8 B 1. LITERARY GENRE Write a talk to be given to Leaving Certificate students in which you explain the term Literary Genre and show them how to compare the telling of stories in at least two texts from the comparative course. (70) OR 2. â€Å"Powerful images and incidents are features of all good story-telling.†(a) (b) Show how this statement applies to one of the texts on your comparative course. (30) Compare the way in which powerful images and incidents are features of the story-telling in two other texts on your comparative course. Support the comparisons you make by reference to the texts. (40) Page 5 of 8 SECTION III POETRY (70 marks) Candidates must answer A – Unseen Poem and B – Prescribed Poetry. A UNSEEN POEM (20 marks) Answer either Question 1 or Question 2. BACK YARD Shine on, O moon of summer, Shine to the leaves of grass, catalpa and oak, All silver under your rain tonight. An Italian boy is sending songs to you tonight from an accordion. A Polish boy is out with his best girl; they marry next month; tonight they are throwing you kisses. An old man next door is dreaming over a sheen that sits in a cherry tree in his back yard. The clocks say I must go – I stay here sitting on the back porch drinking white thoughts you rain down. Shine on, O moon, Shake out more and more silver changes. Carl Sandburg 1. (a) Do you like the world that the poet describes in this poem? Give reasons for your answer supporting them by reference to the text. (10) Choose a line or two that you find particularly appealing and explain why. (10) (b) OR 2. Write a personal response to the poem ‘Back Yard’. (20) Page 6 of 8 B PRESCRIBED POETRY (50 marks) Candidates must answer one of the following questions (1 – 4). 1. â€Å"The appeal of Eavan Boland’s poetry.†Using the above title, write an essay outlining what you consider to be the appeal of Boland’s poetry. Support your points by reference to the poetry of Eavan Boland on your course. 2. What impact did the poetry of Emily Dickinson make on you as a reader? Your answer should deal with the following: – Your overall sense of the personality of the poet – The poet’s use of language/imagery Refer to the poems by Emily Dickinson that you have studied. 3. Write about the feelings that T.S. Eliot’s poetry creates in you and the aspects of his poetry (content and/or style) that help to create those feelings. Support your points by reference to the poetry by T.S. Eliot that you have read. Write an article for a school magazine introducing the poetry of W.B. Yeats to Leaving Certificate students. Tell them what he wrote about and e xplain what you liked in his writing, suggesting some poems that you think they would enjoy reading. Support your points by reference to the poetry by W.B. Yeats that you have studied. 4.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Merchant of Venice †a Tragedy or Comedy Essay
* â€Å"The tragic feeling is invoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing, his sense of personal dignity†– Arthur Miller * Leading up to Shylock’s trial he undergoes a lot of struggle with regards to his bond with Antonio where. Antonio deceives Shylock when he doesn’t pay him and escapes the clause of the bond (pound of flesh). * Shylock At the same time Shylock loses his daughter, whom he loves very much, to a Christian man. Shylock was betrayed by his daughter and deceived by Antonio and the rest of the Christians. * I would my daughter were dead at my feet, and jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! * Therefore it is tragic when Shylock is stripped of his money and forced to convert religion. Against all his struggles he was just conducting his way of business and has to suffer so much. * This story is also tragic for the Jewish communities: * They were mocked and scorned by the Christians and perceived as â€Å"different†from other people (personality and physical attributes) * They were forced to live all together in a separate part of the city known as â€Å"ghettos†* When they exited the â€Å"ghettos†and went to different areas amongst Christians they had to wear red hats (this is a sign of the segregation of religions) * They could not engage in any other jobs except merchandise. This is why the Jews were mostly known as ‘usurers’. * Revenge is a theme of tragedy * Revenge is dark and hateful and particularly in this play Shylock is consumed with it. * He wants revenge with his daughter because he feels betrayed and hard one by. She disobeyed him and their religion and stole money from him. * He is consumed with revenge towards Antonio and his Christian friends because of the way Antonio deceived him where he did not pay off his bond and the way the Christian friends mocked him. This was emphasised in his famous monologue â€Å"hath not a Jew eyes†where he describes the way he is treated. * The way the director personifies the characters * In most renditions of the play, especially in the most modern movie, the main characters (Bassanio, Antonio and Shylock) are very serious characters and this adds to the tragic mood of the play * When dealing with problems these characters do not seem to be in a light-hearted or joyous mood, they are more dull and serious. * At the time tragic characters had to be very static and weren’t versatile and this is evident, mostly in the characters of Antonio, Bassanio and Shylock.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Grid Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Grid Computing - Essay Example With its help the organizations are able to utilize underused CPU capabilities within the network, avoid unbalanced capabilities, and virtually lift the constraints imposed by the capability of a particular CPU. Grid computing becomes an access gate to the on-demand computing meaning the processing and storage capacity is used when it is needed. It allows processing large workloads more quickly without "stealing" the capacity from other viable tasks running simultaneously. Grid Computing Info Center compares the underlying idea of grid computing to electric power network (grid) where power generators are distributed, but the users are able to access electric power without bothering about the source of energy and its location (Grid Computing Info Center n/p). The major providers of the grid computing software include IBM, Oracle, Intel, Infosys, SAS, Sun Gridware. A number of the companies specializing in grid computing software offer their solutions to a wide range of corporations as well: Grid Frastructure, Gridwise Tech, Gridwell, Gridsystems, etc. (Grid Computing Info Center n/p). Often the software offers are adapted to suit the needs of a particular industry or company. For instance, IBM's Grid and Grow solutions offer the organizations a wide variety of customized platforms.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Woman's Liberation Movement Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Woman's Liberation Movement - Term Paper Example The American culture expected women to ‘keep the home.’ The television programs of the 1950’s clearly demonstrate this reality. Prior to the 1960’s and 1970’s women were commonly vilified and thought of as egocentric if their personal ambitions did not comprise cooking meals, cleaning, caring for children, and being the obedient wife of their husbands. The idea of feminism was one of scorn and mockery during this time. It was also understood to be opposed to the basic tenets of Christianity. The efforts of numerous women such as Gloria Steinum, Ruth Rosen and Betty Friedan during the 1960’ revitalized the women’s movement and laid the foundation for changes in both public perception of feminism as well as the law for all time. Although the women’s liberation movement is often understood as being of a uniform ideology it actually is very diverse consisting basically of two differing perspectives on feminist thought fundamentally d ivided by age and, radical and liberal. The significant achievement for the women’s liberation movement that began in the 1960’s was to give voice to very private matters such as domestic violence, date rape, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment by forcing these subjects into the public debate thus instigating changes concerning both social attitudes and legislation. The changes began when President John F. Kennedy formed the Commission on the Status of Women in 1961. Betty Friedan, an outspoken feminist was part of this commission. In 1966 Friedan created the National Organization for Women (NOW), the first new feminist organization in nearly 50 years. NOW was the initial and remains the most recognized but it was only beginning of the organized expression of the women’s movement. â€Å"The (women’s) movement actually has two origins, from two different strata’s of society, with two different styles, orientations, values, and forms of o rganization†(Freeman, 1971) These unaligned women’s groups were thought of as separate in structure and motive throughout the 1960’s but by 1970, these numerous groups loosely aligned by two uncommon composition and origin merged in the collective conscience of the American public under the familiar terminology of the women’s liberation movement. The first faction which included NOW, the Professional Women’s Caucus, the Federally Employed Women and the Women’s Equity Action League, the self-described ‘right-wing’ of the movement, whose demographic consisted largely of older women than other groups formed during the 1960’s. The older group consisted mainly of women who worked outside the home plus older homemakers who were sympathetic to the cause. The younger factions were generally college-aged young women who came from the civil rights movement. The women’s equality groups of the ‘younger generation’ heard the words and witnessed the efforts of the ‘older generation’ such as Betty Friedan, who wrote the very popular book, The Feminine Mystique, who said â€Å"A woman has got to be able to say, and not feel guilty, ‘Who am I, and what do I want out of life’? She mustn’t feel selfish and neurotic if she wants goals of her own, outside of husband and children†(â€Å"
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Worst Print Media Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Worst Print Media Design - Essay Example According to the studies conducted by Palshaw (1986), these companies’ advertisers are trying to reach out to their potential customers through the use of these media. Television advertising, being the most expensive way of promoting products or services, directly approaches the public. However, advertising through television requires ample budget because these TV commercials should be enticing enough in the eyes of the public. TV commercials should be interesting enough, something that would make their imaginative minds work. Moreover, TV commercials should possess qualities that would hit the companies’ goals; thus, making it very specific (Leebron, 1997). Palshaw (1986) added that with the use of radio advertising, the commercial should be better inclined with either a TV or print media so that it could, in a way, better affect the public. Radio advertising also requires a lot of effort on the part of the companies’ advertisers. Print advertising, on the other hand, can also reach out to the public and directly influence its target market only if the print ad itself is evoking enough. Palshaw (1986) concluded that the best way to promote products or services is through the use of combined or mixed media. For example, a company could promote its products or services using the media cited above. Meaning they can take advantage of TV commercials, simultaneously supported by radio commercials, in addition with print advertising. With this method, the companies can take advantage of every media that reaches out to public market through various waves. And since each of these media have their own advantages and disadvantages, by usin g mixed media, these media compromise each other. In addition, with the use of mixed media advertising, the company can pinpoint exactly which of the advertising methods do most of its integral purpose. Another media that companies could use is, by far, more effective than TV advertising. It is
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Nitendo case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nitendo case - Essay Example Barrier to entry is observed due to the requirement of a large user base. ii) Demand and Supply Analysis: The lower the price, the higher is the demand. The achievement of profit maximization point prevails in the suppliers’ minds. iii) Economies of Scale: Difficult to reap advantages from economies of scale due to low selling price of consoles and sophisticated technology. iv) Core Competencies: Modernized console and controller design, marketing and attractive game designs lifted up Nintendo. Nintendo is a participant of oligopoly market and along with few strong competitors like Sony and Microsoft it occupies around 96% of the market. Its three focal competencies: excellent marketing skills, modernized consoles and dynamic game designs, provide it with perennial demand by its consumers thereby, placing it much ahead of its competitors in the market. Nintendo’s expertise in attractive consoles, controller designs, handhelds and games are its tools which are precious to the consumer and can neither be imitated nor substituted. On July 7, 2006, Nintendo opened a South Korean subsidiary in Seoul (â€Å"Nintendo†, 2006). Nintendo’s performance has been appropriately measured by depicting the Net Income and Revenue, the Stock Value, the Net Profit Margin and the Earning per Share. The behavior of the consumer and the industry, the market structure, the extent of competition along with the core competencies like innovativeness, marketing and attractive game designs provide ample scope for evaluating Nintendo’s performance. Financial difficulties need to be overcome. Market to a lifetime consumer should be the target. For Mario game, aim should be to capture consumers of 28 years of age by redesigning it. The Nintendo Revolution is ideal at the moment. Price of the new console should be $ 200 which is much lower than others. This low cost will reap benefits of market domination thereby
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Exam Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Exam Questions - Assignment Example One of the techniques is to starting the process with individual ideas. Every individual should first put down their own ideas individually. After the first step, everyone should then bring up their ideas. Judgments should be withheld and no one’s ideas should be criticized. This then should ensure that everyone is heard. The group should then go radical and ensure that even the impractical are analyzed for any possibility. There should be emphasis on generation of many ideas as possible. The group should then build on individual ideas. c) The problem solving model can help the management team to gather information on the market and identify possible solutions to their problem. They can then define their issue, gather information and try to brainstorm ideas that can solve the problem on the sale of their product. They will then come up with a solution after critical analysis of several ideas. However they are likely to encounter difficulties in gather adequate information on their problem of their sales. This then will hinder the identification of possible solutions. d) Individuals working on their own should consider identifying the issue at their stake before trying to generate any ideas. After that, the individual should consider the technique of looking at issue on different points of view. This will enable the individual be able to consider several possibilities when generating ideas. a) The characteristics of critical thinking include defining the problem that is at hand and understanding well. Another feature is asking as many questions as possible to get all the necessary information on certain issue. Critical thinking also involves clear analysis of several assumptions and biases on certain ideas. Tolerating ambiguity avoiding emotional reasoning in several cases are also common features of critical thinking. c) Fallacies of relevance are arguments whose premises are logically relevant and are therefore in a position to establish a clear
Monday, September 23, 2019
Gang Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gang Crime - Essay Example This is in the case of gang rapes, serial killers, famous drug lords as well world most dreaded cases of terrorism (Hood & Deva, 2014). Rape cases hit make headlines everyday but some happen and no one evens happens to notice. However, some of the cases are so gross that they invite public attention virtually across all part of the world. One of such crime dates back in 2012 in New Delhi India. The gang rape case attracted scorn, put India justice system on the spotlight and impacted the trial at a great deal. India is famous with rape cases with some of the going unsolved. However, this trial attracted world eye and had to be decided in the most justified way possible (Kumar & Kumar, 2013). The Indian rapist gang consisted of six members namely Mukesh Singh, Akshay Thakur, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta, Ram Singh and unnamed juvenile. They carried out the most thrilling gang and murder in the history of New Delhi. The victim was a 23-year woman who was accompanied by her friend on their way home. She was a physiotherapy intern. They had gone to watch a movie, Life of Pie but on their way home from Munirka to Dwarka they were intercepted by the aforementioned gang in a private bus. The male friend was beaten with an iron rod and left unconscious. The woman was not lucky because they beat her up too with the same iron rod, raped her in turn, and damaged her abdomen and intestines. She died thirteen days later while undergoing serious treatment in Singapore. The barbaric gang was later arrested and a case was filed immediately. During the trial period one of the delinquent youth, Ram Singh died in the course of the trial period while the young boy in the gang sent to a juveni le home (Kumar & Kumar, 2013). The media and public went on uproar in various Indian streets after the local police had apprehended the gang. The Indian public wanted justice to be given for the rape victim. Though the trial was on course, the public barely had faith that
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Beauty and the self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Beauty and the self - Essay Example With these characteristics, a woman will always be â€Å"beautiful, whole, and free†(Walker 255), no matter what physical imperfections she may have. The beauty of a woman is multi-dimensional, combining the tradition aesthetic notions of attractiveness and inner self-realization with a soul pursuing her most innermost desires and dream in life. Beauty is a complex word with numerous, often conflicting, definitions. When connected to inner beauty, however, it results in a process of actualizing one’s identity by realizing one’s value. Walker first emphasizes the outer beauty. For the photographer, this is the beauty of what a photo can capture and for the artist; it is the beauty that can only be seen by the eyes when a picture is drawn. For the writer, just like most women, regardless of her age or ethnicity, to be beautiful is one of most important aspects of her life. After being blinded at a young age, Walker was so depressed about her eye, not because of her loss of vision, but because of the perceived blemish to her beauty. She was not strong enough to accept the fact that she was no longer the â€Å"cutest thing†in â€Å"biscuit-polished paten-leather shoes and lavender socks, tossing [her] head in a way that makers [her] ribbons bounce†, but instead the girl with â€Å"a glob of whitish scar tissue, a hideous cataract on [her] eye†(Walker 251, 253). She â€Å"[did] not pray for sight,†she â€Å"[prayed] for beauty†(Walker 254). She became lost inside herself. She did not find her true identity at first because she thought that her identity, or the ‘self’, was defined by how she looked. The relationship between the ‘self’ and beauty cannot be described without being conscious of one’s weaknesses and strengths. For a long time, Walker only saw her own weaknesses and used that as a basis for defining the roots
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Mumbai attacks Essay Example for Free
Mumbai attacks Essay INTRODUCTION The day of 26th November, 2008 would have been as usual and pleasant as any other day for Mumbai but the terror attacks by the members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, considered as terrorist organisation by India, who wreaked havoc in the India’s largest city. There were ten gunmen, nine of whom were subsequently shot dead and one captured by security forces. Witnesses reported that they looked to be in their early twenties, wore black t-shirts and jeans, and that they smiled and looked happy as they shot their victims. It was initially reported that some of the attackers were British citizens, but the Indian Government later stated that there was no evidence to confirm this. Similarly, early reports of twelve gunmen were also later shown to be incorrect. On December 9, the ten attackers were identified by Mumbai police, along with their home towns in Pakistan: Ajmal Amir from Faridkot, Abu Ismail Dera Ismail Khan from Dera Ismail Khan, Hafiz Arshad and Babr Imran from Multan, Javed from Okara, Shoaib from Narowal, Nazih and Nasr fromFaisalabad, Abdul Rahman from Arifwalla, and Fahad Ullah from Dipalpur Taluka. Dera Ismail Khan is in the North-West Frontier Province; the rest of the towns are in Pakistani Punjab. Ajmal Kasab was the only attacker captured alive by police and is currently under arrest. Much of the information about the attackers preparation, travel, and movements comes from his confessions to the Mumbai police. Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab was born on July 13, 1987. He briefly joined his brother in Lahore, who worked as a labourer, and then returned to Faridkot. He left home after a fight with his father in 2005. He had asked for new clothes on Eid, but his father could not provide them, which made him angry. He then became involved in petty crime with his friend Muzaffar Lal Khan, soon moving on to armed robbery. On Dec 21, 2007, Bakr-Eid day, they were in Rawalpindi trying to buy weapons when they encountered members of Jamaat-ud-Dawah, the political wing of Lashkar-e-Taiba, distributing pamphlets. After a brief chat, they decide to sign up for training with the Lashkar-e-Taiba, ending up at their base camp, Markaz Taiba. According to Deputy Commissioner of Mumbai Police he spoke rough Hindi and barely any English. Some sources said his father asked him to join the militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba so that he could use the money they gave him to run the family. When asked about this, Ajmal Amirs father told reporters, â€Å"I dont sell my sons.†Even David Coleman Headley is charged for scouting the locations for 2008 Mumbai terror attacks by Laskar-e-Taiba. He is alleged by FBI for conspiring to bomb targets in Mumbai, India; providing material support to Lashkar-i-Taiba, a militant Pakistani Islamist group; and aiding and abetting the murder of U.S. citizens. Training Ajmal Amir is alleged to be among a group of 24 men who received training in marine warfare at a remote camp in mountainous Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Part of the training is reported to have taken place on the Mangla Dam reservoir. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, a senior commander of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, reportedly offered to pay his family Rs.150,000 for his participation in the attacks. Another report said the 21-year old man was recruited from his Punjab, Pakistan home in part based on a pledge by recruiters to pay USD $1,250 US (Rs. 62,412.50) to his family when he became a martyr. Other sources put the reward to USD $4,000. Stages of training This batch of 25 went through the following stages of training: †¢ Psychological: Indoctrination to Islamist propaganda, including compiled footage of Indian atrocities in Jammu Kashmir, and imagery of the atrocities suffered by Muslims in India, Chechnya, Palestine and across the globe. †¢ Basic Combat: Lashkar’s basic combat and terror methodology course, the Daura Aam. †¢ Advanced Training: Selected to undergo advanced specialised training at a camp near Mansehra, a course the organisation calls the Daura Khaas. This includes advanced weapons and explosives training supervised by retired personnel of the Pakistan Army, along with survival training and further indoctrination. †¢ Finally, an even smaller group selected for specialised marine commando and navigation training given to the fidayeen unit selected to target Mumbai. From the batch of about 25, 10 were handpicked for the Mumbai mission. They also received training in swimming and sailing, besides the use of high-end weapons and explosives under the supervision of LeT commanders. According to a media report citing an unnamed former Defence Department Official of the US, the intelligence agencies of the US had determined that the former officers from Pakistans Army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency assisted actively and continuously in training. They were given blueprints of all the four targets Taj Mahal Palace Tower, Oberoi Trident hotel and Nariman House. The type of training which he got completely washed his brain and it was enough to make him think only of destruction and only destruction. Feeling of hatred incited him against India to that level that he only wanted to kill Indians and to destroy India. Pakistanis give these terrorist institutions the name of militant organisations to hide these from the eyes of the world but these are recognised as terrorist groups in India, USA and UK. These institutions give militant training to those individuals who do not have sufficient money and gradually prepare them as a ‘militant terrorist’ in the name of ‘jihad’. ATTACKS Entry into India According to investigations the attackers traveled by sea from Karachi, Pakistan across the Arabian Sea, hijacked the Indian fishing trawler Kuber, killing the crew of four, and then forced the captain to sail to Mumbai. After killing the captain, the terrorists entered Mumbai on a rubber dinghy. The captain of Kuber, Amar Singh Solanki, had earlier been imprisoned for six months in a Pakistani jail for illegally fishing in Pakistani waters. The first events were detailed around 20:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) on 26 November, when 10 Urdu-speaking men in inflatable speedboats came ashore at two locations in Colaba. They reportedly told local Marathi-speaking fishermen who asked them who they were to mind their own business before they split up and headed two different ways. The fishermens subsequent report to police received little response. Involvement in Attack He was captured on CCTV during his attacks at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus along with another terrorist, Ismail Khan. Ajmal Amir reportedly told the police that they wanted to replicate theIslamabad Marriott hotel attack, and reduce the Taj Hotel to rubble, replicating the 9/11 attacks in India. Ajmal Amir and his accomplice Abu Dera Ismail Khan, age 25, attacked the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) railway station. They then moved on to attack a police vehicle (a white Toyota Qualis) at Cama Hospital, in which senior Mumbai police officers (Maharashtra ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, Encounter Specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional Commissioner of Mumbai Police Ashok Kamte) were traveling. After killing them in a gun battle and taking two constables’ hostage in the Qualis, Ajmal Amir and Ismail Khan drove towards Metro cinema. Ajmal Amir joked about the bullet proof vests worn by the police and killed one constable when his mobile phone rang. They fired some shots into a crowd gathered at Metro Cinema. They then drove towards Vidhan Bhavan where they fired a few more shots. Their vehicle had a tire puncture, so they stole a silver Ã… koda Laura and drove towards Girgaum Chowpatty. Earlier, the D B Marg police had got a message from police control at about 10pm, saying that two heavily armed men were at large after gunning down commuters at CST. 15 policemen from D B Marg were sent to Chowpatty where they set up a double barricade on Marine Drive armed with 2 self-loading rifles (SLRs), two revolvers and lathis (or batons). The Skoda reached Chowpatty and halted 40 to 50 feet from the barricade. It then reversed and tried to make a U-turn. A shootout ensued and Abu Ismail was killed. Ajmal lay motionless playing dead. Assistant sub-inspector Tukaram Omble, who was armed only with a lathi(gapp), was killed when the police charged the car. Umbale took five bullets, but held on to Ajmals weapon, enabling his colleagues to capture him alive. A mob gathered and attacked the two terrorists. This incident was captured on video. Some reports said that Ajmal Amir was shot and had bullet wounds in his hand or both hands. There are other reports by doctors who treated him that he had no bullet wounds. While it is reported that he told the police that he was trained to kill to the last breath, when he was arrested, he pleaded with the medical staff: I do not want to die. Put me on saline. Later, after interrogation in the hospital by the police, he said: Now, I do not want to live, requesting the interrogators to kill him for the safety of his family in Pakistan who could be killed or tortured for his surrender to Indian police. Fidayeen terrorists are strictly instructed by Lashkar commanders not to be captured and interrogated, use aliases instead of their real names and hide their nationality. He is also quoted as saying I have done right, I have no regrets. Reports also surfaced that the group planned to escape safely after the attack, ruling out this being a suicide mission. It is also reported that he expressed to Indian police his willingness to switch loyalties, saying: If you give me regular meals and money I will do the same that I did for them. Ajmal Amir has told interrogators that right through the fighting, the Lashkar headquarters from Karachi, Pakistan remained in touch with the group, calling their phones through a voice-over-internet service. Investigators have succeeded in reconstructing the group’s journey through the Garmin GPS set that has been seized from him. The mail sent from a bogus group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen claiming responsibility has been traced to a Russian proxy which was then traced back to Lahore, Pakistan with the help of the FBI. It was in fact the Lashkar-e-Toiba operating under an alternate name after being banned by U.S. Methodology The attackers had planned the attack several months ahead of time and knew some areas well enough for the attackers to vanish, and reappear after security forces had left. Several sources have quoted Kasab telling the police that the group received help from Mumbai residents. The attackers used at least three SIM cards purchased on the Indian side of the border with Bangladesh, pointing to some local collusion. There were also reports of one SIM card purchased in New Jersey, USA. Police had also mentioned that Faheem Ansari, an Indian Lashkar operative who had been arrested in February 2008, had scouted the Mumbai targets for the November attacks. Later, the police arrested two Indian suspects, Mikhtar Ahmad, who is from Srinagar in Kashmir, and Tausif Rehman, a resident of Kolkata. They supplied the SIM cards, one in Calcutta, and the other in New Delhi. Type 86 Grenades made by Chinas state-owned Norinco were used in the attacks. Blood tests on the attackers indicate that they had taken cocaine and LSD during the attacks, to sustain their energy and stay awake for 50 hours. Police say that they found syringes on the scenes of the attacks. There were also indications that they had been taking steroids. The gunman who survived said that the attackers had used Google Earth to familiarise themselves with the locations of buildings used in the attacks. DISPUTE ON NATIONALITY Dispute There was a dispute on the matter regarding the issue of nationality of Ajmal Kasab in the court. After the attacks, India asserted that Ajmal was a Pakistani national based on his confession and evidence gathered due to the information provided by him. Several reporters visited the village in Pakistan where Ajmal Amir said his family lived, and verified the facts provided by him. Former Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif confirmed that Ajmal Amir was from Faridkot village in Pakistan, and criticized President Zardari for cordoning off the village and not allowing his parents to meet anyone. Investigative journalist Saeed Shah travelled to Ajmal Amirs village and produced national identity card numbers of his parents, Mohammed Amir and Noor Elahi soon after they themselves disappeared on the night of December 3, 2008. Also, the Mumbai Police said that much of the information that Ajmal Amir provided had proved to be accurate. He disclosed the location of a fishing trawler, MV Kuber, that the terrorists used to enter Mumbais coastal waters. He also told investigators where they would find the ship captains body, a satellite phone and a global-positioning device, which they did. Despite mounting evidence, Pakistani officials, including President Asif Ali Zardari, initially denied the assertion that Ajmal Amir was Pakistani. Pakistani government officials attempted to erase evidence that there was a Lashkar-e-Taiba office in Deepalpur, near Kasabs village. The office was hurriedly closed in the week of December 7. Moreover, at Faridkot many residents and local plainclothes police appeared to be trying to hurriedly cover up Ajmal Amirs connection with the village. The atmosphere turned hostile, and several reporters who went to Faridkot were roughed up. In early December, dealing a major blow to Pakistans claims, Ajmal Amirs father admitted in an interview that the captured terrorist was his son. In January 2009, a month after the attacks, Pakistans national security advisor Mahmud Ali Durrani admitted to Ajmal Amir being a Pakistani citizen while speaking to the CNN-IBN news channel. The Pakistan Government then hastily acknowledged that Ajmal was a Pakistani, but also announced that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had fired Durrani for failing to take Gilani and other stakeholders into confidence before making this information public, and for a lack of coordination on matters of national security. This is a satire on the administrative system of Pakistan. Kasab’s confession on Nationality The statement made by the Pakistani minister was contradicted by their own official and even Kasab. Kasab even admitted before the court that he is a Pakistani and belong to Faridkot in Pakistan. Kasab accepted before the trial judge that he was a Pakistani national and told the court that he is fine with government-provided lawyer to defend him. Kasab appeared before special judge M L Tahiliyani via video link from the Arthur Road jail where he is presently lodged in a high security cell giving the media the first glimpse of the surviving terrorist who along with his nine accomplices were involved in the carnage. Tahiliyani asked Kasab to identify himself and asked him where he was from. Kasab replied that he was from Faridkot, in Pakistans Punjab province. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Kasab’s confession Pakistani terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, in his dramatic confession before a special court Monday, said that he was a decorator by profession but since his income was little, he was attracted to jehad (holy war). Through some contacts, he came in touch with the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and later underwent training under Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Abu Hamza, Abu Kafa and Abu Jhundal, the masterminds of the Nov 26, 2008, Mumbai terror attacks, at a place called Battal in Pakistan. Recounting how he joined terrorism, Kasab said he worked with Haji Sultan as a small-time decorator in Jhelum in Punjab province. It was a month before the Bakr-Eid festival, that co-worker Muzaffar and he spoke of how they were not making enough money from the work. Muzaffar suggested that they could indulge in thefts or dacoity to make more money. While on a visit to Rawalpindi, Kasab had approached some LeT activists whom they located in the Raja market. I told them that I wanted to become a jehadi. One of them enquired about where we stayed and asked us to bring our belongings there. Another accompanied us with a piece of paper on which Markaz Taiba Murqui was written and gave us some money, he said. There they met more boys and joined them. After 21 days, Kasab was sent to Mansera, and then to Mankheda Aksa. Later, all the boys were taken to a hilly place called Battal where they were trained to operate pistols, guns, AK-47s and other weapons for 21 days. Later, they were sent to Daura Khaas for three months. Kasab said three people trained them Abu Ansa, Abu Basheer and Abu Abdul Rehman. From Battal, he travelled to Azad Kashmir, the Pakistan-administered Kashmir, where he met Sayeed. All the boys were taken to another camp and trained for three months by Abu Maviya, Abu Saiful Rehman, Abu Talaah and Abu Sariya. Here they learnt to operate rocket launchers, grenades and other deadly weapons. Later, Kasab said, he was given a weeks break to go home. Upon return, Sayeed, Abu Hamza and Abu Kafa selected some of the boys to go to Kashmir. They also learnt swimming from Abu Imran and were for a month taken to Karachi, where they were trained to get acclimatised to the sea. They returned to Muzaffarabad in PoK, were given identity cards and clothes which they wore on the day of the Mumbai terror attacks. Kasab and Abu Ismail were the first to get out after landing at Colaba in south Mumbai that evening. They hailed a cab to go to Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), as instructed by Hamza and left one bomb in the taxi and another at CST. After entering the CST, they opened fire as instructed by Hamza; Ismail lobbed grenades inside the station premises and opened fire from his AK-47. The duo continued firing and throwing grenades at regular intervals and continued moving ahead even as the security forces started confronting them and later surrounded them. Seeing little or no retaliation from the stunned police forces that night, the duo decided to take the CST subway, but Ismail beckoned him to go to Platform No. 1 where a train was waiting. They continued moving ahead in the direction of the bridge at the end of the station. They tried to force open some vehicles parked outside in a small lane. They saw a person coming from the opposite direction and Kasab killed him. Ismail started firing ahead and the duo jumped a short wall there and entered one of the wards of Cama Hospital. Ismail asked Kasab to wait at the hospital gate and he went inside, firing and later led him in. As they went inside, Kasab held a person as a shield after the police forces confronted them. They started firing and throwing grenades, outside the main gate they fired at a car and encountered firing from a jeep nearby. They hid behind a bush and later dragged out the limp bodies of three policemen and hijacked the jeep to go towards the Metro cinema junction. It was in Cama Hospital that Kasab and Ismail gunned down Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare and his associate Vijay Salaskar. They also killed another senior police official, Additional Commissioner of Police Ashok Kamte, before hijacking the police jeep. However, they kept moving in circles and by then, the jeep had developed a flat tyre. Kasab was also injured on his right elbow and left wrist and pleaded that he could not do anything more. Ismail urged him on and said that even he had sustained a bullet on his knee. Then they saw a Skoda car, they ordered the passengers a couple, to stop, forcibly took the keys from them and took the vehicle, blindly following another car as they did not know where to proceed. At a point on the road (Girgaum Chowpatty), they saw a police barricade, and when they were ordered to stop, Ismail attempted to take a u-turn on the road, but failed. The police rushed towards them and dragged out Kasab and hammered him with a baton, snatched his gun and attacked him in the tummy with the butt. Kasab claimed that he did not fire at anyone at that juncture and had lost consciousness. When he revived, he found himself at Nair Hospital, under arrest by the Mumbai police. TRIAL Chargesheet Indian investigators filed a formal 11,000 page Chargesheet against Kasab on 25 February 2009. Due to the fact that the chargesheet was written in Marathi and English, Kasab had requested that an Urdu translation of the charge sheet be given to him. Kasab has been charged with murder, conspiracy and waging war against India along with other crimes. His trial was to have started on April 15 but was put off as his lawyer, Anjali Waghmare, had been dismissed for a conflict of interest. He has gotten a new lawyer named Abbas Kazmi. On 28 April, he wrote a letter through his lawyer to the magistrate requesting a perfume bottle, a toothpaste, Urdu Times newspaper and permission to walk in the adjacent varandah alongside his barack. He also requested the court to deposit the amount (given to him by the terrorists) seized from him by police into his jail account. Time line of Proceedings On 26 Nov 2008, Ujjwal Nikam was appointed as Public Prosecutor. In Jan 2009, M L Tahiliyani was appointed as judge to conduct the trial. In Feb 2009, an 11,000-page charge sheet was served on Kasab. In Mar 2009, advocate Anjali Waghmare was appointed as Kasabs lawyer. Kasab appeared through video-conferencing. In Apr 2009, Waghmare was removed as Kasabs lawyer. Abbas Kazmi was appointed as defence lawyer in mid-April. Trial began on April 17, 2009. On 20 Apr 2009, the prosecution submitted a list of charges, including the murder of 166 people. On 6 May 2009 Kasab pleaded not guilty to 86 charges. In May 2009, an eye witness identified Kasab in court. Another said he saw Kasab and nine others arrive by boat. Two doctors who treated him, identified him. On 2 June 2009, Kasab told the judge he now also understood Marathi. In June 2009, the special court issued non-bailable warrants against 22 absconding accused including Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafeez Saeed and chief of operations of Lashkar-e-Toiba, Zaki-ur-Rehman Laqvi. On 20 July 2009 Kasab retracted his non-guilty plea and pleaded guilty to all charges, but his trial will continue. Visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with Thai publication The Nation during the ASEAN conference in Phuket in July 2009 that had Kasab been educated, he wouldnt have been a terrorist. On 18 December 2009, Kasab says he is innocent, he was framed and tortured by Indian Police. In a surprising U-turn he claims to have come to Mumbai 20 days ago and was simply roaming at Juhu beach when police arrested him. Details of proceedings Ajmal Amir has written to the Pakistani High Commission in India requesting help and legal aid. In the letter, he confirmed the nationality of himself and the nine slain terrorists as Pakistani. He also asked the Pakistani High Commission to take custody of the body of fellow terrorist Ismail Khan, who was killed in an encounter in south Mumbai on the night of November 26. Pakistani officials confirmed the receipt of the letter and were reported to be studying its details. However, no further updates were given on the matter by Pakistan. Kasabs trial was delayed due to legal issues, as many Indian lawyers were unwilling to represent him. A Mumbai Bar Association passed a resolution proclaiming that none of its members would represent Kasab. However, the Chief Justice of India stated that Kasab needed a lawyer for a fair trial. A lawyer for Kasab was eventually found, but was replaced due to a conflict of interest. On February 25, 2009, Indian investigators filed an 11,000-page Chargesheet, formally charging Kasab with murder, conspiracy, and waging war against India among other charges. Kasabs trial began on 6 May 2009. He initially pleaded not guilty, but later admitted his guilt on 20 July 2009. He initially apologized for the attacks and claimed that he deserved the death penalty for his crimes, but later retracted these claims, saying that he had been tortured by police to force his confession, and that he had been arrested while roaming the beach. The court had accepted his plea, but due to the lack of completeness within his admittance, the judge had deemed that many of the 86 charges were not addressed and therefore the trial will continue. Kasab could, and will almost certainly, be hanged if given the maximum penalty of death. Indian and Pakistani police have exchanged DNA evidence, photographs and items found with the attackers to piece together a detailed portrait of the Mumbai plot. Police in Pakistan have arrested seven people, including Hammad Amin Sadiq, a homeopathic pharmacist, who arranged bank accounts and secured supplies, and he and six others begin their formal trial on 3 Oct 2009 in Pakistan, though Indian authorities say the prosecution stops well short of top Lashkar leaders. In November 2009, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that Pakistan has not done enough to bring the perpetrators of the attacks to justice. On the eve of the first anniversary of 26/11, a Pakistani anti-terror court has formally charged seven accused, including LeT operations commander Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi. Ujjawal Nikam, public prosecutor in the matter of Kasab, said there was ample evidence to show Kasab and the two arrested accused, Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed, were part of the conspiracy hatched in Pakistan to strike terror in the financial capital. He said foreign experts would be examined but their names and addresses should be kept secret. Nikam also said that further investigations in this case were on and supplementary chargesheet would be filed later. Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam told the court that Kasab, the prime accused in the case, would be charged with murder of 166 persons in the attack unleashed by Pakistan-based terror outfit LeT on November 26, 2008 here. Although he was not directly involved in killing all 166 persons, Kasab was an active member of conspiracy hatched in Pakistan to commit terror attacks in India, Nikam said in his brief preliminary address to open the case. Kazmi who had earlier defend to 30 accused in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blast trial, told the court he was willing to defend Kasab. Nikam said 1,820 witnesses had been cited but only potential among them will be examined. Prosecution would place 750 articles and 1350 documents as evidence. Nikam told the court that Kasab was directly involved in seven different cases of terror attacks. These pertain to murder of five crew of Kuber boat, including its navigator Amar Singh Solanki, bomb blast in a taxi at suburban Vile Parle, firing at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Cama Hospital firing attack, killing of three police officers near Cama Hospital and theft of Skoda car and attack on police team near Chowpatty, he said. In all these cases, Kasab was involved with co-conspirator Ismail Khan, who was killed in police encounter near Chowpatty, Nikam alleged. He said there are five other cases in which Kasab has been charged with murder conspiracy, although he had not directly participated in them. These are firing in Hotel Taj Mahal, Hotel Oberoi, Restaurant Leopold Cafe, Nariman House and bomb explosion in a taxi at Mazgaon. The court took on record advocate Ejaz Naqvi as defence counsel for Faheem Ansari and Ahmed. Since Naqvi did not appear in morning session and Faheem sought time to appoint another lawyer, the court asked Faheems wife to call Naqvi to the court. Later, he came and told the court that he would continue to defend Faheem. Demanded trial by International Court The alleged gunman in the 2008 bloody siege of Mumbai said he should be tried by an international court because he does not expect justice in India. Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 21, told a special court that police had falsely implicated him in the case. I should be tried in an international court, he told Judge M.L. Tahiliyani. Earlier Kasab retracted his confession that he sprayed gunfire into a crowd at the railroad station. He also said police tortured him into admitting having a role in the attacks. Kasab also said thathe wanted to call witnesses from Pakistan for his defense, and that he should be allowed to meet Pakistani officials. Witnesses would include a passport officer, he said, without providing other details. The judge asked him to file a petition through his attorney. Kasab could face the death penalty if convicted. Murder and conspiracy to wage war against India are among the charges he faces. Kasab told the judge he came to Mumbai as a tourist and was arrested 20 days before the siege began. On the day the attacks started, Kasab said police took him from his cell because he resembled one of the gunmen. They then shot him to make it look as if he had been involved in the attacks and re-arrested him, Kasab said. ANALYSIS It is mockery of the Indian Judicial System that even the charge is proved on the convict but the trail is going on. In the month of July last year the convict pleaded guilty of all the charges, but the Judge said that the other 86 cases have not been addressed therefore the trial should continue and in the month of September he again told the court that he was forced to plead for guilty by the Indian police. Has anyone think over it that if the verdict would have been given as soon as he pleaded guilty what would happen? Such kinds of questions were raised, and will raise on Indian Judicial System if it will continue to follow such kind of path. The Court should has given its verdict on the basis of the evidences produced by the public, eye witnesses and moreover the acceptance of the charge by the convict. The other matters could have been addressed later on. Even there was news that Kasab giggle over the question asked by the judge and made fun of it. This is a satire on the discipline of the courts. The judge has to order him to behave in the court. This clearly shows that giving a chance of fair trial to convict made him to perceive as nothing is going to happen to him for the next ten years. People have such kind of mentality towards the Judicial System. If a suit has been filed in a court then the guilty has nothing to do with it for many years. Our Judicial System needs changes. This system has to be discarded and a new system should be introduced. Indian Police is not required to file a charge sheet of 11,000 pages and judges are needed not to give judgements running through thousand of pages. A simple and logical statement is sufficient for the parties involved in it and for the general public as well. In my view this trial of Ajmal Kasab should be finished because there is nothing more to think over it. Otherwise it will lead to expenditure of more and more money of the government on such a heinous criminal, which is of no worth.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Red Bull Company Description Commerce Essay
Red Bull Company Description Commerce Essay An Austrian Company created Red Bull back in 1987. Red Bull is an energy drink and is also the worlds most popular energy drink, having sold 4.6 billion cans in 2011. The drink was first sold in Thailand and then modified to suit the tastes of people in the United States. A single can of Red Bull has the same amount of as a cup of coffee. Depending on the country, the level of caffeine in a can of Red Bill can vary, as some countries have restrictions on how much caffeine is allowed in drinks. The product is marketed through advertising events such as sport team ownerships, celebrity endorsements, and music. Unfortunately, Red Bull is not market approved in France, Denmark, and Norway. But Red Bull is legal in 164 countries around the world. Due to the potential health risks associated with the drink, Red Bull has been heavily criticized. We will further discuss in detail the health risks associated with the energy drink in the contents of our paper ( Mission Statement According to Red Bull, [Their] mission is to be the premier marketer and supplier of Red Bull in Asia, Europe, and other parts of the globe. [They] will achieve this mission by building long-term relationships with the people who can make it become a reality ( The company also has a vision statement that focuses on 5 aspects of their company values: People, Portfolio, Partners, Profit, and Productivity. Red Bull wants to be a great place to work; where people are inspired to be the best they can be. They want to bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverages that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. Red Bull wants to nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers; together we create value. They want to maximize a long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of [their] overall responsibilities. Red Bull also wants to be a highly effective, lean, and fast-moving organization ( Situation Analysis Industry Analysis Trends In the drink market, energy drinks are arguably the fastest growing and most creative group. Since 2004, the mar has annually increased volume growth by about 14 %. Geographically, the most consumers are in Asia, followed by North America and Western Europe. According to the 2010 Global Energy Drinks Report, Australia and Latin America are two regions that have recorded strong double-digit growth in energy drink volumes. Availability is the key drive of sales and energy shots are quickly becoming the next fab ( Competitors In the energy drink market there are numerous companies and a select few vying for Red Bulls top spot. Rockstar, Monster, 5-hour energy, full Throttle, NOS, Pepsi Co., and Coca-Cola Co. are the main competitors. Monster energy drink with the logo of three claws in the shape of a M is distributed by Hansen Natural Corporation in Corona, California. With a fairly tolerable taste, this drink sparks you up and packs quite a vicious punch. Rockstar was formulated in 2001 and is one of the fastest growing drinks in the market. This brand also has products that figure in the list of energy drinks with alcohol. Full Throttle is produced by the Coca-Cola Company and debuted in late 2004. They are well-known for their great flavors ( Consumer Profile Demographic shifts, as well as changing consumer attitudes, will also have an impact on energy drink sales. Younger consumers have been the primary consumers due to their taste and image characteristics. From a consumption standpoint, energy drinks have benefited from their use as a mixer with spirits. However, promoting the use of an energy drink to younger consumers or as a mixer has led to negative publicity for some energy drink brands. According to Mintel principal trends analyst Richard Cope, People are working longer into retirement and there is a greater need for products geared towards vitality and health in the senior workforce. At the moment energy drinks are marketed towards the youth market, he said, but they will become more about getting people through the day at an older age ( Technology Technology, or more specifically the internet, has created another link between Red Bull and consumers. When visiting their website, people are able to view various aspects of the company. There are links for: products and company, videos, photos, music tracks, just epic, games, ted bulletin,, and red bull signature series. This technology does an excellent job of promoting the brand in many different ways ( SWOT Analysis Strengths Red Bull has numerous strengths. The company was founded in 1984 and by 1987 it launched its first product in a completely new category of drinks. Today Red Bull is sold in 164 countries around the world. Since its debut 25 years ago, Red Bull has sold 30 billion cans, with more than 4.5 billion last year. Due to their success both domestically and internationally, the company has expanded to over 8,000 employees worldwide ( Their leadership within the energy drinks market is sub-none. They are by far the most popular company. Top-seller Red Bull posted $2.3 billion in sales, which is a 14.3 percent increase, according to Symphony IRI data ( According to Red Bull, Numerous scientific studies on the product and the individual ingredients prove that Red Bull Energy Drink: increases performance, increases concentration and reaction speed, improves vigilance, stimulates metabolism, and makes you feel more energetic and thus improves you overall well-being ( Weaknesses Despite having numerous strengths and worldwide popularity, Red Bull still has a few weaknesses. To begin with, Red Bull is in the above average price range of the energy drink market. Secondly, there is a substantial lack of innovation. Red Bull only offers a few products where as some of their competitors offer more. Third, Red Bulls recipe is not patented. This could potentially lead to another company producing a very similar or exact product with just a different name. Fourth, Red Bull is not yet a large corporation as they still have less than 10,000 employees (Tyagi). Threats The biggest threat to Red Bull is Red Bull itself. The ingredient mix that their products contain is not FDA approved. On top that, government and scientists are finding that high amounts of caffeine, sugar, and taurine are extremely unhealthy and potential fatal. France and Denmark have gone to such measures as to ban Red Bull as a cocktail of death. High amounts of sugar have been found to cause serious health problems. A small amount of taurine, which is still a vastly unknown ingredient, is thought to be beneficial, but scientists are beginning to find health risks it causes. Red Bull energy drinks also contain a highly dangerous chemical called Glucuronolactone. The US Department of Defense developed this product during the Vietnam War as a hallucinogenic drug to stimulate troops morale. According to reports, their effects in the organism were so devastating, that is was discontinued of the high index of cases of migraines, cerebral tumors, and liver diseases that occurred in th e soldiers who consumed it (Helmi). Red Bull must carefully watch its larger competitors, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, who would like nothing more than to obtain Red Bulls consumers. Also, healthy organic energy drinks are starting to enter and become competitive in the market (Tyagi). Opportunities Red Bulls greatest potential lies in its opportunities. Sales of energy drinks have taken on the energy of its products compared to a year ago. The energy drinks category increased 15.7 percent for $6.9 billion in sales, according to Symphony IRI Group, Chicago, for the 52 weeks ending May 15 in U.S. supermarkets, drug stores, gas and convenience stores and mass merchandise outlets, excluding Wal-Mart ( begin with, since they only have a few products, Red Bull has the opportunity to create new products. Second, they have an unlimited ability to advertise and promote their brand. Currently, Red Bull is the major player in the action and outdoor sports advertising. However, if they were to continue doing that, but also enter into another market such as UFC, boxing, or even mainstream sports such as football or baseball, this would create a potentially exponential consumer base. Third, if Red Bull could partner with a popular company such as Facebook or Apple, this wo uld create more everyday exposure via social media (Tyagi). Marketing Objectives A marketing objective is a statement of what is to be accomplished through marketing activities. The goal of Red Bull is obviously increasing sales more than last year. Red Bull leads an energy drink industry so far; however, Monster has been catching up greatly in the past a few years. Therefore, they need to have a good marketing objective to keep the position of number one seller in an energy drink industry and increasing their sales. In order to accomplish their marketing plan, they need to cover several criteria of marketing objective such as realistic, measurable, time-specific, and compared to a benchmark ( Red Bull refused to publish their earnings, profits and specific marketing goal; however, increasing their profit than past years is clear and accurate their goal of every year. They also compute their annual profit end of a year every year. In 2011, Red Bull sold 4.631 billion cans worldwide. It represents an increase of 11.4% against 2010. Company turnover increased by 12.4%, from 3.785 billion Euros to 4.253 billion Euros. Therefore, their key areas such as revenues, sales, productivity, operating profit, and the figures recorded were the best in the history of the company so far. According to industry marketing reports, The main reason for such progressive figures include exceptional sales, especially in key markets such as the USA (+11%) and Germany (+10%) and also in other markets such as Turkey (+86%), Japan (62%), France (+35%), and Scandinavia (+34%) combined with efficient cost management and ongoing brand investment. The result of these figures indicate Red Bull continue i ncreasing sales and accomplishing the goal. Red Bull is successfully growth because of their marketing plan that increasing their profit than past years and computing their annual profit end of a year are realistic, and time-specific ( In order to increase a profit of the company, advertisement is one of very important elements. Red Bull builds up unique marketing campaigns and many different kind of activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding surfing, skateboarding, freestyle motocross, and Formula 1 racing. They just succeeded in the marketing campaign Red Bull Stratos. Felix Baumgartner jumped at 128,000 feet above the Earth that reached a high speed of 833.9 miles per hour. People cannot get a picture of Felix without the Red Bull logo and that is their marketing strategy. Red Bull considers that marketing is not just department (Chun). Their extreme sports activities contents represent the symbol of their brand; therefore, they launched Red Bull Media House service. Red Bull Media House is a multi-platform media company with a focus on sports, culture and lifestyle. They provide and distribute the videos, which are precious, cool, and adventurous; therefore, people are able to get thrills from the movies. The marketing plan of Red Bull Media House is making profit from its services. They also expect the service serve a function as an advertisement and help to increase sales of Red Bull. According to Red Bull founder and CEO Dietrich Mateschitz, he states, In long term, we expect that Red Bull Media House to be profitable. Therefore, their marketing objective of Red Bull media House is not clear. There is a realistic to achieve their goal when they consider long term to get profits from its Red bull media house services because especially the attentions from young people to extreme sports are increasing. Red Bull Me dia House also needs to become more popular to be profitable. Their goal is not measurable and time-specific because Dietrich just mentions Red Bull Media House will be profitable in the future. Their plan is too vague and they do not determine the date of their achievement such as December 31, 2015. However, at the same, they also consider Red Bull Media House is part of marketing content and desire that the services and the video of Red Bull Media House assist sales of Red Bull. Therefore, we can see the logotype of Red Bull on the players helmets, caps, and shirts in the movies from Red Bull Media House. They are excited to launch Red Bull Media House and provide the services; even though, they might not be able to make profits the first a few years because they tend to consider the loss of profits as expenditure of marketing (Iezzi). Marketing Strategy Target Marketing Strategy A target market is a group of individuals that is most likely to buy a firms product based on similar characteristics, preferences, and lifestyles. From the beginning, Red Bull has set out to associate itself with youth culture and extreme, adventure-related sports. Red Bulls target market is mainly Generation Y, aged anywhere between 18-35, who enjoy extreme sports and an active nightlife. This active group of individuals does not respond well to the typical, classic marketing strategies of most companies. Red Bull relies heavily on a strategy that has become known as viral marketing, or word-of-mouth, to spread the popularity of the drink, rather than traditional methods. Red Bull is trying to be as close as possible to its consumers in its distribution strategy and likewise in its promotion strategy by having a street marketing strategy. They have put themselves in the center of their target market and made themselves an icon in a wide variety of sports such as mountain biking, mo tocross, BMX, windsurfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, kayaking, cliff-diving, surfing, rally, Formula 1 racing, NASCAR, desert racing, and even breakdancing. This may be a wide selection, but it is great for Red Bull because each sport is focused around Generation Y, which gives them a broad fan base. Marketing Mix Product Red Bull is arguably one of the most publicized and well-known organizations in the action sports community, which is phenomenal considering they essentially only have one product. This one product was the first energy drink of its kind, and has basically remained the same ever since. They have added a few variations of the original, Sugar Free and Total Zero, along with Red Bull Editions that give a slight variety of flavor. Red Bull was developed specifically to increase mental and physical exertion, increase performance and concentration during times of stress, and improve reaction speed, which is where their slogan Gives You Wings started ( Place/Distribution Red Bull distributes their product through a few different distribution channels. The first is the Direct Channel where the producer interacts with the consumer. They set up booths or have the Wings Team drive their Red Bull cars to events and hand out their product to consumers first hand. The other distribution channel is the wholesaler channel in which Red Bull sells their product to a wholesaler, who then sells it to a retailer such as gas stations and convenience stores, who then sell it to the consumer. Red Bull is also involved in the bar scene and has strict rules about mixing the right drink and a bar. The barmen are instructed to give what remains in the can to the consumer to further Red Bulls visibility of the product (Louvet). Promotion Red Bulls promotion strategy began with the Wings Team, who were attractive female students, whose role was to establish a relationship with the consumers, to have them discover the product, and see what consumer opinion was. Red Bulls first target was college campuses, because this is where they felt they could make the biggest impact, on students who were seeking an extra boost of energy. Red Bull would consult with the Student Brand Manager at school to ensure that Red Bull was present at every strategic moment on the social calendar such as sporting events and big parties. The strength of Red Bull is an ability to instill a genuine passion for the brand in the Wings Team and the Student Brand Managers. Thus, these committed people are more likely to promote a good image of the brand and to have a greater positive impact on targeted consumers (Louvet). Since this, Red Bull has expanded drastically and changed their promotion strategy. Red Bull explicitly states that they do not involve themselves in print advertising such as newspapers and magazines; instead, they rely on television, social media, and outdoor media to advertise. Since 1992, Red Bull has created cheap cartoons with simple but recognizable drawings, telling funny and simple stories. These were a huge benefit for them because they were easily adaptable to markets all across the globe. Red Bull also displays outdoor media at every even possible with huge tents and exhibits, inflatable cans and arches; as well as custom painted helmets, racecars, helicopters, and airplanes for all of their athletes. Social media has become Red Bulls best way of advertising. It is an easy way to get one simple picture, video, or message around the globe in less than a few seconds. They are famous for their viral videos, which are spread entirely by fans and followers. Red Bull currently has 34.5 million likes on Facebook, 480 thousand followers on Instagram, 843 thousan d followers on Twitter. With all the advances in Internet and social media Red Bull has found a perfect niche market where the consumer spreads the word faster than the producer ( Price Red Bull sees themselves as a high quality company that offers a high quality product, which is why they have a strict pricing policy. Their product is the most expensive amongst competitors because they are prestigious and have customer loyalty ( Implementation, Evaluation, and Control Marketing Research Red Bull has managed to revolutionize the world of energy drinks. It has permeated globally and hopes to expand into even more countries. Their success can be traced to a well-established marketing plan. Since their inception into the market, Red Bull has relied on their research to follow a successful path. According to Lamb, marketing research can help managers in several ways, it improves the quality of decision making and helps managers trace problems (pg. 292). By having a well-established marketing strategy a company can be very profitable. Red Bull has chosen to reposition themselves by targeting a specific market. They opt for targeting younger individuals involved in action sports and with a very active lifestyle. Red Bull has a very unorthodox way of marketing; they rely heavily on buzz marketing or word of mouth. It is amazing that a world renowned company reached such success simply with an effective marketing strategy and by word of mouth advertising. Another concept ent ailed in marketing research is, the ability to understand the ever changing marketplace. This is another factor that has contributed to their success because they are aware of the changing trends, especially amongst the younger population or in other words, generation Y ( Organizational Structure and Plan According to Lamb, many of the historic sources of competitive advantage-technology, innovation, economies of scale-allowed companies to focus their efforts internally and prosper (pg. 7). In other words, Red Bull has been able to become successful because it has followed through the many factors that instill competitive advantage amongst other brands in the market share. Red Bull really takes into consideration the three factors that allow for a proficient organizational focus. These are customer value, customer satisfaction, and building relationships. Firstly, customer satisfaction is customers evaluation of a good or service in terms of weather it has met their needs and expectations (Lamb, pg 9). Customers that purchase Red Bull already have an opinion and know what to expect from the product. Secondly, building relationships, which is attracting new customers or maintain its current customers. Companies can expand market share in three ways: attracting new customers, increasing business with existing customers, and retaining current customers (Lamb, pg. 9). Thirdly, relationship marketing, as a strategy that focuses on keeping and improving relationships with current customers. All these components contribute to customer relationship management. In which, the company designs a business model to reduce costs and increase profitability by strengthening customer satisfaction and loyalty. Red Bull does a great job of implementing all of the three components in maintaining a good relationship with its customers. For example, a young person who is interested in extreme sports has loyalty to the product, because Red Bull is associated with the sport and it probably sponsors the popular athletes ( Financial Projections Red Bull has made a few projections regarding its finances and advertising strategies. One of their strategies was to become more aggressive in their strategies, some were introduced at the end of the 2011 fiscal year. According to their website, In 2011, 4.631 billion cans were sold worldwide. That is an increase of 11.4% since 2010. In all key areas such as sales, revenues, productivity and operating profit, the figures recorded were the best in the companys history so far ( In other words, as of the end of 2011, Red Bull employed 8,294 people in 164 countries. The companys marketing plan for 2012 stated that, Market Share Red Bull anticipates through the following year to be able to increase its market share by 10%, raising it to 58% of the market share. Through various media channel , Red Bull has set a goal to set itself further ahead from all competitors and build an undeniable brand loyalty among a different demographic ( Implementation Timetable In this section, the company implements the marketing strategy and establishes company goals. As explained previously, Red Bull hopes to generate more sales resulting from their new marketing plan. The company plans to advertise, on the web, trial, sponsorship, promotion, viral and on television. However, for the years to come they hope to shift their target market from young individuals to 35-65 year olds. The company also stated some goals for this year. They want to increase revenue by, the following year, Red Bull has set a goal to increase revenue by 20% $6.22 billion . By gaining customers in a new demographic, as well as releasing a revamped campaign, Red Bull believes this is possible ( This is to say that, the company has established goals that can be attained if their marketing plan is successful. It is very likely that it can accomplish those goals, simply because even after many years, it remains the top name in energy drinks. Positives, Negatives, and Recommendations Positives The worlds most recognizable and profitable energy drink Red Bull posted revenue of more than $5.1 billion in 2010, and sales of the product are continuing to increase each year. Red Bull spends an unbelievable 30-40% of their revenue on marketing. The majority of Red Bull energy drinkers are between the ages of 18-34 year old males. The drink grabbed the attention of their target user and flawlessly grew, and become the brand marketing strategy that translated into We are with you and one of you. The recent 2011-2012 focus of Red Bull energy drink is trying to increase awareness among the 35-65 crowds, both male and female. The reason for Red Bulls remarkable marketing strategy relies solemnly on the following four concepts (Andy): 1. Consumer engagement through sportsmanship 2. Videos of extreme athletic accomplishments posted on YouTube that go viral. 3. Brand recognition through logo saturation. 4. Attainment of widespread brand recognition and loyalty first among a core demographic, then building a credible bridge to achieve it. Because Red Bulls targeting audience is the Y Generations, the company has developed a Wings Team to develop and establish a relationship with the consumers and to discuss with consumers about their appreciation or dissatisfaction of the product. One of Red Bulls strategies is to be present at school events, big parties, sporting events, and school/social calendars. One of the many strengths of Red Bull is their genuine passion for their brand and consumers who are committed to their energy drinks. These committed people are likely to promote a good image of the brand and have a greater impact on targeted consumers (Louvet). Negatives Even though Red Bulls marketing strategy is proven to be the best, they are facing a negative publicity about the health risks that the drink leads to. Because of the many health risks associated with the energy drink, countries such as Denmark and France have banned the drink from their markets. The energy drink contains high level of sugar and caffeine and taurine, therefore causing a variety of health risks such as heart problems, vertigo, hallucinations, damaged tooth enamel, and other permanent problems. Some studies that were conducted showed that the product is linked to heart disease and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, the product has not been thoroughly clinically tested as of yet. A disadvantage of Red Bull is that the product is expensive compared to other caffeinated beverages. Due to these issues, Red Bull has recently developed Red Bull Cola, which is an all-natural, containing no synthetic preservatives or flavors energy drink (Louvet). Recommendations As a group, we concluded that Red Bull should try to decrease their pricing in order to maintain their target market of the young generation. If the energy drink continues to increase in price, it might push the product out of its prestige position in the market. Red Bull is known for campaigning at school events, extreme sporting events, etc. but this must be kept unchanged if the product wants to continue their strategic marketing plan. For the long run of Red Bull, the company should be thinking about some ethical aspects of the product, such as the negative health risk associated with the drink.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes Essay -- Essays P
Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes â€Å"For myself I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form: I want a brighter word than bright, a fairer word than fair. I almost wish we were butterflies and liv’d but three summer daysâ€â€three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain†–John Keats to Fanny Brawne (Bate 538). As the colloquial phrase goes†¦behind every great man, lies a great woman, but in John Keats’ case, the woman is neither great nor his superior but inspires greatness in the Romantic poet. This woman calls herself Fanny Brawne. She was intellectually inferior to Keats, but her sprightly character added rich, sensuosity to his writing. John Keats always had a fondness for folklore and medieval tales. He dreamt of being a chivalric knight, riding on a white steed to rescue his damsel. In early childhood Keats would go to a rustic arbor, find his niche, and read Edmund Spenser’s â€Å"Faery Queen†: it â€Å"awakened his genius,†and â€Å"he was enchanted, breathed in a new world, and became another being†(Bate 75). Fanny Brawne is Keats’ â€Å"Faery Queen,†and her spirit inspires the sensuous, rife, and feminine qualities of â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.†Fanny Brawne and John Keats first interacted in November 1818 at Wentworth Place. He first became infatuated and entranced in her differences from himself. While distinguishing her uniqueness, John says she â€Å"liked me for my own sake and for nothing elseâ€â€I have met with women whom I really think would like to be married to a Poem (Bate 428). She enjoyed literature, art, and music, but her special interest was fashionâ€â€all the sumptuous textures, colors, and styles. Joanna Richardson describes Fan... .... He has wooed with tender, sweet kisses of poetry. Keats does likewise. Since he cannot physically show Fanny her value, he arouses her with images of â€Å"lavendered†linens, â€Å"candied†confections, and â€Å"cinnamon†succulence. The verdant, active language Keats utilizes in â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes†adumbrates his ardent love for Fanny Brawne and proves the power of poetry. Works Cited - Bate, Walter Jackson. John Keats. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1963. - Keats, John. â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.†The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 524-35. - Richardson, Joanna. Fanny Brawne, A Biography. Great Britain: Vanguard Press, 1952. - Wordsworth, William. â€Å"The Tables Turned.†The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 128-29.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) :: Exploratory Essays
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) The controversial topic I decided to choose was Michigan’s plans on preventing the spread of CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) in the white-tailed deer and elk herds. Many areas throughout the United States have broken out with this deadly disease, like Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, and even the province of Saskatchewan. The problem with CWD originated from Saskatchewan, where captive deer became infected with this disease that affects the nervous system. This disease is very similar to that of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or more commonly referred to as â€Å"Mad Cow Disease†. The disease was spread through international transportation of deer from one farm to the next. CWD spreads very fast and rapidly. It attacks the nervous system making the deer lose an excessive amount of weight, hair, and all vision becomes blurry leaving the deer disoriented. As of right now, Michigan has tested negative in all counties for the Upper and Lowe r Peninsula. So this leads to many controversial issues about baiting deer for hunting season. Sense, saliva can spread the disease, the DNR is trying to stop hunters from baiting deer to prevent this from spreading. Some hunters rely on hunting over bait bile’s, to attract deer to their hunting areas. Michigan has limitations on the amount of bait you can spread at one time. We are only allowed to spread a five-gallon bucket over a 6-foot area. But the DNR has already made plans to make baiting illegal when any state such as Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, or the Canadian province of Ontario, have been infected with CWD [1]. All baiting of deer will be illegal and there will be no more baiting allowed ever. So I feel that the state is doing the right thing to prevent CWD from spreading into the state. Another concern the DNR has is people traveling to other states to hunt and bringing back the animal. The DNR wants to limit the amount of carcasses brought into the state. Michigan Department of Natural Resources officials reminded Michigan hunters headed out-of-state to hunt deer and elk this fall to take common-sense precautions to avoid accidentally bringing Chronic Wasting Disease back to Michigan [2]. The deer can have the disease and also carry it in the feces, urine, saliva, brain, spinal cord, and the meat. So once you have killed the animal, you should take it to a sanitary landfill, or buried deep where no animal can get to it and become infected.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Talkin the Talk: An Examination of Black English in the American Education System :: Free Essays Online
Talkin the Talk: An Examination of Black English in the American Education System How many people here believe that schools should require the use of standard English at all times? That schools should respect all languages? How many people believe that Ebonics is a legitimate language that should not be compared to standard English? Most of you are probably wondering why I am interested in Ebonics. Obviously I’m not black. But, that does not mean that I can’t take an interest in the success of my friends and classmates. I attended Amherst Regional High School in Amherst, Massachusetts. My town is supposedly a liberal, open-minded place. But I always wondered why there were very few black students in my advanced-level classes and how come some of the black friends I had in the beginning of the year were no longer around at the end. I talked to one of my friends about this once. She told me that many black students in our school had moved from a nearby city and that they were not used to the academic standards of the school. Many of them became discouraged due to the lack of support of the teachers and some students even dropped out. This is a problem. In my opinion, many teachers do not respect students’ cultures if they are not a part of the mainstream, white culture. Although language is on ly one part of this respect, it is a large part of every student’s culture. Even though there has been a movement to improve inner-city schools and increase the success of black students, these programs would benefit any school around the country. Although the debate over the legitimacy of Ebonics as a language had been burning out, the Oakland school board decision in 1996 re-sparked this debate. Every marking period, in the Oakland school district, many African-American students brought home report cards singed with bad grades. In a school district where 53% of the student population is African-American, what concerned the school board was that these black students accounted for 71 percent of "special needs" students and received an average GPA of 1.8, compared to the average of 2.4 for all other students (Perry xi). It was time to correct that problem. The school board of Oakland, California organized a task force to do just this. The Ebonics Resolution, as the plan was called, recognized Ebonics as a legitimate language that deserved respect within the classroom.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Native American educational traditions passed Essay
Before contact with Europeans, Native Americans developed an effective system of informal education call aboriginal education. The system included transmitting knowledge, values, skills, attitudes, and dispositions to the next generation in real world settings such as the farm, at home, or on the hunting ground. Education was viewed as a way to beautify and sharpen the next generation and prepare them to take over the mantle of leadership. The purpose of education was for an immediate induction of the next generation into society and preparation for adulthood. Education was for introducing society with all its institutions, taboos, mores, and functions to the individual. Also, education was intended for making the individual a part of the totality of the social consciousness. Native American education delineated social responsibility, skill orientation, political participation, and spiritual and moral values. The cardinal goals of Native American education were to develop the individual’s latent physical skills and character, inculcate respect for elders and those in authority in the individual, and help the individual acquire specific vocational training (Franklin, 1979). Native American education was also for developing a healthy attitude toward honest labor, developing a sense of belonging and encouraging active participation in community activities. Both boys and girls had equal access to education. Boys were taught by their fathers, uncles, grandfathers, and other male elders. Girls were instructed by their mothers, aunts, grandmothers, female elders and other members of their families. Sometimes, both boys and girls received instruction at the feet of either male or female elders (Mould, 2004). There were barely any dropouts and the community ensured that every child received a full education. Youth appropriate information and knowledge was not hidden from any child. Several teaching strategies, including storytelling, were utilized to pass on knowledge and culture to the youth. In fact, Mould (2004) believed that storytelling was a sacred and vital part of a Native American youth’s education. Knowledge and culture were passed down orally, â€Å"crafted into stories that would instruct, inspire, provoke, question, challenge, and entertain†(Mould, 2004). Often, the youth would gather together to listen to the elders as they related the knowledge once entrusted to them when they were children (Mould, 2004). The philosophy of education was that of the development of the individual as well as the whole society (Johnson et al. , 2005). Educational philosophy also emphasized the importance of nature. The pursuit of knowledge and happiness were subordinated to a respect for the whole universe. According to Johnson, knowledge was equated with an understanding of one’s place in the natural order of things and educators were encouraged to study and teach the physical and social world by examining the natural relationships that exist among things, animals, and humans. Studying ideas in the abstract or as independent entities was not considered as important as understanding the relationships among ideas and physical reality. The essential components of an educational experience included hands on learning, making connections, holding discussions, taking field trips, and celebrations of the moment (Johnson et al. , 2005). These highly effective teaching methods were utilized by adults to transmit culture to or educate the next generation. The youth learned at their own pace and barely competed against one another. The youth were taught to be supportive and nurturing of one another in the learning process. As a result of the holistic education that all youth were exposed to in the period before their contact with Europeans, there were barely any miseducated Native American children. At the time of European contact with Native Americans (from 1492), an advanced system of informal/aboriginal education had been developed by Native Americans as noted earlier. That system was misunderstood by Europeans who thus made efforts to impose their formal system of education on Native Americans. After contact with Europeans, formal education for Native Americans was initially conducted by missionaries and private individuals until the 1830s. There were increased European government efforts to formally educate Native Americans after the passage of the Indian Removal Act (1830) which forced Native Americans onto reservations (Tozer 2009). The purpose of formal education of Native Americans, as far as Europeans were concerned, was forced acculturation or assimilation to European culture (Tozer 2009). The aim of the European system of education was to â€Å"civilize†, Christianize, and Europeanize the Native Americans in European-controlled schools. To achieve this purpose and aim, many Native American children were forcibly removed from their homes and enrolled in European-controlled schools. By 1887, about 14,300 Native American children were enrolled in 227 schools run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or by religious groups (Tozer 2009). The schools were operated based on an Anglo-conformity assimilationist approach. The Anglo-conformity assimilationist approach included the following: 1) Educating the Native Americans away from their culture due to the philosophy of Europeanization or Christianization or â€Å"civilizing†of the Native American through education; 2) Intensive efforts were made to destroy extant Native American cultures by excluding Native American cultures from the school curriculum; 3) Concerted efforts were made to prevent Native American students from following their own culture; and 4) Native American students were punished for speaking their native languages (Feagin & Feagin, 2003). This approach motivated European American educators to force Native American students into boarding schools where it was believed that it would be easier and much more effective to Europeanize, Christianize, and â€Å"civilize†them. Students were forced to dress like Europeans, convert to Christianity, and take European names. Students who refused to conform were severely punished. The effects of the Anglo-conformity assimilationist approach on Native Americans cannot be overemphasized. Many of them lost or became confused about their cultural identity. Some tended to know a lot more about European culture, history, philosophy, and languages than about their own culture, history, philosophy, and languages. Europeanization, Christianization and â€Å"civilizing†of Native Americans through formal education seriously undermined the very foundation of Native American cultures and alienated many Native Americans from their own cultures and environment. Formal education forced many Native Americans to absorb European lifestyles and led to individualism as well as serious weakening of traditional authority structure and kin group solidarity. Many Native Americans lost faith in their own cultures and civilizations and absorbed those of Europeans. Some have neither fully adopted European culture nor fully embraced Native American culture and consequently swing between the two in a state of cultural confusion. Eurocentric education has been a miseducation of Native Americans as has been for all minority groups in the United States. These and many other political, social and economic effects of formal education on Native Americans have permeated Native American cultures till today. European American teachers and administrators have blamed Native American educational problems on cultural differences. This is known as cultural deficit theory. According to cultural deficit theorists, disjuncture’s or differences or deficits between the culture of the home and the culture of the school are the reasons for the poor academic achievement of non-European students (Johnson et al. , 2005). European American schools focus only on the dominant culture and expect all students to operate as if they are members of the dominant culture, giving an advantage to students from the dominant group and a disadvantage to those from minority groups (Johnson et al., 2005). What cultural deficit theorists advocate is that students from minority groups, including Native American students, must reject their own cultural patterns and absorb European American cultural patterns in order to be successful in school. Thus, in an effort to assist their students to be high achievers in school, many European American teachers have attempted to make their students â€Å"less Native American†by educating them away from their own cultures and imposing Anglo-European culture on them. Many schools and textbooks exclude Native American experiences and their immeasurable contributions to this society and the rest of the world and provide little to nothing to assist Native American children identify with their own cultures. From the 1930s some boarding schools were replaced by day schools closer to reservations and a bilingual policy of educating Native American students in both Native American languages and the English language was discussed (Feagin & Feagin, 2003). Since the 1960s, organized protest has led to increased government involvement and aid for primary, adult, and vocational education for Native Americans on and off the reservations. Federal and local governments have focused more attention on local public schools (outside the reservations) and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools in the reservations. For greater inclusion of Native Americans in their own education, Native American advisory boards have been organized in mainstream public schools. More Native Americans have been added to school faculty and staff. Native American art, dances, and languages have been included in the school curriculum. The central curriculum taught in both BIA and mainstream schools have remained the same from colonial times until recently. The curriculum indoctrinates Native American children with the same European American values as in the past (Feagin & Feagin, 2003). In many reservations today however, there are efforts to reverse this by teaching students in Native American languages and culture from the early years of their education. In the Choctaw Reservation in Choctaw, Mississippi for example, students are taught in the Chahta and English languages in the first three years of formal schooling and in the English language from the fourth grade onwards. Throughout their schooling to the high school level, they are taught and exposed to Choctaw culture and encouraged to speak the Chahta language in and outside of school. One of the essences of the Annual Choctaw Indian Fair is to educate both the youth and adults in Choctaw cultural practices and traditions and to transmit Choctaw culture to the next generation. The author of this article, who happens to be an African and from a continent which has had similar experiences as those of Native Americans, greatly applauds the new forms of formal education among Native Americans on the reservations, which include an integration of the Native American system before their contact with Europeans and aspects of the European system as a way of preserving what is left of Native American cultures, preparing contemporary Native American youth for their real world settings, and meeting the needs of Native Americans. The large scale migration of many Native Americans to the cities since the 1950s has led to a decline in the number of children in BIA schools. By the early 1990s less than ten percent (10%) of Native American children attended BIA schools (Feagin & Feagin, 2003). Today, most Native American children attend mainstream local public schools due to the fact that majority of Native Americans live off reservations with their children (United States Census Bureau, 2001). The mainstream educational system has however failed to meet the needs of Native American students. The failure stems from the absence of a Native American perspective in the curricula, the loss of Native American languages, the shift away from Native American spiritual values, and the racist and discriminatory activities of many European American teachers and administrators (Feagin & Feagin, 2003; Schaefer, 2004). Perhaps, mainstream educators could borrow the new forms of formal education being practiced on the reservations which seem to much better meet the needs of Native American students rather than continually imposing the Eurocentric system which has not worked for Native Americans. With regard to higher education, since the 1960s, many mainstream colleges have established Native American Studies centers to provide facilities for the study of Native American issues (Feagin & Feagin, 2003). By the late 1990s, more than 134,000 Native Americans were enrolled in colleges and universities throughout the United States (Schaeffer, 2004). Majority of the students attended predominantly European American public colleges and universities. Some of the students were not very successful due to the ingrained racist and discriminatory practices in those institutions. Consequently, many Native American students dropped out of those institutions. In general, Native American formal educational attainment has remained lower than that of the general population due to the Eurocentricity of the educational system. By 1990, less than two-thirds of Native Americans over the age of twenty-five were high school graduates compared to three-fourths of all Americans in that age range. Native American students in mainstream schools are disproportionately placed in special education classrooms. The proportion of Native American students who drop out after tenth-grade is 36%, the highest of any racial or ethnic group and more than twice that of European Americans (Schaeffer, 2004). In view of the aforementioned issues in education among Native Americans, a Department of Education Task Force organized in the late 1990s recommended the following for addressing Native American educational issues: implementation of multicultural curricula that inculcate respect for Native American history and culture, and establishment of programs that guarantee that Native American students learn English well. The task force assumed that if Native American students learn English very well then they will be successful in school, an assumption which is traced to the cultural deficit theory discussed above. Today, many Native American students attend Native American-controlled community colleges. The community colleges integrate Native American history and culture into courses. More attention is given to students and their cultures in the Native American-controlled educational institutions. Native Americans had established an effective educational system which ensured the smooth transmission of their cultures to the next generation before their contact with Europeans. The system included passing on of knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, and dispositions required for successful functioning of every individual in real world settings. Access to education was denied neither to male nor female while all children were taught to support and nurture one another and not necessarily compete against one another in the learning process. Learning was undergirded philosophically by a reverence for nature and a sense of humans’ responsibility to nature (Johnson et al. , 2005). The arrival of Europeans from 1492 onwards led to the imposition of a Eurocentric educational system which was underpinned by an Anglo-conformist assimilationist approach discussed above. This approach included educating Native Americans away from their cultures as a way of rendering them â€Å"less Native American†and more European American. The Anglo-conformist assimilationist approach in the formal education of Native Americans has left many of them miseducated and quite confused about their cultural identity. The political, economic and social impact of the European aim of Europeanizing, Christianizing and â€Å"civilizing†Native Americans through formal education are discussed at length in a paper presented by the author at the National Association of Native American Studies Conference in 2004. Fortunately, today, Native American leaders are successfully making efforts to reverse the adverse effects of the imposed Eurocentric educational system by synthesizing traditional Native American educational practices with European American practices. Works Citied Feagin, J. R. and Feagin, C. B. (2003). Racial and ethnic relations. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall Johnson, J. A. ; Dupuis, V. L. ; Musial, D. ; Hall, G. E. ; and Gollnick, D. M. (2005). Introduction to the foundations of American education. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Mould, T. (2004). Choctaw tales. Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. Schaefer, R. T. (2004). Racial and ethnic groups. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Steven Tozer (2009) School and Society : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. McGraw- Hil Publishing Company.
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