Saturday, August 31, 2019
Agricultural Science Essay
Materials: †¢ Graduated cylinder †¢ 2 marbles †¢ Liquids to test such as water, corn syrup, canola oil, motor oil †¢ Masking tape †¢ 1 cm ruler †¢ Stopwatch that is accurate to 0.1 or 0.01 seconds SAFETY NOTE: See Texas Science Safety Manual for lab and investigation guidelines: Engagement: Place a wooden ramp on a stack of books. Challenge students to predict which of three liquids (syrup, water, and motor oil) will reach the bottom of the ramp first. Use one drop of each liquid. Have students write their predictions and observations in their science journals. Ask student to identify which property of matter is best represented by this demonstration. Explore: 1. Fill a graduated cylinder with one of the liquids (water, corn syrup, canola oil or motor oil), up to about 5 cm from the top. 2. Mark with tape a convenient starting point about 2 cm below the surface of the liquid (which will allow the sphere to reach terminal velocity before you begin making measurements). You can use either the top or the bottom of the tape, but use the same points for each measurement you make when you drop the spheres. 3. Mark an ending point about 5 cm from the bottom. 4. Measure the distance between the starting and ending points, and enter the answer in the data table as â€Å"Fall distance.†5. Drop the sphere into the liquid and start measuring time when the sphere reaches the first masking tape line. Stop measuring time when the sphere passes the second piece of tape. Repeat the time measurements for a total of 5 trials. 6. Clean the graduated cylinder and repeat procedure with other liquids. 7. Complete the data table by averaging the times for each substance. Use this time when calculating the speed of the sphere.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Inmate Classification
Inmate classification, as soon as the person is convicted of a crime, he is sent to the level of a prison accordingly with respect to his crime. The nature of a crime determines the level of a prison, if a person committed a more violent crime; it is likely that he would be sent to a more secured level of a prison. There are four levels of prisons, minimum, medium, close and maximum. However, I would like to just discuss minimum and medium level. Minimum – Minimum security prison consists of dormitories that are not very secured, and are monitored by correctional officers regularly.As they used to hold people who committed a crime that wasn't as violent such as driving drunk or other crimes of such nature, there are no watch towers surrounding minimum security prisons, and they usually have a single fence perimeter. The movement of inmates isn't controlled, and they’re free to move within the prison without any problem. The inmates in minimum security prisoners are usua lly asked to do community based work such as road maintenance or working for a civilian employee etc.Medium – Medium security prisons are not as secured, but securer than minimum security prisons. They usually consist of dormitories that are capable of holding around forty-nine to fifty inmates. Unlike minimum security prisons, inmates are not allowed to move as freely, and are supervised almost all of the time. At night each dormitory is locked, and supervised by a correctional officer who monitors every movement. Medium security prisons are also covered by double fenced perimeters, and usually have watch towers, so that no one escapes.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Examining Cultural Elements Essay
The following paper will look at the ways a therapist may be able to look upon and treat a family keeping all the cultural and the social boundaries, also known as the ethnocentric barriers aside. When looking at the view of the therapist, it may be important to look at the context of the family theories which have been introduced by sociologists all over the world. This idea was particularly introduced by the GAP or the group for the advancement of psychiatry. The association explained that it may be important for the families to be ascribed roles which are not specified when looking at the family. thus, if in any family which has an increasing amount of conflict, it may be helpful if it is somehow possible for the therapist to ensure that there are not any such roles put forward and emphasized. Note that in such a case particularly in a country with the traditional societal rules, it may be unlikely that such informality and the absence of clear cut roles would be possible. In such a case the therapist must allow for a setting and an environment such that the rigidity formed by the society is minimized so as to ensure an effective functioning of the family. This way neither the societal norms will be completely challenged, nor would there be any difficulty associated with the societal stereotypes. Another aspect which needs to be taken into consideration is that of the process of mystification. This process of mystification has been described as a process by which there are attempts made by one party to keep the other party in an awe state by maximizing the distance that they have between each other. When applying to the family life it implies denying the child’s experience by relabelling it. in other words if there is going to a conflict in the family, it may be very likely for the parents to blame the children rather than excepting their own mistakes because they lie in a superior position in contrast to the child. When talking about it with relation to the therapist, making sure that this element of mystification does not occur in a strict family environment where there may be a great deal of respect for the elders may be problematic. However, the therapist, by looking upon at all the aspects of the problem should make sure that such biases are not essentially a part of the experience he encounters when treating the family. perhaps, the therapist can take the family to a different setting, perhaps away from the present place where they are in order to ensure that such a problem does not occur that much. Apart from this, the therapist may also be able to effectively provide for therapy by looking at how the family has and follows the system of double blinds. By this we imply a system in which there are two contractory points. It may thus be very likely for an individual to take up one and not both the points. For instance how boys are told to be tough and at the same time not be harsh with their mothers. These situations imply that an individual can follow only one and thus a family conflict may very likely occur. In such a case, the therapist should easily identify the double bind situation and then allow for a dialogue or a discussion to take place between the related parties. After looking and keeping all the things into consideration there can be a presentation of the values and norms of the societies and then there can be an agreement reached upon. No only this, but an important thing that should be done by the therapists is to carefully observe the way these discussions take place. This would be more and way better than a mere speculation because the therapists may make an increasing amount of assumptions which may otherwise not be made in case of a proper observation. not only this, but it may also be important to note that by observing, it may be possible that other possible forms pf conflicts that occur within the family and may not completely be realized or perhaps are otherwise hidden are highly likely to come up. It should be noted that the observations by the therapist must also be made first and fore mostly, perhaps even before one to one counseling of the families occur. This may be so that there is an absolute certainty that there are no previous biases left for evaluation. Therefore, one may say that there may be numerous ways through which the cultural and societal biases can be avoided by a therapist. First and for mostly can be a clear evaluation of the conflict that occurs in the family with a particular look at the element of mystification as well as double binds. Not only this, but also observing the family to look and obtain additional data may also be very helpful. Reference: How the students’ culture effect their behavior www. literacynet. org/lp/hperspectives/culteffect. html Lyman Stone, How much does culture and lifestyle affect behavior? http://www. helium. com/items/493732-how-much-does-culture-and-lifestyle-affect-behavior What makes lives, what influences Behavior?
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Distinction between Pornography and Obscenity Essay
The Distinction between Pornography and Obscenity - Essay Example MacKinnon, a feminist and an attorney, believes that society in the US applied different legal rights, lesser rights, to women as compared to men. Obscene speech is not protected under the First Amendment according to the U.S. Supreme Court, but there is much debate over the distinction between pornography and obscenity. Perhaps one of the most remembered Supreme Court Justice quotes is that of Potter Stewart, who said, I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. (Jacobellis) Linda Susan Boreman MacKinnon rose to fame when she represented Linda Susan Boreman, the actress known as Linda Lovelace, in a lawsuit that claimed that Boreman had been forced at gunpoint to perform in pornographic films by her husband. Following her appeara nce in the film Deep Throat, Boreman gave up the adult film industry and became a spokeswoman for the antipornography movement (IMBD). Boreman also testified before the Meese Commission in New York City to the effect that while moviegoers were watching the sex scenes in Deep Throat, they were witnessing her being raped (105-113). MacKinnon’s View Certainly a dichotomy, Catharine McKinnon felt that the First Amendment should protect the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, but she also wanted to condemn and outlaw pornography. She actively pursued civil rights remedies for victims of pornography and advocated to treat pornography as hate speech. During a PBS interview with Ben Wattenberg, MacKinnon defined pornography as, a practice of sex inequality, and defined as the sexually explicit subordination of women through pictures and words that also includes a list of other very specific activities. In other words, it's defined in terms of what it actually does. It subordin ates women as well as being a sexually explicit medium. There are other media that subordinate women but are not sexually explicit, and therefore don't have the same effects. (PBS) The harmful effects of those who engage in viewing pornography are widely described as including the following: Harm to existing marriages, including a 25.6% greater likelihood of divorce, 3.18 times greater likelihood of having an extra marital affair, and an 8% chance of being less likely to have a happy marriage (Weiss). Higher Rates of Substance Abuse (Weiss) Higher acceptance of premarital and casual sexual behavior (Weiss) A nearly five times higher number of lifetime sexual partners than non-pornography users (Weiss). In 1985, MacKinnon wrote about the civil rights violations of pornography in the Harvard Civil rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. She asserted that the female stars in pornographic films or photographs had clearly not given consent as evidenced by the scratches, bruises, and other inj uries on their bodies. She further argued that audiences respond to pornography because it is perceived as real and as such, they act out in real life the violent acts
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Teamwork and Motivation Problem of Friendly Bank Coursework
Teamwork and Motivation Problem of Friendly Bank - Coursework Example Technology has changed the whole concept of traditional banking and the recession dragged most of the private banks on a verge of shut down (Robbins, Judge, Millett and Boyle, 2013). In this paper, the effect of such structural changes on Friendly Bank will be analyzed and the role of team leaders and supervisors will be evaluated to understand their level of efficiency to motivate the team members and drive them towards achieving newly formed organizational objectives, keeping at pace with changing organizational cultures (Tissington, Hasel and Matthiesen, 2009). Â Friendly bank, online banking division of Parkers Plc, is one of the high street banks of Southampton, reputed for its excellence in customer services. The targeted customer segment of Parker Plc being white, middle class and wealthy, the bank enjoys a competitive advantage by ensuring security and stability for all its customers. According to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the bank, Hector Brogan, Parker Plc is distinct from all other banks because, with Parker, the customers know where their money is. However, as a result of severe financial depression, especially in the European economy, in 2012 the bank was driven almost on a verge of bankruptcy. Though the bank had survived from a hostile takeover by a major competitor in 2013, more than 60% of the branch network of Parker Plc were closed and replaced by online banking operations to reduce operating cost. It restarted its operations under the head of Friendly Bank, established in the outskirts of Southampton, near the existing regional office of Parker Plc. Redundant employees of Parker Plc were shifted to the online and phone banking customer service operations of Friendly Bank at a less salary package. Emphasis was shifted from customer service to sale of wide range of financial products for generating additional income for the bank and accordingly Sales against Target (SAT) was introduced as a performance indicator.
Identify various grading methods in special education classrooms and Essay
Identify various grading methods in special education classrooms and give examples of appropriate uses of each - Essay Example â€Å"It is up to the classroom and special education teacher to ensure that appropriate strategies are being used†(Watson, 2008). Let’s discuss those grading methods which are turning out to be very successful and are becoming a need for special education classes. â€Å"A special education class needs a variety of behavioral systems†(Barrett, n.d.). In this method, students are given opportunity to write some report on any given topic. In this way, the teacher will be able to know the mental strength of students and will grade them according to their writing style and knowledge which they have put into the report. For example students are asked to write a report on their hobbies. Now, this will be an opportunity for the special students to write it according to their senses and get graded by the teacher accordingly. In this method, students will be graded according to the number or percentage of correct and relative answers to the assignments or questions given to them to be solved. For example, a class of special students is given a questionnaire to be solved by the students. Now, the student who will give the most correct answers to the questions will get more percentage of marks and will be graded as the best student. This is a very useful technique to enhance the answering skills of special students. In this method, the authority of final grading is given to both; class teacher and the resource center teacher. â€Å"In addition to the regular teacher, there will ideally be a special-education teacher whose job it is to adjust the curriculum to your childs abilities†(Mauro, n.d.). Both of them work mutually in cooperation with each other to finalize the grades of any special student by analyzing their skills and abilities in various conditions. This is a useful technique as the efficiency of any student is judged by two authorities rather than one. In point grading system, the performance of any student is based on various factors which include
Monday, August 26, 2019
Apples Work-life Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Apples Work-life Policy - Assignment Example Fr communication to be effective, it must be accessible and readily available, which is not the case, at (Lockett, 2012). However, the firm does an impressive job I am articulating the company’s work-life policy. Apple business values are entrenched I treating its employees and others with honesty and respect. The values that inform the work-life policy are clearly articulated on the company’s website (Lockett, 2012). Apple places a huge emphasis on work-life balance. In apple when an individual works hard, they get to enjoy some free personal time. Employees get to enjoy both vocational and family leave policy during Thanksgiving and Christmas (Lockett, 2012). The other work-life policies that the firm adopts include healthcare and contribution to retirement plans or pension. This is in-line with Apple Inc. A motto, which that ‘we love working at Apple, we work hard, nevertheless, when it is all said and done, go enjoy your life. Apple’s motto summarizes its work-life policy as â€Å"employee focused; customer focused and innovative.†Apple has a stimulating and challenging workplace, Amazing workplace, culture, and it is customer-focused (Lockett, 2012). This is a company that I would like to work for (Lockett, 2012). Apple is envied as being a start-up in a big organization. Employees at the firm are offered a chance to contribute to the satisfaction of customers across the globe with the novelty of its products (Lockett, 2012). Even with its huge salaries and benefits, the satisfaction that employees feel when they contribute in changing the nature and lifestyle of many people across the globe is mind-blowing. At Apple, employees work with very smart people, this enhances employees to work somewhere else (Lockett, 2012). The company has always endeavored to maintain its bureaucracy to as low as possible.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How the Anthropocene is related to my major Business Management Research Paper
How the Anthropocene is related to my major Business Management Explain through McDonalds especially their Beef Hamburgers - Research Paper Example Their production activity requires meat from animals, yet livestock production is one of the human practices that results in adverse changes in the environment. Subsequently, the current sorry state of the environment marked by degradation and depletion of essential resources is attributed to anthropogenic activities. Moreover, scientists believe that there is a new wave of anthropogenic activities that started in a particular period, a concept referred to as anthropocene. Being business management student, understanding the concept of anthropocene and environmental degradation is important, as it helps in finding solutions to the issue. McDonalds is one of the biggest fast food restaurants in the world. The restaurant was established in 1955 in Illinois USA and has more than 30000 outlets located in 120 countries globally that serve more than 54 million customers daily. McDonalds is famous for producing delicious and tasty beef hamburgers that attract many customers every day. As a result, the company is growing day by day, and the customer base is equally rising, which translates to increased consumption of beef hamburgers, and thus production of more of meat by farmers. The primary source of meat is nature. Therefore, increased demand for beef is among the anthropogenic activities that results in adverse effects on the environment and natural resources. The continuous and enormous use of natural resources disturbs the balance in the ecosystem resulting in numerous problems that cause environmental problems. One of the adverse effects of production and consumption of beef hamburgers is the depletion of the natural resources in the environment. The main ingredient of McDonald’s hamburgers is meat from animals. Halden and Schwab states, â€Å"Finally, but growing more urgent every day, industrial agriculture may be a significant contributor to climate change, as the production of greenhouse gases from
Saturday, August 24, 2019
A project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A project - Essay Example Lindt and Ferrero both play in a big commercial scale (Ferrero in the world) & (The Lindt & Sprungli Group). . However, the weakness of these brands lies in the fact that they only aim at the top section of the society, probably due to the high costs associated with packaging and advertising. Our brand is considerably different Undoubtedly, our brand is different from the competitors in the fact that we are not confined only to the upper class of the society, but we are catering all sections of the society; al income groups, all age groups, and both genders, and even geographical difference will be taken into consideration. In addition, we will be introducing products that will be aimed at people with various health problems, like fat-free items, and sugar-free items. Our target group The strategy of our brand is to address all demographic groups as all people, irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex or age, love chocolates. However, our products will specialize on each demographic group by meeting their group-specific needs and fantasies.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Literature review in E-commerce in saudi arabia Assignment
Literature review in E-commerce in saudi arabia - Assignment Example Customer pressure will havelittleornothepreliminaryadoption of e-commerce by business. There is a strong support structure for electronic commerce I Saudi Arabia. The model shows that 81 percent of Saudi customer’ intendeds to continues hopping online and can be generalized across Riyadh .Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness directions can help to improve the models power of prediction and would be better than the original power. Analyze and demonstrates a relationship of the relevant factors that affect the internet customers in Saudi a Arabia and goes on to include a correlation of fundamental influence the trust of Saudi consumers in the electronic commerce, and the indicators of weaknesses and strengths, which influence the elements. And it goes on to show the indicators the weaknesses and strengths that affect these factors Identified eight main barriers to weak after sale support, fear of product un-arrival, unavailability of shipping in vendors websites, website language, no initial experience regarding online shopping, unavailable of house mailing address, payment system issues and high purchasing costs. - The whole research concerning e-commerce in Saudi Arabia was conducted by combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The approach of mixed technique was applicable on the customers’ samples and retailers. - The study introduced a conceptual framework model, which aims at encouraging confidence in e-commerce retailing domain in Saudi Arabia is a tardy e-commerce adopter and the e-commerce development and is slow in progress in contrast to the leading and developed countries. The elements that influence the adoption of the decisions have been established, but there is limited empirical research that assesses the e-commerce adoption in developing nations in the Arab word such as Saudi Arabia. The study examined the perception of mobile phone users and their concerns
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Essay Example for Free
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Essay â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? †is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. On the surface the narrative is fairly generic. The plot follows a 15 year old girl named Connie who is a typical teen shallow, and self consumed. She spends her days at the mall, listening to the radio, and boy watching. However, it soon becomes clear that this story has a very dark undertone. Joyce Carol Oates has commented that this short story is a â€Å"realistic allegory†and that she uses characters in the narrative to represent abstract ideas. A common theme in much of Oates’ work is her belief that the 20th century is spiritually empty. That people have no â€Å"spirit†of their own and therefore are easily influenced and harmed. In â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? †Oates’ creates the character of Arnold Friend to be the antagonist (Davis). He is intense and powerful, and as the story continues he is like a dark persistent cloud that weighs heavy on Connie and the reader. Arnold Friend is the physical embodiment of the devil and his omnipotence allows him to know and abuse Connie’s insecurities for his own uses. It is through Arnold that Connie goes from innocence to experienced. Connie is a young girl just beginning to experience adult things. Her interest in boys is limited until she â€Å"sees†Arnold. Arnold Friend does not exist. He appears only to Connie, and Connie is the only person who sees him. At no point in the story is he acknowledged by any character in the story. Even his â€Å"Friend†Ellie makes no response to Arnold comment’s which Arnold excuses away by saying â€Å"he’s shy. †Any conversation they have with each other seems disjointed and incoherent. Connie first sees Arnold one night when Connie and her friend cross the highway to go to the burger joint (Davis). The burger joint is a trendy hangout for a much older crowd. It is only Connie who sees Arnold Connie couldnt help but let her eyes wander over the windshields and faces all around her, her face gleaming with a joy that had nothing to do with Eddie or even this place; it might have been the music†¦, and just at that moment she happened to glance at a face a few feet from hers (2). Oates also describes Arnold’s car as â€Å"a convertible jalopy painted gold (2),†and later in the story Connie easily recognizes the car as it pulls into her driveway. The car is smashed up, and written on. Surely if the car (and Arnold) was real it would have fetched a comment from someone at the hangout. Arnold speaks only to Connie, and foreshadows his intentions in a single comment â€Å" Gonna get you, baby†(2). Many critics believe that Arnold Friend is a daydream, or a fantasy lover conjured up by Connie. However, it is interesting to note that when Arnold comes to Connie’s house he remains in and speaks with her only in the doorway. He promises and states that he has no intention of going in without an invitation. He is unable to cross over the threshold without being invited. This is a characteristic of an evil being. He tries hard for an invitation, romantically wooing at her Yes, Im your lover. You dont know what that is but you will. I know that too. I know all about you. But look: its real nice and you couldnt ask for nobody better than me, or more polite. Ill hold you so tight you wont think you have to try to get away or pretend anything because youll know you cant. And Ill come inside you where its all secret and youll give in to me and youll love me (8). Connie remains unconvinced and contemplates calling the police which she eventually decides not to do. Oates’ also when describing Arnold Friend actions, writes â€Å"he looked out to see Arnold Friend pause and then take a step toward the porch, lurching. He almost fell. But, like a clever drunken man, he managed to catch his balance. He wobbled in his high boots and grabbed hold of one of the porch postsâ€Å" (8). The word lurching is usually used to describe the movement of an animal, and he wobbles because he has hooves instead of feet. Arnold Friend uses Connie’s insecurities to make her come to him. First of all Arnold uses the word â€Å"Dontcha†when asking Connie questions (Hurley). If Connie answers no she seems stupid, so it forces her to constantly agree with what Arnold is saying or asking. Connie is a normal teenage girl and is concerned about her looks. When Arnold first pulls up Connie is described as â€Å"Her heart began to pound and her fingers snatched at her hair, checking it, and she whispered, Christ. Christ, wondering how bad she lookedâ€Å" (X). Soon after Arnold tells her Youre cute†(3), and even later â€Å"I dont like them fat. I like them the way you are, honey†(8). He is trying to boost her ego. He looks and dresses like boys she is attracted too. Connie â€Å"liked the way he was dressed, which was the way all of them dressed: tight faded jeans stuffed into black, scuffed boots, a belt that pulled his waist in and showed how lean he was, and a white pull-over shirt that was a little soiled and showed the hard small muscles of his arms and shoulders. He looked as if he probably did hard work, lifting and carrying things. Even his neck looked muscular†(5). Arnold has all the characteristics and qualities that her parents want for her to resist (Hurley). When Connie questions who Arnold is, he claims they know each other and have the same friends by listing their names â€Å"Listen: Betty Schultz and Tony Fitch and Jimmy Pettinger and Nancy Pettinger, he said in a chant. Raymond Stanley and Bob Hutter (5). He speaks as if he is singing, â€Å"He spoke in a simple lilting voice, exactly as if he were reciting the words to a song†(5) much like dangerous sirens of Greek mythology. Arnold also makes sure to have music playing that Connie likes, â€Å"Bobby King†(x) and comments â€Å"I listen to him all the time. I think hes great (4). He uses slang that was popular with Connie’s school friends last year on his car â€Å"man the flying saucers. It was an expression kids had used the year before but didnt use this year. She looked at it for a while as if the words meant something to her that she did not yet know†(6). All these things are meant to make Connie feel comfortable and at ease with Arnold. If she is comfortable she will trust him, go for a ride with him, and he can do whatever he wants with her (Slimp). Arnold Friend tries hard to lure Connie away. He romances her like a young lover complimenting how she looks, sharing her taste in music and friends. But she still refuses and he play his last card. He states â€Å"Im the boy for you, and like I said, you come out here nice like a lady and give me your hand, and nobody else gets hurt, I mean, your nice old bald-headed daddy and your mummy and your sister in her high heels. Because listen: why bring them in this? (10). It is at this point that she realizes she has no choice but to go with him. For all the annoyance, resentment, and bitterness she displays toward her family, in the end, she is willing to give up herself for them. She must go with Arnold to save her family and maybe herself. She chooses to go with Arnold because she sees that as her only alternative. Oddly enough if she, at 15, had been as worldly as she would have liked she would have been strong enough and smart enough to realize she did not have to go with Arnold. That she was in control and could easily send him away. Arnold Friend is the embodiment of evil intent and he uses Connies inexperience to manipulate her. He shows himself to Connie in a way that she would feel comfortable with as a young smooth talking boy who wants to court her (Slimp). He represents the internal and external conflict that Connie has inside. She resists his various temptations but surrenders herself in hopes of saving her family from harm. At the end of the story the reader does not know what really happens to Connie. The open ended conclusion let’s the reader reflect on their own conflicts, their own insecurities and weakness. And we, the audience have to wonder, if the evil in the world is going to get us too.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
How does the novel Of Mice And Men reflect life in the 1930s Essay Example for Free
How does the novel Of Mice And Men reflect life in the 1930s Essay Question-How does the novel Of Mice And Men reflect life in the 1930s John Steinbeck was born in 1902 in Salinas, California. His mother was a teacher and the reason why he learned to love books and his father was a county treasurer. He attended his local school and in the holidays worked on farms and ranches, this is the reason he is able to give such an insight to how life was there. After school he went to Stanford university studying marine biology but did not get a degree. He then went to New York for a short time were he worked as a reporter for the American Newspaper, before going back to California to concentrate on is writing. He wrote many books including Sea of Cortez, Of Mice An Men and A Russian Journal Before winning a noble Prize for Literature in 1962. The novel I am doing this essay on I Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, set in California. The book was written In 1936 and also based in this period. This is in the middle of the great depression, which started in 1930 when firms and 2298 banks went bust and losing everybodies savings and finished at the beginning of the second world war. During the depression millions of people were left wandering around looking for jobs and surviving any way they could. All this came just after the boom of the 1920s where it was easy to find work and everybody was paid very well. In the 30s Steinbeck was also one of the 13million people without a proper job, this is because his writing alone would not be able to support him. This is similar to page 11 in the book where Lennie and George are looking for jobs, they also didnt have much money so they are unable so buy the simplest things such as ketchup for their baked beans. Steinbeck found a job and found out how hard the work is on a ranch, he uses is experiences on Lennie and George as they also found a job a ranch in California and had to work very hard, just to get there $50s a month. The reason why Lennie and George kept working is because of their dream. The Dream was to own a small farm in the country side with animals and crops, they have this dream because it is the only thing they have to look forward to in life, and as they as they money to achieve the dream it gives them a reason to work. Because of the depression all the other plans have been ruined as there is not even enough money to buy food, they need a dream to keep them going. George and Lennie are the main characters in the story, Lennie is a very big strong man but when he was young he kicked in the head by a horse. This caused him brain damage and he now is unable to make his own decisions and generally acts like a small child, this story was one told by George so people didnt think Lennie was born this way. He is described by George as a big dumb bastard who is no good for himself. Even though George says this sometimes he is still always there for him. He had been looking after Lennie nearly all his life and always tries to help him. George is the person who keeps control of what they do. He takes control of everything from getting them both jobs to what they eat. He even speaks for Lennie, like when they arrive at the ranch they have to go and speak to the owner, before they go in George even tells Lennie not to speak, and any questions that Lennie does get asked George answers for him. Crooks is the only black man working on the ranch. He is treated with the least respect and is made to sleep on his own in a little shed next to a dung pile. He knows where he stands, which is at the bottom. He is shown no respect except for his job as he is very good at it and when he is playing horse shoe as he is also very good at that. At the time the book was written in the 1930s in the height of the Klu Klux Klan (kkk) who wanted total segregation and destruction of other races. They referred to blacks as niggers and would hang them for anything and sometimes nothing. Crooks knew to stay out of the way and to be careful. He is called crooks because of his crooked back, he has this disability because he was kicked in the back by a horse. When Lennie walks into Crooks bunkhouse, he tries to get rid off him but when he cant he takes advantage of his slowness. He tries to speak to Lennie and treat him like the other white men treat Crooks. He to get Lennie to understand what life is like for him by saying suppose George didnt ever come back from town, because then he would be on his own like Crooks. But Lennie didnt her the suppose at the beginning of the sentence and got very angry towards Crooks and got very worried. Out of life Crooks wanted to be treated equally and be given the same rights, like when he used to play with the white children when he was a child before he knew it was wrong. He wanted to be a lawyer, it was his dream but he couldnt because he was black. He wanted to be able to live in normal accommodation like the other workers instead he lived in a small room the connected to the harness room next to a dung pile. In his room he had many possessions, he more than he would be able to carry, this shows he had good job security. Many of his possessions were books, he had lots because he had collected them but mainly because he is extremely clever and liked to read. Crooks is very lonely in the book, and it probably related to real life as well. He was very lonely because he had no friends because the whites werent allowed to speak to him a most of the blacks had move away from the southern states, and he also did not have any family in California. Overall I think Crooks character reflects life in 30s very well. Like in life he is separated from the whites and is given no respect and looked down upon. Curleys wife is also an icon for life in the 30s. She does not have a name and does not work. In the book she is put across as less important than the men, and a lot of time she is told what to do by the men. Her character is vain and also gets angry and defensive very quickly. She also is very sarcastic and doesnt seem to be very bright. She like crooks is separated, she is separated from other women and doesnt seem to be very bright. She like Crooks is separated, she is separated from other women. Not once in the book does she leave to see any friends or leave the ranch at all. Also like Crooks she cant fulfil her wishes or dreams. Crooks wants to be lawyer but cant, because hes black and Curleys wife wants to be able to go to Hollywood and be an actress. She has been denied the opportunity by being forced to stay on the ranch. There are so important because it gives them something to look forward to in life, it keeps them going. In the novel Curleys wife represents how women were not as important as men. She comes across as very silly, not very bright and the other men think that she could get someone in serious trouble. She has also not been given a name in the book, she is always referred to as Curleys wife, this is to show that she is insignificant and not as important as the men. She is the only women on the ranch and has no job, her only role is being a house wife. On the ranch all the men want to stay away from her because they think she will get them into trouble. Therefore She has nobody to talk to or tell about her dream to be a big time movie star. But when Lennie turns up she realises that he is to slow and nice not to listen or to walk away if she talked to him. So when she realises this she confides in him and tells everything she hasnt told any one else. Although she is very unhappy with Curley and says that he is bad man, she stays with him. This could because she knows one day he will get the ranch and have quite a lot of money compared to everyone else. She knows that if she sticks with him she will have a secure future. However one of the reasons why the men stay away from her is because she is a flirt and could get them into trouble. For example when Lennie and George first started working she came over to George and flirted with him. She would have to be careful because if she did get caught with another man she could be kicked out, and then would not have such a secure future. The men mainly see women as people they tell what to do and sleep with. They dont treat any women with respect except for Susi who runs the brothel in town, they tend to teat her with some respect as she shows them a good time, is nice and is honest. The men go town to go to the brothel to sleep with women at the end of each month when they get their pay. On page 55 they talk about Susis place saying things like Susis a laugh, Theres no water in her whisky implying that she is honest. They generally talk about what a nice place it is and how nice Susi is. From this you can tell that she is the only women they give any respect. Although Curley never really showed his wife any respect or showed he loved her. When Lennie killed her he goes cold and gets very mad and upset. He immediately gets his gun and organises two teams to find Lennie and shoot him. This shows that he did love her even though he didnt treat her very well. Another character is Slim, he tends to keep to himself and is very calm and quiet. Although he is quiet he has natural authority on the ranch, all the other men listen to him and take his advice. Even Curley listens and is scared of him, for example when Curley came into the bunkhouse looking for a fight Slim just stood up and Curley backed down. Also when Lennie Crushed Curleys hand Slim tells him to say that he hurt his hand in a machine. Curley is the boss son, he has a big ego and is very aggressive and quick tempered. He tries to pick fights with every one possibly because he wants control. The reason why he has a big ego and is quick to start a fight is because he is a good boxer, he even got a golden glove trophy for winning a tournament. Because his father had quite a lot of money compared to other people in the 1930s and the fact that he is white makes him feel superior and more important than any one else. The last character is Candy, the swamper. His job on the ranch is to go around and sweep up. The reason he does this job is because he is very old and has only got one hand, after losing his other in an accident with a machine. His best friend is his dog, which he has had all his life. However the other workers dont dog like the dog and say its no good for its self and smells. It would be better to put it down. Candy is also very keep to get in with George and Lennies dream as he is getting old and afraid the boss will just get rid of him when he is no good. Lennie and George among the other millions of people move around from job to job because when the job is done there is nothing else to do in this place. However Lennie and George tend to travel round more than others do because Lennie is always getting them in trouble. For example when they were in Weed digging the cesspit they had to leave in a hurry because Lennie had been accused of rape. Although what really happened was (from the book) Lennie saw a girl wearing pretty red dress which he liked the look of. And because he liked the look of it he grabbed it. the girl started to panic and ran out to a field where lots of men were walking screaming rape. George talking in the bunk house. Soon the men were chasing Lennie and George across fields and they ended up hiding in an irrigation ditch. None of the characters in the story talk much of their families except Lennie and George who briefly mention Lennies aunt Clara. I think this is significant because many of the mean had to leave their families to find work and if they do think of them they will begin to miss them which could effect their work, which could cause them to lose their job. The workers accommodation is very poor. All they have is a very small bed and a shelf. When George first went to his bed he found a bar of lice killer. All the workers get $50s a month, most of the men spend the majority of their money a the cat house in town where they pay for sex and alcohol. The boss looks down to the men as just workers, he doesnt interact with the men. The workers see the boss as very quick tempered but generally okay. On page 21 George asks Candy about the boss, he says what kind of a guy is the boss. Candy replies well, hes a pretty nice fellow. Gets pretty mad sometimes but nice. All the men dress in denim jeans and jacket. They wear these because they are very hard wearing and lasts along time. The way they dress reflects on how they are living. They are wearing tough clothes which relates to the fact they are sleeping rough and in they jobs they are having to do a lot of hard labour. Also they last for a long time because they dont have the money to buy more. Curley and his father have more than one set of clothes, and even suit but compared to every one else including Lennie and George this is a lot as they only have one set of clothes, all denim so they will last a long time. None of the men have many possessions, they only have what they can carry as they have no job security so if they get to much Stuff and get fired they would have to leave it behind. The only person who has a lot of possessions is Crooks, he has lots of books magazines and even a shotgun, this is because he is likely to keep his job because he is the best. None of the men have luxury items as none of them can afford any, this is because of the depression as there is no extra money. Lennie and George among all the men have a dream for better things. The dream is for them to own their own piece of land with their own animals to look after. To Lennie hearing the dream is like a small child hearing its favourite story. He knows how it goes but wants to hear it. Hes always asking George (like on page 16) to tell him the dream and how he is going to tend the rabbits. It seems that George doesnt really think the dream will happen, that its just something to keep them going but when Candy offers to put all his money into it he really begins to believe it can happen. But when Lennie goes into Crooks room and tells him the dream Crooks reaction is you nuts as he knows there is a very small chance of it happening. When Curleys wife enters she says I seen too many guys sayin they are gonna get their own piece of land and not one of em has. I think the story reflects life in the 30s brilliantly, all the characters show how life is, from Crooks showing how life was for blacks to Curleys wife showing how it was for women. In a way women are important in the story because they represent how they were treated as less important than men and there role in the 1930s. But in another way not thought as important characters in the novel because they are women and in this time the men didnt think they were as important as them. I think the story represents what life was really like for women in the 1930s correctly. In the story Crooks, Candy and his dog represent a world of intolerance quite well. In the book Crooks is a very useful person as he is very good at his job but is not tolerated by the other workers because he is black, compared to Candy who is old and not really any use to any one as all he can to is sweep the floor, but he is tolerated. This maybe because he is white, also because he is a human. When the other workers decide that Candys old dog is no good for its self, they take it out side and shoot it because it is only a dog. Candy says They wouldnt shoot me when Im no good, suggesting that white humans are tolerated more than dogs or black people. The workers respect each other and are polite to each other but at the same time its every man for him self as they cannot rely on anyone else to help them to much. The workers know its every man for himself as they no if they want anything such as to follow their dream they have to work for it themselves and not hope that other people will help them. Even though they know they are on their own all the workers are friends and watch out for each other on the ranch. Most of the men dont mind Lennie as they no he means well and is no trouble but Curley shows a more realistic view of him, which would better represent the 1930s better. Curley shows a lot of intolerance towards Lennie as he is seen as not normal, he shows this intolerance by continuously threatening him and in the end starting a fight with him. From looking over my work I believe the characters in the novel Of Mice And Men show that they were living in the 1930s very well. Their belongings jobs and actions all show that they were living in this period. I also believe the character of Crooks, Curleys wife and the boss all show how different people were treated at this time.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Solar energy
Solar energy INTRODUCTION Solar energy is an inexhaustible resource. The sun produces vast amounts of renewable solar energy that can be collected and converted into heat and electricity. Texas, due to its large size and abundant sunshine, has the largest solar energy resources among the states. Several other states, however, lead the nation in terms of using solar energy, mostly due to state policies and incentives that encourage the installation of solar energy systems. California is the nations largest solar energy market by far, and has effective state initiatives promoting the industry. Other states with notable markets for solar energy include New Jersey, Arizona,Colorado and New York. Solar energy Solar energy means using the energy of sunlight to provide electricity, to heat water, and to heat or cool homes, business or industry. Sunlight is a clean, renewable source of energy. It is a sustainable resource, meaning it doesnt run out, the supplied can be maintained. Coal or gases are not sustainable. Once they are gone, there is none left. Solar, wind, geometrical steam, hydro-electricity and others. It is sometimes called ‘Green Power. How does solar work? Photovoltaic solar cells dirtectly convert sun light in to electricity. The simplest cells are used to operate wristwatches and calculater, an d more complicated systems are used to light houses. PV cells are combined into molecules called arrays, and the number of arrays used determines the amount of electricity produced. For example, a large number of arrays would be needed to generated electricity for a power plant. A power plant can also use a concentrating solar power system where sunlight is focused with mirror to create a intensity heat source to produce steam or mechanical power to run a generator to creates electricity. Solar water heating systemshave two main parts: a solar collector and a storage tank. Generally, the collector is a thin, flat, rectangular box with a transparent cover mounted on the roof, facing the sun. The sun heats anabsorber platein the collector, and this heats the water running through tubes inside the collector. The heated water is pumped or moved by gravity into the storage tank. Solar water heaters can use about two thirds less energy than those of other methods. The Process Sun shining on solar panels produces direct current electricity, or DC, the only kind of power stored in batteries. Often this is 12 volt DC, the standard used in cars and RVs. Larger systems may be designed for 24 volt DC, or sometimes 48 volt DC. This just means combining the same solar panels in pairs for 24 volt, or groups of four to get 48 volt. Windmills and micro-hydro generators in this catalog also produce DC for charging batteries. This DC power is stored in deep cycle lead-acid batteries, which give back the electricity as needed, even when no power is being produced. Like a bank account, power put into batteries over a period of time can be taken out more quickly if a lot is needed. Like a bank account you cannot take out more than you put in, or the account will be depleted. Moreover, lead-acid batteries need to be frequently 100% fully charged to remain in good condition. They should never be drawn completely down to empty. Because of these needs, to get the most years from your batteries requires some supervision by the owner. The inverter is a major component that converts the 12, 24, or 48 volt DC current from the battery into 120 volt AC current, the same as utility power for standard household lights, outlets, and appliances. Most solar homes use primarily 120 volt AC produced by the inverter. A few DC circuits are usually added where using DC can save a lot of energy. If there are a number of consecutive days without sunshine, the owner, being aware of the weather, checks his batteries. If the charge level is low, an engine driven generator may be started to recharge the batteries in order to keep the whole system working. A battery charger plugs into 120 volt AC from the generator producing low voltage DC to charge the battery. The generator is shut down after the batteries have been recharged. This process is automated in some power systems. Battery chargers in Recreational Vehicles are called converters). History Humans have harnessed the power of the sun for millennia. In the fifth century B.C., the Greeks took advantage of passive solar energy by designing their homes to capture the suns heat during the winter. Later, the Romans improved on solar architecture by covering south-facing windows with clear materials such as mica or glass, preventing the escape of solar heat captured during the day. In the late 19th century, inventors and entrepreneurs in Europe and the U.S. developed solar energy technology that would form the basis of modern designs. Among the best known of these inventors are August Mouchet and William Adams. Mouchet constructed the fi rst solar-powered steam engine.7 William Adams used mirrors and the sun to power a steam engine, a technology now used in solar power towers. He also discovered that the element selenium produces electricity when exposed to light. In the last 20 years, solar energy has made further inroads and now is used extensively in off -grid and remote power applications such as data monitoring and communications, well pumping and rural power supply, and in small-scale applications such as calculators and wristwatches. But solar energy has not yet achieved its potential to become a major contributor to world electrical grids. Passive solar heating Some buildings are designed forpassive solar heating, and do not need a solar collector. Basically, passive solar heating is when opportunities are made for the sun to shine into the building to warm it up. The walls and floors are made with materials that absorb and store the suns heat, and they heat up during the day and release the heat at night. This is called direct gain. In cold places in the northern hemisphere big windows are put in the south side of the building, letting in much sunlight. The inside of the buildings are therefore well lit, further reducing use of electricity. Heating bills can be half the size of those for a building requiring electrical or other heating. Building designs make sure that the longest walls run east to west, to allow more sunlight to enter in winter than in summer, with shades and overhangs to reduce summer heat. Solar Cookers Solar cookers can cook just about any food that a conventional oven can. A basic cooker is an insulated box with a glass top. Heat from concentrated sunlight gets trapped in the box and can be used to heat food placed in the box. What is solar energy? Solar is a radiant that is produced by the sun. Every day the sun radiates or sends out, an enormous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one second then people have used since the beginning of time! During nucleus fusion the sun is extremely high pressure and temperature cause hydrogen atoms to come apart and their nuclei (the central cores of the atoms) to fuse or combine. For hydrogen nucleus fuse to become one helium atom contains less mass than four hydrogen atoms that fused. Some matter is loosed during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into space as radiant energy. It takes million of years of the energy in the suns core to make its way to the solar surface and then just a little over eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles to earth. The solar energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. Solar Electricity Solar energy technology is used on both small and large scales to produce electricity. A unique advantage of small-scale solar energy systems is that, if they include storage devices, They may eliminate the need to connect to the electric grid. PV systems power road maintenance And railroad warning signs, flashing school zone lights, area lighting and other devices without expensive power lines or batteries. Off shore oil rigs, navigational aids, water pumps, telecommunication equipment, remote weather stations and data logging equipment also benefit from PV power.16 In 2005, small-scale, off -grid PV-powered devices accounted for about 15 percent of PV capacity installed worldwide.17 In the same year, most installed PV systems  59 percent  provided electricity to homes and buildings connected to the electrical grid.18 The remaining PV systems were installed for use in remote off -grid homes and buildings in industrialized countries and the developing world. Solar Heating Solar systems that heat water for homes and businesses, and passive solar design for buildings of all sizes, both have the same effect on the electric grid as conservation. They do not generate electricity per sec, but reduce the demand for electricity and natural gas. Uses Solar energy has many uses. It can be used to provide heat, light or to generate electricity. Passive solar energy refers to the collection of heat and light; passive solar design, for instance, uses the suns energy to make homes and buildings more energy-effi cient by eliminating the need for daytime lighting and reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. Active solar energy refers to storing and converting this energy for other uses, either as photovoltaic (PV) electricity or thermal energy. Economic Impact In 2006, global solar industry revenues were $10.6 billion.21 Texas specific data for solar industry revenues are not available. The IC2 Institute expects the solar industry to create more jobs and contribute billions of dollars in investment and income to the U.S. economy over the next decade, if long term incentives are offered to encourage the solar industry.22 An IC2 study noted that: †¦since high-tech manufacturing employment in Texas has yet to return to pre-recession levels, the PV manufacturing industry creates an opportunity to generate employment for semiconductor and electric component workers statewide whose jobs have been outsourced offshore. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) estimates that â€Å"every megawatt of solar power currently supports 32 jobs, with 8 of these jobs in system design, distribution, installation and service created where the systems are installed. As utilities begin to charge higher rates for peak load periods, PV systems that generate the most electricity during the hottest time of the day can produce substantial savings on energy costs. Production Sunlight can be converted into heat and electricity in a number of ways. A variety of solar technologies are in production, and many companies and researchers are pursuing efforts to develop devices that convert the suns energy more efficiently. Photovoltaic Energy Photovoltaic cells (PV) are used worldwide to convert sunlight into electricity. The PV cell contains two layers of semiconducting material, one with a positive charge and the other with a negative charge. When sunlight strikes the cell, some photons are absorbed by semiconductor atoms, freeing electrons that travel from the negative layer of the cell back to the positive layer, in the process creating a voltage. The flow of electrons through an external circuit produces electricity. Since individual photovoltaic cells produce little power and voltage  they generate only about one to two watts per cellâ€â€they are connected together electrically in series in a weatherproof module. To generate even more power and voltage, modules can be connected to one another to form a solar panel; solar panels are grouped to form an array. The ability to add additional modules as needed is a significant advantage of PV systems. Solar Thermal Energy Solar thermal energy refers to technologies that use the suns energy to heat water and other heat transfer fluids for a variety of residential, industrial and utility applications. Simple and widely used applications of solar thermal energy include solar water heating, swimming pool heating and agricultural drying. In the U.S., solar pool, water and space heating are currently the major applications of thermal energy. Flat-plate collectors  large, insulated metal boxes with glass or plastic covers and dark heat absorbing plates  are the most common collectors used for home solar water and space heating. Other common varieties are evacuated-tube collectors and integral collector storage systems. All three types gather the suns energy, transform it to heat and then transfer that heat to water, a heat-transfer fluid or air. Flat plate collectors typically are mounted on the roof. Evacuated-tube collectors are sometimes used to heat water, but also have useful commercial and Industrial applications where higher temperatures are required. The most powerful large-scale solar thermal technology, however, is concentrating solar power (CSP). While CSP can be PV-based, it generally refers to three solar thermal systemsâ€â€parabolic troughs, solar dish/engines and power towers each of which is in use or under development today. These systems use mirrors or reflectors to focus sunlight to heat a fluid and make steam, which then is used to generate electricity. At present, only parabolic troughCSP systems are in commercial use in the U.S., with three installations in three states capable of generating 419 MW of electricity in all.45 Trough systems consist of a linear, parabolic-shaped reflector that focuses the suns energy on a receiver pipe, heating a transfer fluid flowing through the pipe; the transfer fluid then generates superheated steam which is fed to a turbine and electric generator to produce electricity. The troughs track the sun from East to West during the day so that the sun is continuously focused on the receiver pipes.[3] Transmission Solar energy diff ers from most energy technologies in that it can be generated on site, reducing or eliminating fuel transportation and electricity transmission and distribution costs. Solar water heating and space heating devices are â€Å"stand-alone†systems that are not connected tothe electric grid. A PV system provides electric power directly to a user and can be used either as a â€Å"stand-alone†power source or connected to the electricity grid. Systems offering this flexibility sometimes are called distributed power generators. By contrast, utility-scale concentrating solar power plants use centralized power plants and transmission lines to distribute electricity to customers. In 2005, off -grid PV systems accounted for about 18 percent of all PV installed worldwide.50 Homes in remote areas can use PV systems for lighting, home appliances and other electrical needs, saving the cost of extending power lines to a remote location. These systems require a storage device to store power generated during the day for nighttime use; typically, this is a lead-acid battery bank. Unlike gasoline-powered generators, PV systems do not require fuel deliveries and are clean and quiet to operate. Net Metering Net metering standards allow owners of qualifying solar energy systems to be compensated for the value of electric energy they produce; they have been proven to promote solar energy systems. The IC2 Institute report that examined opportunities for the development of the Texas PV industry recommended the adoption of retail net metering in the state. Retail net metering credits customers at the utilitys full retail rate for each kWh generated rather than at the utilitys avoided-cost rate, which is lower. COSTS AND BENEFITS Both thermal and PV solar systems can produce electricity at significantly lower costs today than In the U.S., 2006 retail electricity prices for all sectors averaged more than eight cents per kWh, and for residential electricity, the price averaged about 10 cents per kWh.76 By contrast, parabolic troughstyle CSP systems generated electricity at a cost of 12 cents per kWh in 2006, while PV systems generated electricity for about 18 to 23 cents per kWh.77 The retail price of electricity during peak hours, however, can rise to between 25 and 40 cents per kWh in some parts of the U.S., making PV systems more competitive during peak periods.78 PV systems usually generate more electricity during the hottest time of the day, and thus can help to offset the need to add expensive electric generating capacity to satisfy peak demand in warm areas of the country. PV costs per kWh declined significantly over the last 16 years (from more than 45 cents per kWh in 1990 to about 23 cents per kWh in 2006), due primarily to manufacturing economies of scale as well as improved solar cell efficiency .79 The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) notes that â€Å"each doubling in cumulative manufacturing has brought prices down by about 18 percent.†80 In the past five years alone, the world PV industry has grown by an average of 30 percent or more each year. In 2006, the U.S. PV industry expanded by 33 percent, compared to 19 percent for the world.81 The expansion of federal income tax credits for commercial and residential solar energy projects, and state and utility incentives, particularly in California, fueled the U.S. industrys impressive growth in 2006. These federal tax credits, however, are set to expire at the end of 2008, and were not extended by Congress in 2007. A shortage of silicon and growing global demand for solar PV modules led to some cost increases in 2006 and 2007.82 About 90 percent of PV modules today still are made of crystalline silicon (polysilicon), which has been in short supply globally, constraining production and temporarily increasing t he cost of solar cells.83 Polysilicon supplies are expected to remain tight and prices high until new plants under construction are completed.84 Solarbuzz, an international solar energy consulting fi rm, predicts rapid growth in polysilicon capacity through 2011, and a resumption of faster rates of growth for the PV market.85 Unprecedented investment in manufacturing capacity is expected to result in lower PV costs over the long term. The cost of solar modules accounts for 50 to 60 percent of the total installed cost of a PV system, with other system parts, materials, assembly and installation accounting for the remainder.86 PV module costs have declined by about 80 percent over the last decade, but the installation costs have not dropped appreciably in recent years.87 Installation costs vary depending on available sunlight, the typical energy usage of the home and the availability of experienced installers in the area. Unlike other energy sources, however, 90 percent of the cost of a PV system is incurred up front.88 once the system is installed, there are no fuel costs and the system requires little maintenance.
Fame and Glory in Dantes Divine Comedy Essay -- Divine Comedy Inferno
      "What is fame? Fame is but a slow decay Even this shall pass away." Theodore Tilton    The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri, is a poem laden with such Christian themes as love, the search for happiness, and the desire to see God. Among these Christian themes, however, is Dante's obsession with and desire for fame, which seems to be a surprising departure from conventional medieval Christian morality. Indeed, as the poem progresses, a striking contradiction emerges. Dante the writer, in keeping with Christian doctrine, presents the desire for fame and glory among the souls of Inferno in order to replace it with humility among the souls of Purgatorio. Yet this purification of desire is not entirely embraced by Dante, who seems preoccupied with his own personal fame and glory. Therefore, how do we reconcile the seemingly hypocritical stance that the souls must strip themselves of pride and become humble, yet Dante can continue in h is quest for fame and glory and still be saved? This contradiction is developed as the reader and the character Dante travel through Inferno and Purgatorio and is resolved in the second sphere of Paradise. It is this sphere, which allows for fame and glory for honorable reasons, that permits us, as readers, to resolve this tension. It is in this sphere that Dante elucidates that fame is not always bad, but only becomes so when one's motives are impure.  The power of fame and glory is nowhere more powerful than among the souls of Inferno. The importance of earthly fame is particularly apparent in the figures of the several shades who have asked Dante to recall their names and stories on Earth. In fact, it is this promise of fame that induces most of the souls to ... ... of Paradise when we find that fame can have a place in paradise if it is sought for righteous reasons.  Works Cited Ciardi, John, trans. The Divine Comedy. In The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition. Vol. I. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York: W.W. Norton, 1995. Works Consulted Bergin, Thomas Goddard. Dante. New York: Orion P, 1965. ---. Dante's Divine Comedy. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1971. Niven, Larry and Pournelle, Jerry. Inferno. New York: Pocket Books,1976. MacAllister, Archibald T. Introduction. Inferno. By Dante. New York: Mentor, 1954. Pinsky, Robert. The Inferno of Dante. New York: Harper Collins, 1994. Shippey, T.A. "Into Hell and Out Again". Times Literary Supplement, 8 July 1977, .820. Spinrad, Norman. Introduction to Inferno, by Niven and Pournelle. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hercules and Syprus :: essays research papers
Now Heracles had just finished his tweleveth labour when the king said that he has another labour.Hercales is now devistated and angry at the king but he does not show it.He looks up to the king and says "O your highness, haven't you put me into enough danger of your liking?""No!"The king shouted.Heracles was now ready to run away because the king was putting to much pressure on him but he decided to do this one last labour."You will have to go into the village of Athens and there you will ask many people about Syprus,the deadliest dragon ever" Said the king Zeus.Now the king was very satisfied that Heracles fullfilled all his demands but he was'nt satisfied with the quantity of labours."This dragon is so fierce that he can eat the lions of the forests and jungles without even trying.He once had eaten the godess Aphrodite but she had escaped with great courage and strength" said the king."And what are the weaknesses of this fierce and dangerous creature you are talking about oh great one"said Heracles."There are none, I'm afraid"said the king slyly."You will have to kill this dragon and flay it.Then you will put your hands amongst it's long and leathery tail and you will feel for a large rectangular box.You will bring this box to me but you shall not open it.This is your final labour and I wish you to fullfill it or else...."the king said nodding."Well I must be heading my way to the village Athen to do my last labour,do you wish me good luck and safety,o great one?"asked Heracles.The king did not say anything for a moment and then shouted out "Go on before I change my mind to something more worse."But there was'nt anything more worse than the Syprus, so if Heracles stayed the king would just have to make up something.Heracles left and made his way to Athen's.When he got there he asked almost all of the working villagers and all of them pointed him to go into the large cave in the North of Athen's.Heracles went North and found a large cave that can fit the whol e world."By the looks of this cave I can see that the one that I've been looking for has been looking for me"siad Heracles.Heracles went into the cave and took out his large club that he had carved and went to explore.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Rose for Emily :: A Rose For Emily, William Faulkner
â€Å"She would not listen to them (795),†but they listened to her. They listened and watched throughout all of Miss Emily’s life – scowling, sympathizing, and, sometimes, they even smiled for her. These ever-watchful beings, the curious citizens of Jefferson, share and provide a backbone to this twisted tale in William Faulkner’s gothic short story, A Rose For Emily; though the views cast about Miss Emily differ significantly by generation and gender, their opinion conveyed as a whole expresses that they view Miss Emily as a shocking, unacceptable and â€Å"fallen (792)†being. Faulkner’s emphasis on narration drives the mystery farther. Along with the disturbing secret Emily hides, Faulkner conceals the identity of the narrator or narrators. The townsfolk, as a whole, are the narrator, yet throughout the piece it is suggested that the spokesperson for the town changes. For example, in part I, the narration appears to be from a member of the older generation as he or she observes the â€Å"next generation, with its more modern ideas (788)†come to a dissatisfactory conclusion about a resolution for the odor coming from Miss Emily’s estate. However, in part IV it is suggested that the narrator for the townspeople is a woman worrying keening about Emily’s relationship, her material purchases, and the details of her decaying looks. The pronoun â€Å"we†is used instead of â€Å"I†proposing that the opinions stated are the general consensus of the entire town – such as â€Å"we believed that she was fallenâ⠂¬ – the entire town sees her as a failure of what she could have been. When the pronoun â€Å"I†is utilized, this typically expresses that the speaker using â€Å"I†is against the wants of the townsperson speaking or possibly the entirety of the town. â€Å"I†is primarily used by Miss Emily, proving her to be an outcast in the eyes of her society. Judge Stevens also speaks in the first person singular when he fight to defend Miss Emily’s respect – feeling the actions suggested are not â€Å"necessary (790).†The different citizens mold the reader’s thoughts and emotions towards Emily - being as the townsfolk are the reason the story exists. They are an essential part of Emily’s story and thusly their views, whether fully believable or not, must be taken into account on the mystery case that is Miss Emily’s life. The people of Jefferson have always held a certain curiosity for the events in Emily’s life and despite the years the curiosity continued.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Aerophones: Musical Instrument and Small Circular Pieces Essay
The pi is believed to be truly a Thai instrument used since the ancient times. The sound it produces and the blowing technique is unique to the country of Thailand. The basic material for this instrument is hardwood or marble. Its reed comes from small circular pieces of the palmyra leaves tied to a small tube made of silver, bronze, or brass. It is usually played with percussion instruments. Khaen is the most important folk instrument in north Thailand and in Laos. It is made up of fourteen long thin bamboo tubes that are four feet long. The range of the khaen covers two octaves of seven pitches. It is described to produce a drone that is often described as mournful and plaintive. Membranophones The taphon instrument is somewhat similar to the siphon of India. Instead of having it suspended from a strap on the shoulder, that taphon is a drum placed on a stand. It is played with both hands using the palms and the fingers. This instrument is included in the Piphat ensemble. The ramana is a shallow drum that looks like a tambourine without the metallic discs. The diameter of its head is larger than the diameter of its body. Its frame is shallower and narrower than most soup plates. The thon ramana is a bowl-shaped ceramic drum that is used in the Mahori ensemble. Its head is made from various skins of goats, calves, and snakes. It is played with one hand covering and opening the open end of the body in order to control the tone and the other hand tapping the beat. Chordophones The jakhae or jakhe is shaped like a crocodile. Its body is big and hollow in order to resonate the sound of the instrument better. It is placed horizontally on the floor as the player sits on the ground. This instrument has a long neck, a sound box, and three strings attached to pegs. This is Thailand’s most important stringed instrument with the most beautiful sound. The saw sam sai resembles much the Japanese shamisen, but is triangular in shape with a spiked leg. Its body is made from coconut shells and calf-skin. It has three strings with no frets on the neck. The pitch of the string depends on the size of the coconut shell. Idiophones Ranat thum is a box-shaped metallophone that is placed on the floor and played while sitting. It has a range of two-and-a-half octaves that is truck by a padded mallet. Khawng wong lek is a set of gong circles with low pitches that are an octave lower than the khawng wong yai. These tuned gong-kettles are arranged horizontally in a circular frame, where the player sits at the center beating the gongs with two mallets. Khawng wong yai is also a circle of gongs. It is the largest of all the sets of gongs in Thailand. It is composed of 17 knobbed bronze pot-gongs placed into a circular wooden frame. The gong player sits within the circular frame to enable him to strike the gongs with ease. A mallet is used to strike the pot-gongs. The ching chap is a set of percussion instruments likened to a pair of cymbals. It is made out of a thick metal shaped like a tea cup. It is played by hitting both metals together. This musical instrument often emphasizes the duple meter of Thai compositions.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Psychology for Social Care Practice Essay
In this assessment I am going to be writing a case study on Rose. Rose is the youngest of five children, she has one sister and three brothers. Rose has been diagnosed with a rare chromosome deletion on her 22nd chromosome, it is called 22q13 deletion syndrome also known as Phelan Mcdermid syndrome after the doctors Katy Phelan and Heather Mcdermid who first discovered this syndrome whilst studying chromosome 22 and the effect that deletions and mutations has on individuals in the early 1990’s the first person diagnosed was in 1996, currently there are only approximately one thousand people around the world diagnosed, and only one hundred approximately in the uk. It is thought to be massively under diagnosed at present. Phelan Mcdermid syndrome affects individuals by causing disabilities in different ways depending on the size of the deletion, where the deletion is on the 22nd chromosome and other genes in that region that are are affected. Phelan Mcdermid syndrome affects the people diagnosed in differing ways mainly it affects the individual’s speech, a majority of those diagnosed with Phelan Mcdermid syndrome are completely non verbal, it affects mobility ranging from a person never being able to walk or learning at a later stage than would be the usual, it also can cause feeding problems and some people affected suffer from seizures. Rose has a smaller deletion and so her disability is on the milder end of the spectrum. Phelan Mcdermid syndrome affects Rose’s speech ability, also her muscles are weaker and she has coordination problems, she is diagnosed with dyspraxia, and has also recently been diagnosed with autism. Phelan Mcdermid syndrome is a genetic cause of autism. In my opinion although it is a genetic disability that Rose has I feel that there are also nature and nurture issues also involved. I think that as Rose has been encouraged to communicate and also speak that this has helped her immensely, where as other parents with children with Phelan Mcdermid syndrome can be to ready to accept that the child might never speak and might not be as encouraging for their child to become independent. There are other factors also involved, the location where Rose lives she has been lucky to have had a lot of time spent on speech therapy, where as other children living in different locations in the uk and around the world haven’t been as fortunate and so have not been given the same nu rturing that Rose has received both from the local services available but also from her family. Although this is a genetic condition people with this syndrome will still inherit family traits aswell, the hair colour and eye colour for example will be genetically linked to the parents genes. In my opinion although Rose has autism I believe that her being the youngest of five children has been of benefit to her as this has helped with her social skills and for her to be able to share and to take turns, it has benefited her in her being able to be amongst noise and people. If she were perhaps an only child she would have had to have been taught some of these skills which she has been able to learn naturally. Rose is seven years old, she is a pretty little girl with a lovely nature.When Rose was born she appeared to be â€Å"normal†she met all her first milestones, sitting up and walking on time, it was only when she turned two and wasn’t developing her speech that her parents started to worry and took her to the GP who then referred Rose to a paediatrician. The paediatrician took a blood sample which was sent away for testing and the parents were called back to be informed of Rose’s diagnosis just before her third birthday. Due to some chromosome abnormalities being inherited the parents both had blood tests, in this case it was a de novo which means it was not genetically inherited from the the parents. From the age of three Rose started speech therapy, she has also had physiotherapy and occupational health input. Rose attends a mainstream school at the moment and has additional teaching support, she has learning difficulties but is making small steps of progress i n her learning. Rose is behind for her age in her learning by about 3 years in my opinion, she is still struggling with learning to read, write and count. Although Rose has autism she is a friendly and sociable little girl. In my opinion this has been nurtured within her home background as she has the older siblings from whom she has benefited being around, and having four siblings it has been a busy household in terms of Rose being exposed to meeting new people, although as her siblings are all older than her by a number of years Rose is more comfortable around older people than she is within her own peer age groups, causing Rose to have some difficulties in forming friendships with other children her own age. One of the physiological theories that would apply to Rose would be Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for Rose to be able to develop to her full potential. This would include her basic physiological needs being met, for example Rose will need to have activities incorporated into her day to help build her muscle strength but equally she needs to have plenty of rest so as not to suffer with fatigue. She needs guidance in her safety needs as she is not able to to make safe choices yet for example when it would be safe to cross the road or when it is appropriate and to which adults to show affection, these would be taking care of her psychological and physical safety needs. Also due to Rose having autism she is very keen on having routine and familiarity. Rose needs to be able to be loved and have a sense of belongingness so she is able to learn to trust and to accept people, she needs to be a part of groups and she does this by attending a local dance school and has recently performed in her annual dance show presentation, and as Rose has a large family she has a sense of belonging. Esteem needs are another of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, these mean that Rose needs to feel respected, she also needs to have self-respect and self-esteem, these are issues that are currently being dealt with at school following a meeting about how to help Rose integrate more with her peers, one of the ideas is that the other children are included with things that Rose likes to do, this will then not make Rose feel like she has to conform to the â€Å"rules†and â€Å"structures†being imposed by the other children but will help the other children integrate with Rose. Rose is having her cognitive needs being met by her having one to one support to help her with her learning by helping her to stay focused and to concentrate on tasks she is given in her class. I feel that Rose just touches into Aesthetic needs as she is autistic she likes to have order and symmetry, she likes to keep her room tidy and also likes to line things like her toy animals into lines. Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers is another theory which can be applied to Rose as he talks about the healthy person and the unhealthy person, I feel that for Rose to be able to be a healthy person and to be able to be as fully functioning an individual as she is able to, it is important for Rose to feel accepted for who she is. This means that she is accepted for being who she is without any expectations or conditions placed on her, Rose is loved unconditionally within her family and the whole family accept her for who she is. It is also important for Rose not to become an unhealthy person by altering herself and her behaviour to conform to unrealistic expectations, Rose will over time need a lot of help to be able to cope with and identify her different feelings, she will need positive encouragement to build her self-esteem and her self-worth. When Rose was six she became an Aunty as her older sister had a baby boy, Rose has been very excited by this, she has adapted well to a new member of the family, she then welcomed another nephew into the family only ten months later. Rose has been very accepting of her new nephews and her families involvement in helping her older sister in looking after the two boys. Unfortunately sometimes it can be difficult for Rose to realise that the babies are not able to understand the difference between her toys and theirs and she can become frustrated at this. She is also having to learn how to play with the babies as she is not really used to people younger than herself. Rose is very loving towards the boys and wants to be involved in helping to look after them, she likes to be able to give the older baby his lunch and likes to hold his hand while he is still learning how to walk. Rose has also dealt with bereavement as the first baby her sister was expecting sadly passed away, this was explained to Rose that the baby had gone to heaven and that she is now an Angel. It is difficult to know exactly how Rose feels about this and how much she understands, but she was very upset and if she saw a baby for a while after would refer to the Angel baby that is in heaven and she would tell people about the baby girl. Rose has also dealt with her two older siblings moving out of the family home to set up their own homes, she has been a bit lost at times and has missed having the oldest two at home especially her older sister as she is very attached to her. Due to Rose’s communication difficulties her sister is very good at being able to understand what she is trying to say. Rose now enjoys going and having a sleep over at her big sisters and it is also encouraging her independence by her being able to stay away from home. It will be be important for Rose’s future for her to be able to continue to have the opportunities available for her to continue to grow as a person.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Organizational Levels
1) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. In my opinion refining is the most appropriate leadership challenge for the above scenario. Developing superior graphic design products and services through Innovation, teamwork and leadership is Listo’s mission. Due to the expansion of the company teamwork and leadership have been affected most. New employees are less trained thus, they lack proper leadership quality. People in habit of working for a small company where they knew each and everyone suddenly had to work for a large company where their opinions and values were not concerned. Thus keeping in mind of these situations refining in management is required in Listo to achieve its mission. 2 )Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 2: Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response Listo’s mission is to develop superior graphic design product through innovation, teamwork and leadership. Due to sudden change in the management, employees’ adaptation in the new environment has been difficult. So shaping the management as per the company’s mission is the appropriate leadership challenge response 3) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 3: Departments (Units) and Key Results (Success Factors). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Involving, Facilitating, or Communicating? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Communicating is the appropriate leadership challenge response for the above scenario. Addition of new layers to the hierarchy creates new chain of commands which results confusion. So proper communication channels should be established regarding the new management system. 4) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 4: Teams (Groups) and Goals (Objectives). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Focusing, Unifying, or Connecting? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Connection of new hires with the previous employees is required for the team to direct towards achieving goals. If the employees are connected with each other than by implementing motivation theories they can be made unified and focused so priority should be given in connecting people. 5) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 5: Individuals (People) and Tasks (Jobs). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Enabling, Engaging, or Empowering? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Empowering the employees is the best option for the above case scenario. Increase in the turnover rates and absent leaves suggests that employees have lost their energy and passion working for the company. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of concern management has shown towards the employees. Empowering employees makes them feel of importance and the fact company giving them an important responsibility generates a desire and passion to fulfill the task effectively.
Organization Methods
Organizational methods and tone used in Douglas Todd’s â€Å"Beware the Boredom Boom†Douglas Todd’s essay â€Å"Beware the Boredom Boom†is a logically organized piece about the often minimized plague of boredom eating away at society. The topic he is approaching in this essay is one that could be easily dismissed by any serious reader, and so it must be treated carefully and written in such a way that creates interest without over or under dramatizing the problem.I am going to discuss Todd’s organizational methods and tone as they lend to the overall effectiveness of the essay. Todd begins his essay with a couple of brief stories about people in the mall experiencing boredom. This is a solid introduction, as story-telling is pretty much a certain way to spark readers’ interests. Todd then branches into a brief description of boredom over the course of human history, as described by major historical figures.This is where he is building his c ase for boredom as a legitimate topic of academic discussion, and then he finally dives into the content of his essay. â€Å"Boredom is not a subject to be treated tongue-in-cheek. Boredom matters†(pp. 503). Here, with the introduction of his thesis, he is demanding that his readers take the subject seriously, telling them outright that boredom is not a joke and he is not about to treat it casually.He used the device of storytelling to give a light-hearted, interest-sparking appeal to his essay, only to later disallow the topic to be treated in a flippant way at all. This further promotes the reader’s interest by catching him off-guard. Todd really needed to jolt the reader like this in order to force him to take seriously a topic that many understand as being frustrating but benign. Once he has the reader’s attention, Todd is able to start presenting his argument for boredom as a chronic syndrome having an increasingly negative effect on our society.He cites v arious studies and scientific figures as a means of building his case for the deeply-impacting negative effects of boredom, outlining what a truly serious and potentially devastating problem it really is. He also directly addresses the seeming paradox of boredom becoming such a prevalent plague in a society which is constantly bombarded with various forms of stimulation and ever-experience-enhancing advancing technology. â€Å"Plugged in at home and on the street to TV, the Internet, laptops, DVDs, cell phones and MP3s, many young people are becoming merely reactive†(pp.XXX). In fact, through his carefully presented research and thoroughly articulated arguments, Todd is able to effectively show the reader just how it is those very elements are what is causing, promoting, and perpetuating this increasingly threatening downward spiral of aimless boredom. Todd’s organizational method here was highly effective, because he is effectively able to grab the reader’s at tention right from the beginning, and, once he had it, he is able to maintain that attention through his various examples of scientific research, personal testimonies, and direct quotes.This organizational method also succeeded in forcing the reader to take the subject matter seriously, which was Todd’s primary goal. He was also able to succeed in doing this with his writing style and tone. Todd’s tone throughout this piece is slightly humorous while also remaining very serious. His tone can seem light-hearted at times, and his personal voice is ever present in his word choice and sentence construction: â€Å"It was impossible to be bored in hard-scrabble primitive days because the fight for survival kept you forever on your toes†(pp. XXX).However, this light-hearted writing style is yet another device that Todd employs in order to keep his reader’s attention. It is through his witty remarks that the reader is able to more fully understand the points he is making. As in the example stated above, while it does seem like a sarcastic side comment, this is yet another idea that forces the reader to pause and really think about the argument Todd has presented: after a brief reflection, this â€Å"sarcastic†comment makes perfect sense, and seems to succinctly explain how exactly people got to be so terribly bored.Todd’s essay is very effective at treating the â€Å"problem†of boredom in a serious and engaging way. His writing style is clear, concise, and simple. His organization is very structured and creates an appropriate step-by-step approach to the idea of something as common as boredom actually being a social plight. His tone carries the reader through in a way that was helpful and guiding while also being challenging, forcing the reader to really think.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Black Fly Beverage Company Essay Example for Free
Black Fly Beverage Company Essay Black Fly Beverage Company is a small beverage company based in London Ontario. The company has achieved recent success in the selling and promoting of their first alcoholic beverage, the cranberry/blueberry vodka cooler. The immediate success of this product presents two critical issues that the company must address. These critical issues are: †¢Black fly must expand its product mix in order to capture a larger market share in order to compete with larger established brands within the market place †¢Black Fly must also address capacity issues that will arise with an increase in demand or introduction of a new flavor Analysis. Current Situation Black Fly’s cranberry-blueberry vodka cooler has been well received by consumers due to its natural tasting ingredients and no chemical sweeteners producing a premium product different than existing similar beverages. The company now must take this opportunity to give their consumers another product to further explore the brand. Attempting to penetrate deeper within their current product will not allow its customers to further explore their favorite brand of vodka cooler. This will cause Black Fly to begin to lose their customers to other competing companies that offer multiple products and flavors (see exhibit 9). Black Fly also must also address the company’s capacity issues in order to allow them to meet the LCBO’s average order lead-time of seven days. At full capacity Black Fly is meeting the required lead time with minimal margin of error to account for delays, however, during the holiday season, which will occur as early as next month, the company will not be able to keep up with the increase in demand and will fail fulfill the LCBO’s order in time (see exhibit 7). Options The first option available to Black Fly would be to expand its product mix with the addition of a new flavor to compliment their existing cooler. The company will be able to take advantage of economies of scale through the current production; therefore a minimal cost of $30,000 will only be needed to cover development and merchandising fees. To cover this initial cost Black Fly will have to sell an additional 127 cases a month to break even, an increase of 10. 58% (see exhibit 2). It has been projected that adding another flavor to the product line could increase sales by 50 to 75 percent. This projected increase in sales would produce an annual expected ROI of 373% and 609% respectively (see exhibit 5). If however sales increased by only 10% due to the risk of cannibalization of their original recipe then the expected ROI would be -5% (see exhibit 5). This increase in sales however will put additional strain on the company’s current capacity (see exhibit 8). A second option to Black Fly would be the addition of a new specialty spirit-based product called â€Å"Spiked Ice†. This packaged ready to freeze cooler would be a non-competing product to the already successful cranberry-blueberry vodka. An advantage to this product is that there is no other product similar to it out in the marketplace. The LCBO has also committed to sell 8,000 cases of the product over the four summer months, which would produce revenues of $277,200 (see exhibit 3). Over this four month period this option will produce an ROI of 15% (see exhibit 6). To produce â€Å"Spiked Ice†the company however will have to purchase expensive machinery costing $500,000 and spend an additional $40,000 on merchandising and product development. To cover these costs Black Fly would have to sell an additional 7,585 cases of â€Å"Spiked Ice†(see exhibit 4). This may prove difficult as this new product is very seasonal producing higher sales in the summer months and potentially smaller sales in the fall and winter months, a time in which the LCBO has not committed to sell this product at this time. Another disadvantage to this option is the space that this new machinery would occupy in the already small warehouse. Black Fly’s current facilities cannot produce â€Å"Spiked Ice†and the original vodka simultaneously which would result in Black Fly loosing monthly revenues of $23,641 (see exhibit 1). Recommendation It is apparent that Black Fly must attempt to offer a variety of products to enhance its product mix and to keep current customers from trying other flavors offered by other competitors. At this time the best way to proceed with this will be to launch a new flavored vodka to compliment the already successful cranberry-blueberry vodka. The low initial costs and economies of scale gained through this option will allow Black Fly to introduce this new flavor quickly and efficiently to capitalize sales during the upcoming holiday season. To help address the concern of future capacity issues it would be recommended that Black Fly hire two more part-time workers and to run the production process seven days a week. This will be possible due to the expected high ROI associated with this option. This increase in production will allow the company to complete six full runs amounting to 3000 cases within the seven day lead time required by the LCBO ( see exhibit 10). In the future it will become necessary to upgrade to a larger facility and at that time it would be beneficial to begin producing â€Å"Spiked Ice†, however at this current time, given the company’s limited time in the market, it is suggested that Black Fly only pursue the launching of a new flavor. After the company has received sales from the holiday season the company will then be able to better address the possibility of relocating to a new warehouse and address their plans for â€Å"Spiked Ice†for the upcoming summer months. Black Fly Beverage Company. (2017, Feb 27).
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